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One Last Goal for 2013

On 12/06/2013 at 10:08 AM by transmet2033

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I have a plan. So far this year I have finished somewhere in the vicinity of 30 games. This list of games spans nearly all the generations of gaming starting with the NES. I say nearly because I have not finished anything from the N64/PSOne era or the "next-gen." With 3 weeks left in 2013 I am going to try to finish a game from each of those eras.

I have already started Call of Duty Ghosts. While I am not the biggest Call of Duty fan, I am still going to try to finish the campaign. It may not be the best game I have played so far this year, but Ghosts is mindlessly fun. Sometimes we need those types of games. As far as the PSOne era of gaming is concerned, I started up Toy Story 2. It is a weird choice, but I had fun with the game when I was younger and thought that it would be a quick game to finish. If it becomes too much of a chore I will probably pull out my N64 and play Mario 64 or Ocarina of Time. 

Switching topics a little... I figured out that I had missed the N64/PSOne era because I compiled a list of games that I played throughout the year. It is a rough list, but I was curious as to the games from 2013 that I had finished this year. So, I made a big list of games separated out into the year that they were released. It turns out that I had only finished six 2013 releases. This surprised me a little bit because I always felt that I kept up with games a little more than that. I looked back at 2012 releases that I finished in 2012 and then the same with 2011. It turns out that 2011 and 2012 were even worse than 2013.

So, I am disappointed at how well I keep up with brand new games. At the same time I am happy about it. Of the six 2013 releases that I finished this year, none of the were crap. In fact, most of them were pretty darn awesome with Blackgate being the weakest game I finished.

It would appear that I have gotten to the best point anybody could when it comes to videogames. I seem to only pick up the games that truly interest me, and that I will enjoy. I used to go out and pick up games just because they were critically acclaimed. Thankfully I have learned better. Just because GTAV is one of the best rated games, does not mean that I will like it. Blackgate has recieved middling scores, but I knew that I would like it because of the games that inspired it.

I am looking forward to another awesome year of gaming in 2014. One that is filled with games that I will love. Hopefully I will be able to play games from each generation of gaming again. (Yes, I will ignore anything prior to the NES because I can)



Matt Snee Staff Writer

12/06/2013 at 10:21 AM

you're more productive than I am at finishing games, that's for sure!  

The PSONE era is my favorite.  I love PSONE JRPG's, and I had a lot of fun with N64 too.  


12/09/2013 at 09:53 AM

If I played a lot more jRPGs that productivity would drop significantly.  Those are the types of games that I enjoy, but rarely finish.  Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross are the only two that I know for a fact that I have finished.


12/06/2013 at 11:43 AM

I was interested in GTA 5 when it came out.  It was hard to ignore all the hype surrounding it. Then I realized that I didn't care for GTA 4 that much, and could simply play Vice City again. I refuse to pay $65 for a new game anymore. There are much cheaper alternatives out there. This sounds like a good plan. There ain't nothing wrong with playing old games!


12/09/2013 at 10:05 AM

I bought a couple of my games at full price this year, but those were the handheld games so they were only 40.  I waited until Metro dropped to 40 before jumpin on it, and Bioshock came out around my birthday and I had a couple giftcards to use up.

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

12/06/2013 at 12:07 PM

I haven't well with keeping up new releases for a while now.  The only new game I purchased this year as soon as it come out was the Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection.  That's it.  I'm always gehind the curve when it comes to new games.


12/09/2013 at 09:55 AM

If I still had a PS3 I would have grabbed that game as well.  I could always use another copy of MGS3.  I already have 3 for the PS2 and one for the 360.  I could always use another copy on the PS3 and Vita.


12/06/2013 at 01:32 PM

The first half of year for me was all about older stuff. I would start projects like playing cheap games for achievements that would take me away from new releases. I ended up buying some new games that I still haven't gotten to as a result. The second half of the year I kinda gave up on the old stuff and focused on my more recent purchases first. My rule about that is when a new game comes out that I really want to play, I have to drop whatever I was playing and start the new one. Like last month, I got Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus and will play it until Halo: Spartan Assault drops on Xbox Live this month. Finished or not, I'm moving on to Halo.

Looks like there's nothing interesting in January, so I'll have a nice long time to utterly destroy Halo: Spartan Assault and maybe dig into my enormous backlog.


12/09/2013 at 09:56 AM

My year has been a little different.  It seems to have been bookend with newer stuff.  I finished up last years big releases early 2013 and then moved into the older stuff and am now playing newer stuff like CoD and A Link Between Worlds.


12/06/2013 at 02:31 PM

Well for the first part of the year I played some older and newer games beat Disgea after 3 years of playing it played alot of ps2 and classic 360 games then as of october it was new games that I like and know I like GTA5 was awesome had a blast with that one then Xcom enemy within and Xcom the Bureau and beat Diablo III and Castlevania SoTN and im still playing Assassin’s Creed Black Flag and State of Decays add on Breakdown which are both fantastic games. So im very excited for tax time im getting a ps3 and a ton of SRPGs and number 1 on my list is Valkarie Chronicles.  Wink


12/09/2013 at 09:57 AM

I played the Valkyrie Chronicles demo and enjoyed it enough to pick it up.  Then I set it down on the shelf and never picked it back up.  I am somewhat regretting that right now.


12/06/2013 at 08:38 PM

Is Blackgate to short? I want to play it.


12/09/2013 at 09:59 AM

Blackgate is a respectable length in my eyes.  I put a total of 12 hours into it over the course of two playthroughs.  I finished 90% of the main storyline before having to give up because of a stupid glitch.  I had put 7 hours in at that point.  I then restarted and put another 5 hours replaying the game.


12/09/2013 at 10:24 AM

Ugh! Is it a game wide glitch? I guess no patch for it either.


12/09/2013 at 10:32 AM

It is pretty simple to avoid though.  So it is not really a game breaker, just an annoyance.  The thing is that you need to follow the Penguin down the elevator.  I exited that section of the level to come back to it later because I wanted to finish him off last.  When I did come back I was unable to go down the elevator for some stupid reason.  So, just go down the elevator and you should be fine. 


12/06/2013 at 10:03 PM

I have no delusions about how many new games I play in their year of release, except first-party Nintendo games. I often pick those up right away or at least as soon as I can. I played BioShock Infinite when it first came out. What else...? Usually I get to the end of the year and am not sure what I played that year anyway. That's one of the reasons I'm excited that I kept up with my backloggery. I'll actually be able to see everything I played this year.


12/09/2013 at 10:03 AM

I did use backloggery to try and help me figure out what I finished this year.  I just don't keep up with it all that much.  Now that I have cleared a lot of games out of my backlog thanks to unplugging my 360 it is a little easier to keep track of what I still need to play.  Most of the games are handheld.

I completely agree, Nintendo games tend to be day one purchases.  Or at least as soon as I can get them.  They stay up there in price for a couple of years, so it makes little difference when you get them.


12/07/2013 at 01:37 PM

Well, atleast you're better at progresing through games than me. I haven't even advanced that much into Etrian Oddesey and Pokemon Platinum, yet I recently got the urge to buy Phoenix Wright and Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles and now i'm playing those and left alone the other two. 


12/09/2013 at 10:04 AM

I do my best to focus on one game at a time.  Or at least one game per system.  I have Call of Duty on my PS4, Toy Story 2 on the Vita and I have been on and off again working through Kid Icarus on the 3DS.


12/10/2013 at 11:48 AM

Wow, you're certainly more productive than I am, that's for sure! Even though I'm mainly focused on my 3DS at the moment, there's still a lot of games I haven't gotten to yet.


12/10/2013 at 12:31 PM

Looking through these comments, I was a little surprised to find out how productive I actually have been this year.  Even though I got a 3DS midway through the year, I have probably spent the most amount of time with it compared to my other consoles.  Which is a really scary thought.


12/12/2013 at 03:45 PM

ah don't sweat it. your still young and I'm sure those games won't go anywhere. Theres's nothing wrong with plaing games all your life till all you can do at the nursing home is sit in your bed and play games as your being fed thru a straw inserted into your arm.

or that could be just me....


12/19/2013 at 11:56 PM

The Batman: Arkham Origins games were disappointing, Blackgate being a huge missed opportunity on the handhelds as well.


12/20/2013 at 09:07 AM

I still enjoyed Blackgate.  I know that there were problems with it, but they did enough good in my eyes to overlook some of them.

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/21/2013 at 12:21 AM

I'd be very interested to see that full list of games and maybe some reviews of them, perhaps in the context of what they each say about the era they came from. I'd read that blog if you wrote it, for sure. I wonder if I'd feel the same way about Toy Story for SNES as you might about Toy Story 2. I definitely remember playing the SNES game a lot, but I also remember that RC Car level being the devil of alternate control hell. I share your disinterest for CoD, though; to the point I'm not sure I can enjoy it even on the "dumb fun" level that you claim to enjoy it on. Maybe that comes from boring, music-less multiplayer matches, though. I have a feeling I'd like these games more if I experienced the single player campaigns. 

I actually pride myself with keeping up with movies, and last year I may as well have been a professional critic. But, aside from seeing Catching Fire today, I barely caught much of anything released this year. I'm not upset about it, though, aside from missing out on seeing Gravity in theaters. I have money in my pocket that I didn't spend going to movies with friends while I was still taking Graduate classes, and plenty of time over this winter break for my family to take me to the Hobbit, Wolf of Wall Street, American Hustle, or whatever else I may want to see.

I have been awful with keeping up with video games the past few years though, because I simply can't justify the expense of them. Luckily, now I have a good laptop, so Steam and its sales should help me play more than just online Tetris and other free, streaming retro games. Hopefully, I can find at least a few gems, as you have these past few years.

Six actually sounds like a high number to me as far as games finished in a year. I've certainly rented more than that some years, but I tend to only finish short rentals or games I own, and I don't own too many games to begin with. 

I know what you mean about playing review scores against your own interests. I asked for Golden Sun one year for Christmas on the basis of its amazing review scores, completely ignoring that I really dislike turn-based combat JRPGs for the most part. I figured "well, I liked Paper Mario, Super Mario RPG and Pokemon at least ok, and this looks real pretty and has great reviews, so it must be so amazing that even I'll love it."

I actually used to have way more fun with games EGM gave 7.0s or similar to, like Sly Cooper, etc., and at one point started regarding games they gave 7.0s to higher than those they gave 8.0s when making my rental decisions. I think they might have docked points for something not having enough replay value or being meaty enough, but since I was just renting for the mostpart, that didn't bother me. 

I've since learned to see reviews as the subjective texts they really are, and pay more attention to why a certain Metacritic or Rottentomatoes score is given than what that score is, if I'm interested in whatever is being reviewed. For the most part, anyway. There are definitely instances where I say to myself, "I'll go see or play this only if it gets a high rating."  I'm usually right to do that though, so it works for me, I guess.

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