The Death Of Console Gaming? I think not.......
Just wanted to do a short blog here to start off with. I'll have to brush up on my HTML skills so I can add visuals to future blogs. But I wanted to weigh in on a subject that has been on my mind lately. Some game journalists and industry types have made a bold prediction. That this next generation of consoles may be the last. That we are headed for a future of digital downloads. No actual physical disk to enshrine on your shelves anymore,no sir. Too costly and time consuming to produce games on disks and ship them worldwide. Considering we have two new consoles just on the horizon it seems far fetched too many that this will be our future. But I do know that Sony wants it to be. Don't know about Microsoft,but they seem to be moving us in that direction.
Here's how I feel about it. I love my consoles and my games in cases. I love the books that come inside of them. I love the artwork and books with artwork from those games. No,I am not a hoarder. i swear to you,I just like my stuff. All digital game collections do not seem feasible to me. It would make me feel too vulnerable. That someone could somehow hack into my account and then wipe me out! Perhaps Sony has safeguards in mind to prevent that? Don't forget how PSN got hacked.....twice! Real people lost real money in that fiasco. Do we really want people stealing our game content? I sure as hell don't. Technology advances whether we like it or not. Sometimes it's a good thing with positive outcome for all. Other times it enrages consumers to the point where they switch brands altogether. Fortunately the tipping point is a way off at the moment. While I embrace digital download titles,nothing can replace the experience of unwrapping a new game and cracking the case open. And knowing that your game will reside safely upon your shelf. Would love to know how you feel on this subject.