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What I Want From The Elder's Scrolls VI

On 12/13/2013 at 03:49 AM by Blake Turner

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 This highly untopical blog is brought by someone who doesn't care about topicality. Seriously, topicality is more theoretical than practical, much like Christopher Reeves ability to walk, or Michael J Fox's ability to paint straight lines. To bring those references back to 2013, isn't it sad that Eminem is still using those jokes on the Marshall Mathers LP 2? I mean the lead singer of the Lostprophets tried to fuck a baby, you've got nothing on that?

 Anyway, back on topic, I've been playing Morrowind - because as we've established, fuck topicality - and I can't help but wonder where the series should go next. The reason Morrowind stands out is because of the world. Oblivion and Skyrim obviously have better combat. Hell, Proteus has better combat than Morrowind. Ninety percent of combat in Morrowind is you standing in front of someone pressing attack and missing 80% of all attacks, like Chris Brown trying to punch Rhianna with the lights out. TOPICALITY! And Racism...



Morrowind has a sense of place that neither the bland genericism of Oblivion or the slightly less bland genericism of Skyrim could capture. Morrowind is unique. Not only is it unique, it's fucking weird. That's what I love about The Elder's Scrolls universe, it features some seriously batshit stuff, but we focus on the boring places because they're more accessible, and apparently people can't relate to a land full of talking cats despite the fact that supposed "Cat Ladies" are fucking everywhere. Seriously, I'm a Cat Lady with a penis. Cats are better than dogs, I said it.

 Holy shit, I can't go three sentences without a tangeant can I? Let's just cut to the chase, these are the things I want from the new Elder's Scrolls game.


Elsweyr. The Black Marsh. Valenwood. Fuck it, why not leave Tamriel? We could go to Akavir! I mean there are a race related to the Khajiit who tried to become dragons, who are ruled over by one that ACTUALLY BECAME A FUCKING DRAGON! That sounds like a great place to set it. Not to mention the fact that it has a more oriental flavour, doing away with the typical fantasy tropes that dominate the genre.

 Back in Tamriel, Valenwoond could be cool. The problem is that most of it is forest and jungle, although I'm sure the writers could do something there, trees aren't exactly the most permantent thing on the planet. Then again, some of the trees here are big enough to house cities. I mean that could be cool right?

 I think the Summerset Isles would be a great place to set it, because so little is known about the geography that the creators could have a ball with it. It's also run by the Aldmeri Dominion, meaning NAZIS! The only problem is that it's a monocultural society, meaning pretty much only elves. The same problem exists in The Black Marsh, due to it being so inhospitable that Argonians are the only ones that really live there. That land sounds so interesting though... there are sentient trees after all. As long as they don't talk like the fucking Ent we should be fine.

 Finally, there's Elsweyr, which is probably the best place to set it, as it's the homeland of the Khajiit, the politics of the land are quite interesting and morally ambiguous, the world has everything from jungle, to deserts, to gorgeous coatlines, and... well, it just seems the most sensible place to set it. Actually, could we get Obsidian to make it instead? Bethesda don't really know how to do morally ambigious...

 Just for the love of god, don't set it in High Rock, that place seems boring as shit.

Gameplay Changes

 Firstly, can we have an option to make the game more like Morrowind? By that, I mean an option where we can turn off fast travel and turn off map markers and a compass, and rely on details given to find stuff. I want it to be optional, because hey, not everyone has the time for that, but I genuinely believe that it makes the world feel more alive. It makes you get to know the cities and surrounding areas better, as you have to look for landmarks. It also means you can legitimately get lost and have to go looking for something familiar, or find a sign post. It means that you spend more time being immersed in the game, and less time staring at menues. 

 Secondly, can we bring back classes, and minor and major skills? I liked that system a lot more than Skyrims, although I'd like to keep Skyrim's overall levelling system, and just improve it in small ways. Also, bring back spears! And throwing weapons! Why the fuck did you take those away? Oh, and the bartering system from Morrowind! Maybe not the persuade system, because that was bullshit - unless you could get to know the character and try to get them to like you so you could get stuff out of them - but bartering and trying to see how cheap you could buy something and how much you could sell it for was great!

 I'd also like more time wasting activities that don't serve any purpose other than to immerse you in the world. Make the hunting system more worthwhile. Include fishing. Maybe have some games you could play at bars. Stuff like that! Oh, and let us sell stolen stuff to people! I like the system in Morrowind where you could sell it to other people, but not to the person you stole it from or he'd realise. Maybe this could be expanded, so that people will notice stuff is missing and try and track it down, or alert the authorities so you'd have to go to another town to sell it. Oh, and give us worthwhile stuff to buy. Money is so easy to come by and there's fuck all to spend it on.

 One more thing. If you make it so I have to sit in a cart for 10 minutes before I can make a character again, I will fucking gut you.

 Anyway, what do you think the next elder's scrolls game should include?




12/13/2013 at 08:29 AM

I tried playing Morrowind, but the interface confused me. I couldn't figure out how to do anything, and was too damn lazy to look it up lol. That's a good point about taking out fast travel though. I skipped ahead quite a bit in Skyrim, and can't help but feel like I missed a lot. All I want is for it NOT to be buggy ass, half finished piece of crap upon release.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/13/2013 at 06:36 PM

It's called Mods Aaron. Also, in this current gen, everything is released unfinished. Just look at Battlefield 4.

 The interface is only really onfusing to those who don't play RPG's and can be modded quite easily.


12/13/2013 at 07:07 PM

Yeah. I know. That's one of the many reasons why I don't care for next gen. I'm gonna try Morrowind again sometime though. I didn't mess with it too much because the interface and what not of Oblivion and Skyrim seemed vastly more improved.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/13/2013 at 10:17 PM

Yeah, you can mod the interface so it's easier, and also add a lot of things from later titles, which makes it easier for people who started at Oblivion.


12/14/2013 at 07:48 AM

I play tons of RPGs and I found the interface confusing as all get out, too. Aaron, go to gamefaqs and look up the newbie guide. It will have you make a throwaway character and walk you through a few things at the beginning to get you started. then you get rid of that character and make your own.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/14/2013 at 11:19 PM

 I don't understand that. It's the same as most Wester RPGs. The on;y thing I had trouble adjuting to was that you had to press right click in order to open a menu. Other than that, it opens your inventory, map and stats. Press J for your quests and that's really it.

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

12/13/2013 at 09:24 AM

The first-person view reminds me of King's Field on the PlayStation.  I haven't played that game in a long, long time.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/13/2013 at 06:38 PM

I want to play them, because I here Demon's Souls is like a spiritual successor to it, and the Souls games are like the best things ever made.


12/13/2013 at 09:54 AM

Anywhere where humans are the minority would be awesome.  

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/13/2013 at 06:38 PM

Damn straight!


12/13/2013 at 11:06 AM

I started this series with Morrowind back around 2002 and played 4 & 5 a ton as well, and back when I was into Morrowind my dream was going to Skyrim, but that dream already came true so now it's time to focus on where to go next. I'd like them to choose a setting that can show a wider variety of weather and color palettes within the overall visual aesthetic. Each game has had its own unique visual style that's absolutely beautiful, but becomes harder to appreciate over time because it's all you see. Eventually the browns on Morrowind got old to look at, the identical green trees and gold hills of Oblivion got more bland over time, and even though I think Skyrim has my favorite geography and colors of all the games (I particularly love the aspen trees, autumn colored areas, the auroras, and the Yellowstone Park-esk area south of Windhelm with the geysers) the charcoal and blue still gets old to look at after a couple dozen hours.

I hope in the next gen they can find a continent that can show a variety of colors and weather instead of just, "This game is the one about sandstorms, this next one is the game about trees, and our next game is the one about snow." I wonder if they can find a single province to represent a variety of visuals and interesting conflicting cultures, or make a game where certain areas of multiple provinces are all in the same game. It'll be Elder Scrolls VI: Border Crossings.

On a side note I'd like to learn more about Akavir where the elves are, as well as Atmora where the humans originally came from but left because of an ice age long ago or something, and they left to migrate to Skyrim.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/13/2013 at 06:41 PM

I don't want the game to bigger, because that'll mean a sacrifice in detail. This is why I want it to be set in Akavir, because it's a new continent that isn't 100% defined, so there's creative leeway there.


12/13/2013 at 11:22 AM

I own Morrowind and Oblivion and plan to get Skyrim.  I still have yet to play any Elder Scrolls game.  

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/13/2013 at 06:36 PM

Wtf. Really? You've played Fallout 3 though right?


12/13/2013 at 08:17 PM

Yeah, I played Fallout 3 a few months ago.  Great game.  There were a lot of glitches in the dlc though. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/14/2013 at 11:54 PM

If you liked Fallout, you really should like the elders scrolls. Try it man, you won't regret it! Unless... time is a concern for you lol.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

12/13/2013 at 12:12 PM

I want Fallout 4.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/13/2013 at 06:38 PM

It's been announced. It'll be set around Boston.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

12/13/2013 at 07:29 PM

I know. It's still not in my PS4. So I want it.


12/13/2013 at 12:33 PM

I want merchants to have all their stock somewhere in the store again, instead of hidden away in invisible chests. Thieving in ES hasn't been worthwhile after Morrowind. 

Bring back the spell maker and expand the spell list. The spell assortment in Skyrim is pitiful. So bland. And take some cues from Dragon's Dogma on how to make spellcasting interesting and nuanced (different cast times, animations), instead of the typical run-backwards-while-spamming tactics.

Bigger, labyrinthine dungeons. They can keep some linear dungeons, for variety's sake. But big, sprawling dungeons should be part of that variety. We're supposed to be going on an adventure here.

And in those dungeons, there should be a chance to find unique weapons or armor, instead of relegating those mostly to quest rewards. What is the point of dungeon crawling and exploring if you can't find some good shit once and a while? High level security chests should reward you with high level value.

More joinable factions is always a plus, like the great houses in Morrowind.

There should be some higher level areas where enemies can kick your ass. People complained about New Vegas because they couldn't go in any direction they wanted from the start, but all you need is some roads through those areas that are relatively safe, like other RPGs have done for years, and means to escape from dangerous enemies (Morrowind had teleport items. Dragon's Dogman let's you run from everything). Let people get to important areas, but balance risk with reward.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/13/2013 at 06:43 PM

I pretty much agree, and master locked chests should not just contain 3 gold and a candle. I do like stealing shit in morrowind more than the other games though! Yeah, pretty much agree with everything you said.


12/13/2013 at 04:14 PM

Isn't Elder Scrolls Online going to be number VI? I figure that'll be where the series ends. I wonder why developers feel the MMO is the ultimate project? It's so expensive to set up and then there's no gaurantee you'll make your money back. The Kingdom's of Amalur MMO killed 38 Studios and the APB MMO killed RealTime Worlds. Why do they continue to go there? As much as I love the world of Elder Scrolls, I'm not paying a monthly fee for any game.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/13/2013 at 06:34 PM

It's not by the same developers. Bethesda kinda has nothing to do with it and it's a seperate project away from the main series. TES Online is not the Elder Scrolls 6 in the same way Lord of the Rings Online is not LOTR 4, if you know what I mean.


12/15/2013 at 03:41 AM

It's not a Bethesda project? Weird. Ok. Then I'm psyched for an Elder Scrolls VI then. Maybe that will get me to get one of the next gen consoles.


12/13/2013 at 04:15 PM

I'm up for Akavir. An oriental society where a monk priesthood strives to ascend by becoming dragons? That would be very neat. My only grievance is is the story backing it would be a bit similar to what already happened in Skyrim. (Also a very dragon-driven tale) But Akavir doesn't have to be only about dragons. They could throw in warring shogunates and noble houses that all practice different martial arts and magical arts. There's a lot of potential there!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/15/2013 at 12:02 AM

 Yeah, that is a concern, but still, it's a largely unknown continent in terms of geography, so they have a lot of creative potential.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

12/14/2013 at 05:47 AM

I enjoyed Skyrim more than Oblivion, but Morrowind was special.  I hope the mod that brings Morrowind into the Skyrim engine works out.  

I would appreciate a setting more...alien too. Maybe the desert?  The jungle sounds nice though, that would be weird.  I guess it will be a while before a new one though.  Dammit!!!!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/14/2013 at 11:56 PM

They've already ported it to the Oblivion engine, but there's another mod called Morrowind Overhaul that just upgrades the sound, graphics, and fixes all of the bugs. Plus it's extremely easy to install.


12/14/2013 at 07:50 AM

Being as I haven't played any of the Elder Scrolls games after Morrowind, I don't have an opinion here.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

12/14/2013 at 09:01 AM

Dammit, Tami!  Tongue Out

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/14/2013 at 11:55 PM

If you hated the interface of Morrowind, try Skyrim. It's much easier to understand, and still an amazing experience. Just don't EVER play it on PS3


12/15/2013 at 08:41 AM

I didn't hate the interface, it just took a bit of getting used to. And I had it on the Xbox, not on PC. I actually got really into it for a while, once I figured out how to get mysel out of first person mode.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/15/2013 at 09:03 AM

Ah... playing on Xbox might be difficult. Seriously though, play Skyrim, ESPECIALLY if you like third person camera. It's actually functional in Skyrim lol.

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/15/2013 at 03:55 AM

There's a town ruled by a fucking dragon? I want that, too. 

Justin Matkowski Staff Alumnus

12/18/2013 at 09:22 PM

I'm going to take a wild swing and say that The Elder Scrolls VI will be based around the Aldemiri Dominion's collapse, and the ensuing war between the Elf clans, which could actually mean us seeing more of the Shimmering Isles, Morrowind, and maybe even Valenwood! Can you image a Tri-continent, full single player Elder Scrolls?! Good god!!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

12/19/2013 at 01:23 PM

As awesome as that would be, I'd rather detail than scale. If they could pull off the attention to detail in Skyrim throughout a continent, that'd be awesome, but I don't want them to sacrifice that for scale if you know what I mean.

Justin Matkowski Staff Alumnus

12/19/2013 at 02:52 PM

Agreed - only if they could maintain the level of detail, which would honestly be a stretch, even given PC capabilities, let alone consoles. But one can dream! 

Also, if they do set the game around the Aldmeri Dominion's collapse, I'd love to see the return of the Snow Elves/playable Snow Elves! 

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