Yup, LEGO games are fun, but I never try to do the 100 percent completion thing due to all the bugs.
OK, I'm done with this!
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![]() On 12/15/2013 at 01:44 PM by Ranger1 ![]() See More From This User » |
I've decided to put Lego Marvel Superheroes away for now. After rescuing the last Stan Lees In Peril and finding (most of) the mini kits in each level, I tried for the last 15 gold bricks and my final missing playable character - The Silver Surfer. All of the remaining gold bricks are, unfortunately, flying races. The controls are so miserable that it has ceased to be fun. Much as I would love to get 100% in this game (the completionist in me is openly weeping right now) and my first Platinum trophy, it's just not worth it. Games should be fun, not aggravating to the point you want to throw your controller.
Despite the crappy controls and numerous bugs, I really did enjoy this game. The Lego games are fun and don't take themselves seriously. Many of the achievements/trophies are for really funny things, like turning Mr. Fantastic into a teapot or Bruce Banner into the Hulk fifty times. My absolute favorite Lego game achievement is from Lego Indy - shattering 50 objects or characters with Willy's Scream and Super Scream abilities. She was such an annoying character in Temple of Doom, it was finally nice to see her actually good for something, lol. And in each game there is one hidden level where you get rewarded for destroying absolutely everything, which is always supremely satisfying.
If you've never played a Lego game, do yourself a favor and pick up at least one of them and try it out. Lots of fun playing co-op, too, unfortunately only Lego Star Wars has online co-op. I think they missed the boat there, as there are lots o my friends online that I'd love playing Lego games co-op with and not so many in real life.
Now to figure out what game in my enormous backlog to tackle next...