The Atari 2600 was the first real console I ever owned and basically paved the road to my love for games, we use to have it hooked up in the kitchen and me and my two brothers played every game made for it and back then I played baseball football the drums in a band and dungeons and dragons, needless to say I was a busy youngster.
So heres a list of my top 10 Atari games that got me started in gaming.
My number 1 game was

Asteroids is one of the classics that never gets old. Though the art style was changed from vector graphics to pixels between the arcade and the Atari 2600 port, the game remained true to its roots and brought a little color into what was previously an entirely black and white universe.
My number 2 game was

While the Atari 2600 is rightfully occupied by Pitfall! from Activision. Largely credited with establishing the platformer genre, Pitfall! is as difficult as it is critically acclaimed. Starring the eponymous Pitfall Harry, players must rush across over 200 screens of treacherous jungle in order to collect all the jewels and treasures that lay in wait.
My number 3 game was

Space Invaders needs zero introduction. The arcade classic caused a yen shortage in Japan and tore up nascent arcades here in America. The 1980 port for the Atari 2600 was surprisingly faithful, earned it approximately one million sales and jumpstarting the console's popularity in American homes.
My number 4 game was

The Atari 2600 port of Pac-Man is one of those sterling examples of sales figures (7 million, with 12 million cartridges produced) often being completely unrelated to quality. This disastrous port, rumored to be more of a cribbed together prototype rushed out in time for the 1981 holiday season, is considered one of the contributing factors to the great videogame crash. The game looked almost entirely unlike the original.
My number 5 game was
Ghost Manor - Xonox - 1983

Ghost Manor had a feature that was very unique at the time. Besides beingDig Dug - Atari/Namco - 1983
My number 6 game was
Dig Dug

A great port of Namco's classic arcade game, Dig Dug played almost identical to its arcade big brother. This is another game I would literally spend hours on, digging all sorts of intricate mazes in the Kids mode, then parking Dig Dug somewhere safe and watching Pooka and Fygar try to blindly grope their way out of the maze I'd created (they couldn't change into ghosts in the Kids mode). It's too bad there was no Kids mode in the arcade game...
My number 7 game was
Haunted House - Atari - 1981

This was one of the first 2600 games I ever played. I can't tell you how much time I would spend exploring the house, avoiding the tarantulas, the vampire bats and the ghost of old man Graves in an attempt to reassemble the magic urn and get out in one piece. It was definitely one of the more unique games for its time, and remains very fun to play.
My number 8 game was
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - Parker Bros. - 1982

The first video game I ever owned in my life. Based on the Battle of Hoth sequence from the film, you flew a snowspeeder in an attempt to save the Rebel base from being destroyed by the Empire. Sure, it was repetitive, and there was no way you could hold off the Imperial Walkers forever - but it was pure, addictive fun, and that's what counts the most.
My number 9 was
F-18 Hornet - Absolute Entertainment - 1988

I found this to be just that much more fun than Ace Of Aces. While it may be looked at as being completely primitive these days, it remains one of the only flight sims I actually enjoy playing. I'll never forget the first time I played it - I had my F-18 heading out of the hangar at full speed, but in my haste to get the game going, I neglected to read the part in the instructions about taking off or stopping the plane. So, not knowing what to do, I began frantically steering the plane left and right - and ran into a cactus, dying instantly.
My number 10 game was

Pitfall II: Lost Caverns - Activision - 1984
I loved Pitfall II even more. When I pull my system out of storage, this is the first game that goes in - and I always have to play through it at least once while I have the system hooked up. This has been, and always will be, my favorite Atari 2600 game.

My 2013 family Christmas ornament
Hope you guys like my pics till next time.