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The Xbox 360 Sure is Nifty! Part One: Xbox LIVE Downloadables

On 12/15/2013 at 05:25 PM by Cary Woodham

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Whenever a new console comes out, like the Xbox One, I like to take a look at the one that came before it and honor that one with a list of my favorite games for it.  A couple of weeks ago I did that with the PS3, and now we’ll do that with the Xbox 360. 

I didn’t get an Xbox 360 right away, and I never owned an original Xbox.  But, around August of 2007, a year after the 360 was released, I bought one, and I’m glad I did!  I usually don’t get a new console until there are enough games on it out or coming out that I want to play, but by the time the 360 was out for a year, there were a few games on it that I wanted to try.  But the game that was the straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak, was an Xbox LIVE game.  So we’ll start Part One of this blog with Xbox LIVE games.  Part Two will be regular disc-based games. 

I’m really glad that I got a 360, because it ended up being my favorite console of this past generation.  Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoyed my PS3 and Wii, but usually the 360 was my go-to console of choice for many years.  It amazes me how much the 360 has changed since I got it.  Anyone remember the original dashboard for the 360?  I actually liked that one the best, because it was simple and all you had was a gamerpic.  Now there are avatars and tons of pages to go to games, movies, music, and more.  I think all that kind of bogs the system down a bit. 

The 360 had many ‘firsts’ for consoles, or at least good ideas that they made even better.  I really liked their Achievement system, because it encouraged you to play games in new ways to try and get those achievements, and you could see other people’s achievements, too.  So it kind of hearkened back to the arcade days when we all tried to beat each other’s scores.  That was such a good idea that the PS3 even copied it with Trophies.  And even though the 360 wasn’t the first console with online gaming, I think it was the first to truly get it right, with original downloadable titles on LIVE and more.  Of course, the 360 copied a lot of ideas, too.  Like the Wii’s Miis, but I liked the 360 Avatars better as they were more customizable and didn’t look like Fisher-Price figures. 

Of course, the 360 had many problems, too.  First and foremost was the Red Ring of Death.  That even happened to me a couple of times!  My rule is ‘three strikes and you’re out,’ and luckily for the 360, it hasn’t happened a third time with me, knock on wood.  Also, I don’t know if it’s the new dashboards or if my 360 is getting old, but it takes a little longer than it used to for logging into Xbox LIVE.  Plus, while the 360 had a stronger start than the PS3, I feel the PS3 had a stronger finish, when it comes to games.  So because of that, the past year or so I’ve actually preferred playing games on my PS3 and Wii U.  But for all the years of great service that it provided, I still like my 360.

OK now let’s get to my favorite Xbox LIVE games.  Keep in mind that if a game is missing from my list, it may be because it was on my PS3 blog.  Or I just didn’t play it.  Only games I played will make this blog.  And I know that there will be a lot of games missing, but there are SO many Xbox LIVE games, I just can’t play them all!  Good examples of this would be titles like Costume Quest, Stacking, or Raskulls.  All are games I would like to play, but I just could never find the time. Plus while LIVE games are less expensive, they do add up after a while!  But enough blabbering, let’s take a look at my favorite LIVE titles!

Bubble Bobble Neo

At first, Xbox LIVE was mostly a dumping ground for arcade classics, similar to how the Wii just had Virtual Console games before coming up with WiiWare (so we’ll talk about those first).  Bubble Bobble Neo had some updated material here and there, but it was still Bubble Bobble at its core, and that’s always a good thing.

Frogger Hyper Arcade Edition

There were actually a couple of different Frogger updates on Xbox LIVE.  This was the one that really got it right.  One cool thing is that you could unlock skins for levels that made it look like other classic Konami titles like Contra, DDR and Karaoke Revolution, and Castlevania!  One of the songs was even done by Buckner and Garcia, the same folks who wrote Pac-Man Fever!

Galaga Legions and DX

I loved Namco’s LIVE classic updates, and Galaga Legions had a lot of good ideas.  It was a bit hard, though.  The DX version made things a little easier, but I still like Galaga Arrangement and Galaga 88 better, though.

Game Room

At first, I really liked the idea behind Game Room.  A bunch of arcade classics you could play and share online, and an arcade to put them in and decorate.  Some companies really embraced Game Room, like Konami, as they released tons of stuff for it, arcade games that I’ve never even heard of!  I would’ve totally gone crazy if Namco got on the Game Room bandwagon.  Only problem was the cost of the games would add up after a while, and it was a memory hog.  Shame the company who made Game Room is out of business.

JetPac Refueled

Most people probably remember Jetpac as one of the mini-games in DK64.  But it was actually one of Rare’s first games.  Did you know that the game Solar Jetman on the NES was a sequel to Jetpac?  Well on the 360, this is a remake and it’s pretty fun, too.

Lode Runner

Another update to one of my favorite classics.  I played the original a lot on my Apple ][+.

Marvel vs. Capcom 2

This was one of my favorite games on the Dreamcast.  I’m glad they brought it to the 360; although I didn’t play it near as much as I did on Sega’s console.

Mega Man 9 and 10

I think it’s cool that they went back to an 8-bit style, but I think only one game of that was necessary.  I thought these games were neat, but not near as good as the NES ones. 

Pinball FX2

Tons of great pinball tables you can download.  What’s better than that?  My favorite is the Plants vs. Zombies table.

Space Invaders Extreme

Taito made a few classic updates for download on consoles, like the aforementioned Bubble Bobble Neo, as well as Qix and Arkanoid updates.  But the best one was Space Invaders Extreme.  Cool gameplay ideas and awesome music made this one great.

Simpsons Arcade

The last of the arcade updates hadn’t appeared on a home console before this.  Not the best beat ‘em up in the world, but it was better than what I remembered it.

BloodRayne Betrayal

I’m convinced WayForward can do the impossible.  They made me like a BloodRayne game.  Granted this was a 2-D affair with great music and hand drawn graphics, and gameplay that reminded me of Castlevania mixed with Mega Man X.  But don’t worry, I’m not going to go out and watch the BloodRayne movies or anything like that.  Only problem with this game was it was too darn hard. But it sure was fun.

Dungeon Fighter Live

Nexon makes a lot of online PC games, and some have even piqued my interest. Such as Maple Story.  Another was this one, which played like a 16-bit 2-D side scrolling beat ‘em up.  So as a console gamer, I’m glad they brought this to the 360.  I heard that they shut down the servers for the PC version this year, which kind of makes me sad.  I always picked the brawler class, care to guess why?

Poker Night 2

I’m not a big fan of poker, but put Sam & Max in it and have GlaDOS be the dealer and I’m all in!

Rez HD

This was a classic and surreal shooter that was originally on the Dreamcast and PS2.  Glad they brought it over here.  I love it, but I’m not very good at it!

Rock Band Blitz

Rock Band was a huge hit for this past generation of consoles, and I plan to talk about it a bit on my next blog.  Blitz was a more arcadey version that used the controller instead of the instruments, and was more of a single player kind of game.  Neat part was you could use any of your Rock Band songs you’ve downloaded to play on Blitz!

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game

I didn’t like the movie at all, and the game still isn’t that great of a beat ‘em up, but it had its moments and the music was pretty good.

Snoopy Flying Ace

There are not a whole lot of kid-friendly air combat games out there, but this one is a good one.  It actually started out as a PS2 game, which was also good.  But while that version focused on a more robust single player story mode, this LIVE version focuses more on online matches.  Plus, WW1 Snoopy is one of my favorite incarnations of the comic strip dog.

Sonic the Hedgehog 4

Even though they didn’t get the episodic gaming quite right, this was still fun classic 2-D Sonic.

Sam & Max (& other TellTale games)

Speaking of episodic gaming, I think TellTale’s the only one to get it right.  I think quite a few of their games are on Xbox LIVE, like the Wallace and Gromit titles, but my pick is the first two Sam & Max seasons.  Yeah, yeah, Walking Dead, blah, blah, blah.  You know what I like.

The Bridge

One thing the 360 kind of did first was really help promote a lot of indie titles.  The Bridge is one of many, and I recently reviewed it.  It’s a puzzler platformer with an M.C. Escher feel to it.

Protect Me Knight

Speaking of indie games, this one is my favorite.  It’s kind of like an action-ey tower defense game for four players.  It has an 8-bit NES feel, but best of all, it was made by Ancient.  Who are they?  Well, it’s an indie company headed by Yuzo Koshiro, that’s who!  And he did the music for this game, so you know it’s good.

Twisted Pixel Games

And while we’re on the topic of indie games, Twisted Pixel started out as an indie developer but their games were so good and prolific that Microsoft bought them out.  Which is both good and bad in a way.  Regardless, I enjoyed all their games.  Their first release, The Maw, is still my favorite.  It was a 3-D platformer with gameplay that was like a mash up of Banjo-Kazooie and Katamari Damacy, as you guided a purple alien around who could eat anything and absorb their powers.  ‘Splosion Man and Ms. ‘Splosion Man were quality 2-D platformers, but I didn’t like them as much because they were hard just for hard’s sake.  Comic Jumper was a humor-filled run and gun platformer.  And The Gunstringer is one of the only Kinect games I would be interested in playing.  Their newest game, LocoCycle, is a mix of Spy Hunter and OutRun.  Only problem is it’s for Xbox One, which I don’t have yet.  But I hear they may make a 360 version later.  I wish they would make a collection of all their games on a CD.  Best of all, Twisted Pixel is located in Austin, TX!

Alien Hominid HD

The Behemoth made one of the best Xbox LIVE games ever, but this isn’t that game.  However, Alien Hominid was a fun, yet very hard, Metal Slug wannabe featuring lots of humor.

BattleBlock Theater

Another one by The Behemoth.  It’s basically an enhanced version of one of the mini-games in Alien Hominid, but it is still a very fun four player romp and was super popular around our household for a good long while.

Castle Crashers

The Behemoth’s last and only other game is actually my second favorite Xbox LIVE title.  It’s a 2-D side scrolling beat ‘em up with solid gameplay, fun humor, and tons of secrets in a long quest.  We played it for the longest time around the house.

Banjo-Kazooie & Banjo-Tooie

I was surprised that Rare released these classics on LIVE since they were N64 titles, but I’m glad they did as they still hold up well today.  Best of all, the Stop and Swap feature that was originally supposed to be in the N64 games was finally implemented here, and it even connected with Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts. 

Pac-Man Championship Edition & DX

And my favorite LIVE game is this one.  Not much of a surprise, but this is the game that got me to buy a 360.  The DX version added some rules that changed the gameplay a bit too much, but both are still very good.  Pac-Man: CE is probably one of my top five favorite Pac-Man games.


And that’s all for now!  Let me know in the comments section what you think of my list, and tell me your favorite LIVE games.  I know there are LOTS of them that I haven’t even played, but as I said earlier, I can’t play ‘em all!  Next time on my blog, we’ll look at my favorite disc-based Xbox 360 games.  Later!  --Cary




12/15/2013 at 06:01 PM

Loved Game Room for a while. I still do. Lots of Konami arcade titles I'd never played before like Finalizer. Too bad they never made it to the 1000 games promised. 

So many cool XBLA titles that I love. This year it's been all the Pinball Arcade and Pinball FX2 tables, Call of Juarez Gunslinger and Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. 

Cary Woodham

12/15/2013 at 08:55 PM

Jeff reviewed Blood Dragon for me.  I loved the 80's vibe it had.


12/15/2013 at 09:32 PM

Has probably the funniest first half hour in gaming poking fun at tutorials and 80's action movies. I was so sold after playing the demo.

Cary Woodham

12/16/2013 at 07:49 AM

Yes I remember the tutorials.  Very funny.


12/15/2013 at 06:21 PM

I really, really need to play those Sam and Max games. Maybe someone in my family will give me an XBLA gift card for Christmas. I haven't played a lot of the games on your list, but I did love The Maw. Some of my favorites were Shadow Complex, Costume Quest, Stackers, Pinball FX2, and The Pinball Arcade I liked the idea behind Game Room, too bad support petered out so quickly.

Cary Woodham

12/15/2013 at 08:56 PM

If you enjoy point and click adventures, you'll definitely want to try out Sam & Max.  Also, Tales of Monkey Island and Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures from TellTale are some of my other favorites.


12/15/2013 at 09:36 PM

Oh man, I forgot about Stacking. I played the demo but I so want to play the full game. 

Cary Woodham

12/16/2013 at 07:49 AM

I haven't even played the demo!


12/15/2013 at 06:46 PM

I liked some of the obscure Japanese titles that found their way to Xbox Live in the early years, before the PS3 really started coming into their own. I've been pretty much PS3 and Nintendo exclusive for the past 4 years and haven't had a Live Gold account since then, so I'm really out of the loop on Xbox. The Simpsons and Pac-Man Championship DX I bought from PSN, and I got Zen Pinball 2 for PS3 instead of Pinball FX 2.  I have the original TMNT arcade game which was never ported to PS3, but that game's been delisted anyway. I mostly liked stuff like Bangai-O, Radiant Silvergun, and Ikaruga that are extremely difficult to find anywhere else.

Cary Woodham

12/15/2013 at 08:57 PM

The TMNT arcade game was one of the first LIVE titles I bought.  I would've put it on this list, but they set the game on the hardest setting, and there was no way to change it.


12/15/2013 at 06:56 PM

I want to play Pac-Man Championship Edition so badly. The footage I've seen of the game looked great and the different modes seemed very nice. I'll look if they had put the games on Steam.

As for XBLA titles, since I don't own a 360 i'll count games that are both there and on Steam and say that my favorites are Limbo, Braid and Super Meat Boy.

Cary Woodham

12/15/2013 at 08:58 PM

I thought Pac-Man: CE was on Steam...

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/15/2013 at 06:58 PM

Well, as I've repeated like a broken record, sadly I had no new consoles. Space Invaders Xtreme sounds cool, though. Just played the original online this morning. 

Cary Woodham

12/15/2013 at 08:59 PM

Space Invaders is still well-represented after all these years. I saw some Space Invaders decks of cards this weekend.  Would've bought one, but they cost ten bucks!  Sheesh.


12/15/2013 at 08:48 PM

I liked Scott Pilgrim a lot. There were some imbalances, but it was like the sequel to River City Ransom that we never got. Castle Crashers was awesome too. I gotta disagree about Mega Man though. There can never be too many 8 Bit MM games. NEVER!! Yell

Cary Woodham

12/15/2013 at 09:00 PM

If MM 9 & 10 were better and reflected the charm of the NES titles, I would agree with you.  But why not another 16-bit style Mega Man game?  Or a 32-bit Mega Man game done in the same graphics style of MM8?


12/15/2013 at 09:13 PM

MM 9 was pretty dang good. MM 10 was rather generic though. Capcom needs to do something with the series instead of letting it die off. I wouldn't mind seeing a 16 bit or 32 bit MM game. As long as it's 2D, I'd be fine with whatever.


12/15/2013 at 09:21 PM

32-bit Mega Man game... like Mega Man Legends 3, maybe? The Mega Man Legends games were the only Mega Man games I really, really enjoyed. I thought it was complete bullshit the way Capcom pulled the plug on MML3 and then blamed gamers for killing it.

Cary Woodham

12/16/2013 at 07:50 AM

Yeah I'm disappinted about Legends 3, too.  Guess we'll never know if Mega Man Volnutt gets off the moon.  That Servebot at the end of the second game was right.

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

12/16/2013 at 08:06 AM

Pac-Man Championship Edition DX FTW!  Have it on the PS3.  It's awesomeness in a can.

Cary Woodham

12/16/2013 at 07:36 PM

It was out only for the 360 for a good long while, but now it's available for lots of devices, and it's good no matter what.


12/16/2013 at 09:51 AM

Shadow Complex and Bastion are the two that really stood out to me on the XBLA.  I actually finished them, and also the original Perfect Dark.

Cary Woodham

12/16/2013 at 07:37 PM

I never played any of those.


12/17/2013 at 09:00 AM

Yeah, forgot about Shadow Complex. It was an incredible game and easily one of the best XBLA titles.

Vice's Assistant

12/16/2013 at 09:25 PM

Twisted Pixel is really the only reason I want an 360 because their humor is so off the wall awesome. That and the SNK online ports. I really want to play Garou: Mark of the Wovles and KOF 98 UM.

Cary Woodham

12/17/2013 at 07:27 AM

Twisted Pixel games definitely have a lot of humor.

There are a lot of SNK games, too.  Do they not offer what you want on the PS3?


12/17/2013 at 08:59 AM

I agree. The 360 started off strong but the PS3 has the better finish. I enjoyed the 360 overall much more. I liked the old NXE layout. I am not a fan of the current one. I actually hate it. As for games. There is some I loved that you didin't mention, most notably...

Super Meatboy and Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2


Cary Woodham

12/17/2013 at 07:15 PM

Super Meatboy for hard for hard's sake, so I didn't like it very much.  Geometry Wars is all right, but I'm not a big fan of Robotron style games usually.  I'm not very good at them either!


12/17/2013 at 04:10 PM

In the end, I got way more digital games off XBLA than I ever thought I would.  Most of them I got on sale.  You have a few on your list I would like to get.  You hadn't played Dust?  That's a good one. 

Cary Woodham

12/17/2013 at 07:15 PM

Nope, haven't played Dust.  Yeah if I knew how many titles I would have downloaded on my 360, I would've invested in a larger hard drive!

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