Despite having a PS4 and loving the time I'm having when I'm on it, I am still very much attached to my PS3. At the start of the month, I was obsessed with Dragon's Crown (I want to give it another run through as another class). I'll probably have a review of that sometime soon.
Borderlands 2 was released for free via PSPlus and a friend and I have been sucked into that as well. Considering how much content that game has, I'm sure it'll be taking up a lot of my time.
I've also started playing the other free offer via PSPlus: Binary Domain. It's nothing special. The story's interesting enough, but like the gameplay, it doesn't seem to do anything to set it apart from most games. It could be that'll change as I progress, but I kinda doubt it.
With Games with Gold's recent offer of Gears of War for the 360, I've gone all in and bought the other Gears games in the hope of playing through this Xbox exclusive series. I was never a fan of Xbox's exclusive games, because they never really interested me. But I'm more than willing to step out of my comfort zone and give this series a try.
I'm still not playing Halo though. Just no.
On the PS Vita front, I've started playing the Syphon Filter games. I played the first 2 on the PSOne way back when and I wanted to see if the games held up to my rosy, gilded memories. So far it's not too bad. We'll see though.
As for reading, I just finished The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, which an intriguing look at how imprisonment has served to take civil liberties away from millions of Americans. I agreed and was shocked by most of this book, but there were points where it seemed too much like an angry screed than a true examination. Still, I was astounded by many of the facts presented in the book.
I also just started reading To Live Forever, by Jack Vance. I love his writing and I love finding books of his that I haven't already read--which is getting tough considering my little town's used bookstore has little turnaround.
The story is set in a future Earth where many try to prove their worth to society in order to expand their own lifespans, aiming to be among those who can live eternally. Like all of Vance's stuff, despite being written 50-60 years ago, it shines with a creativity and brilliance that isn't found too often anymore. And it's short! I love that books didn't always have to be hundreds of pages and be part of a series.
Let me know what you all have been playing, reading, listening to!