Since my last lil blog that I posted about current events happening in the life of me, somethings have happened, good things might I add!
Lets begin!
Update 1
After some pure luck, I was able to nab a PS4. The company Im using to pay for my Tv got a hold of some and held one for me. It comes in damn handy to make friends in businesses you go to regular. The funny thing, when they first called me about the next gen consoles it was because they had a Xbox One. Im just glad they got some PS4s, It was nice to get one before Christmas.
Update 2
This past year, I actually scored Platinum Status on Club Nintendo. So for my gift I choose the sound track for The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask. THIS CD DOES NOT DISAPPOINT! The minute I began listening to it, I was walking down Memory Lane like I had just played the game for the first time just yesterday. It consist of 2 Cds with over 50 songs apiece on both. The sound and quality is great! Satisfied customer right here Nintendo!
Update 3
So for those who dont know, I had to give up my Vita because of money trouble back in October. Well my boyfriend Daniel bought me one for Christmas <3 While I am not one to want or expect big money to be spent on me I was super happy and thankful for it. I really wanted another one, especially before they switch to the new screen for it. The first one i had was used so its def nice to get a brand new in the box a second go around!
Update 4
I have also gotten a few new goodies for my new systems!
Knack- I have heard a lot of good things about this game so Im quite excited to dig into it. Ive been also told its hard and does take some time to get use to but Im up for a challenge!
Teraway- I wanted this game when I had my first Vita and right now its 19.99 at Gamestop, I think 12/21-tomorrow is the last day so if your wanting this bad boy I suggest you go grab it now! Its from the same people who made Little Big Planet and with how much fun LBP was I am quite excited to play this one.
Ys: Memories of Celceta-This game had caught my eye awhile back and while I was def interested I was still a lil unsure. Sir Matt is going to be posting a review up for it in another week I believe he said but I decided to say what the hell and give it the good ole college try! Still excited for that review Matt! I indeed did buy the Special Edition, the goodies in it compelled me to grab it. Im thinking of doing an unboxing video. What yall think?
In other non game news Im am totally doing well. Im surviving my job and Im working on losing weight still. The weight thing is one huge trial currently but Im doing my best with it. Gonna work on postig more on here, its like I fade in and out and I just hate it. I like this site more then any others Im even on. I also think Im gonna put my blogs on a schdule, might help me with the fading in and out thing. Once I figure it out Ill def post on it.
Ps: This blog was gonna include photos but for some odd reason it absolutely refuses to work properly with them in it, sorry everyone :(.
I hope everyone else is doing well ^_^