I guess this is all to make up for the "dickwolves" thing that happened a few years ago. I read about it in this Wired article. They're giving free space to exhibitors who promote diverse interests in gaming. I guess that's good but it seems like a quick bandaid to make up for Mike Krahulik's rather crass stand on a joke involving rape. I can see why he wants to shove it in people's faces who didn't get the joke in his strip but there's a time to stand up for a joke and a time to just let it go because it touches a nerve in people. The good comic has to ultimately give in to the crowd if he wants to stay on stage. I think he's hurting himself by doing things like making "dickwolf" t-shirts. I'm not sure this diversity lounge thing is going clean up his image. What was he thinking?
Diversity lounges: Good idea or segregation re-packaged?
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![]() On 12/21/2013 at 08:21 PM by BrokenH ![]() See More From This User » |
"Yes, Pax's "diversity lounge idea" is paved with good intentions but is it just another type of segregation?"
So what has human evolution brought me today? Why, the concept of “diversity lounges”! Apparently PAX is designating certain booths for “diverse people”. Wait, I have seen this before! Remember when Blacks had their bathroom & water fountains and White folks had their bathrooms and water fountains? Remember when Blacks had to sit at certain designated places on the bus until the lovely Rosa Parks changed all that? Okay, I’ll shut up now. I have no right to speak on behalf of “Black issues” (I’m pretty pale even as crackas and vampires go) but my point is segregating people IS NOT A FUCKING IMPROVEMENT!
I understand one of the Penny arcade guys got in some sort of nasty argument with a transgendered person. He said something along the lines of “Girls have vaginas” and to a transgendered that can be an offensive statement. The event that I noticed more than this was Carolyn Petit (A really good reviewer and a true gamer enthusiast even if I don’t always agree with her) getting bashed for being trans when she had the audacity to give GTA 5 a 9 out of 10. (I know, right? What was that bitch thinking?! No, I’m not being serious. For the Neanderthals I’m referring to, what the fuck is wrong with you people? You’re raging over a near perfect score and adding your own bigotry into the mix? Grow up!) Alas, things really haven’t been kosher for the transgendered community and that’s an understatement.
Still, Mike (Gabe) “was” apologetic. The argument in part seemed to be over a slight misunderstanding and I kind of doubt the penny arcade guys are waiting at PAX with aluminum bats to “teach trannies a lesson”. You know how game journalism can be. Many of these events get sensationalized and blown out of proportion. (But yes, hostility towards trans people is a “thing”, Don’t delude yourselves into thinking it’s not. Don‘t believe me? Read the replies Carolyn got for her GTA 5 review!)
Anyway, I have things to say to both parties!
To the diversity lounge peeps
I understand there are many assholes out there and just like assholes everyone has an opinion! Of those opinions, most of them stink! I can’t truly empathize with just how difficult it is to be trans, gay, or any other minority still fighting for their freedoms but I can say “sanctuary” is a flawed concept. The only way to get the world to accept you is to be out in it! No, this is not always easy. People have died fighting for civil rights. Granted, it’s a tad less risky today depending on where you hold up a picket sign but there will always be danger involved when fighting against the status quo. Alas, the right path is never the easy path. Sitting on your ass putting out tweets isn’t as revolutionary as being active. Nor is sitting within an echoe chamber where everyone discusses and always agrees/disagrees on the same issues. Many folks have yet to realize this! (I’m sadly one of those lazy pseudo armchair activists though admittedly my mobility is limited by not having a car or much in the way of cold hard currency! Being disabled also presents a few of its’ own unique challenges.)
However, PAX is not a friggin lion pit in Rome! Yes, maybe someone in row 2 will tell an inappriopiate joke that reddens your ears thus making you want to punch the silly bastard next to you who is dressed up as Wario just so you can alleviate some of your pent up frustration! Beyond that, no one is probably going to have the sheer audacity and brass balls to mess with you physically. No gamer wants to be greeted by frowning police officers knocking on their door early in the morning and our society is just progressive enough more people will jump to your defense or act as witnesses on your behalf. The gyst of what I'm saying? If you want to go to PAX you should do so. There are much worse fates out there than simply being offended by jerk-offs!
This may come off as harsh. I simply believe there has to be a better way to bridge the gap between gamers without reinstating segregation and designating “special lounges” for certain people. Am I the only one that sees this as taking two steps back? Do we really want to live in the 1950’s again?
If there are any trans peeps reading this, do you agree with the diversity lounge idea or do you feel as I do? Your thoughts on it will be more insightful than my own!
To the rest of the peeps
In the words of Bill & Ted, “Be excellent to each other!” . That’s the golden rule isn’t it? Maybe you feel uncomfortable around gay and trans people or maybe you do not. Either way, I doubt it will kill you folks to be courteous, friendly, and polite. They’re gamers too and for some of you they are also family and close friends. As much as I bitch about radical feminism, misguided white knights, and judgmental social justice warriors, we’ve come a long way since the barbaric dark ages. Let’s make sure we continue to move forward in spite of the occasional stumble! No one should feel “afraid” to attend PAX. The fact some gamers feel this way is reason enough to be concerned.