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On 12/22/2013 at 02:10 PM by Super Step

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Posting Troubles/Picture Help?/Introduction to Final 2013 Blog Idea

Why is my last blog, "Of Steam and Cathcing Fire," not in my blog list? I don't remember ever deleting it. In fact, I responded to a comment by KnightDriver on it just this morning. Where did it go? Or is it still active and I just can't see it. 

Well, due to that and trouble posting blogs and pictures in general as of late, I will likely post what may or may not be my last blog of 2013 on my Google Blogger page, and link to it here before transferring it to Pixlbit eventually. I'm hoping to post the whole thing here ASAP, since this is really where it belongs, but the trouble I've been having and the scope of what I'm planning to write may not be the best combination for successful posting. Oh trust me, I'll certainly write it in a document before posting it anywhere, but I'm just letting everyone know now that it might come to you in link form on here, with the full version on Google Blogger when I get it done, depending on what happens once I copy/paste everything. 

If anyone knows the best way to post photos in Pixlbit blogs, let me know, because that seems to be the main issue causing the problems. Absolute best of luck to Joaquim and Nick to figure out what's going on. And of course, I in no way expect them to try and figure it out over the holidays. This is time to relax and I wish the staff and all members of this site the happiest of holidays! 

23 in 2013: A Golden Year in Review

That is the working title of possibly my final blog for the year, which I hope to post tomorrow. It will be 23 things I remembered from this year, in which I turned 23 on March 23, making it my Golden Birthday year, and exacerbating my superstitions about the number 3 to a great extent. Oddly enough, I have not watched Jim Carey in The Number 23 as I planned to. Oh well. C'est la vie, et vin est bonne.

The blog may or may not be a bastardization of APA style, for reasons I'll explain later (don't worry, it won't be as dry as actual APA papers; those don't have pictures of Batman wearing a fez) and have a central theme centered around ...  A VIDEO GAME I PLAYED RECENTLY!!! That's right, I, the notoriously behind-the-times resident "yeah, I'm not playing anything right now, really, just Tetris and retro stuff online" Pixlbit will have a blog that is actually relevant to the hobby this website celebrates. Stay tuned.


In the meantime, I still need to finish reading Mockingjay before I post my blog, so I can talk about it in my writing. 

And you'll be happy to know that I did get Batman: Arkham Asylum working. No that's not the game I'll center the next blog's theme around, but it is something I'll talk about. Anyway, I think it was the fact I still had the demo installed that may have cause the issue with launching the game. The launcers for both the demo and actual game both look exactly the same, so maybe the program got confused and gave up instead of deciding which file it should open. That, or it was my uninstalling and reinstalling the full game that did it. Who knows, just glad  it works.

I think I'll also download Beyond Good & Evil and Super Meat Boy soon, maybe one of the older GTA games as well. Most likely Vice City will be my choice. I think I'd like that one best overall, though San Andreas does have the 90s setting, which is my childhood and favorite decade for music, going for it. I love the team behind SMB after watching Indie Game: The Movie, and I love platformers, so it's right up my alley. And BG&E has been on my mind for the past few years, and is rangergirl's favorite game, so of course I'm gonna buy it while it's on sale. That way I don't have to go through the hassle of having it shipped to my Gamecube through Amazon. Now if only Steam had Super Mario Sunshine. 

I might wait and see if any of these get even steeper discounts before the holiday deals on them end on Jan 2nd before buying. You never know. I have them in my Wishlist, so I can see if they do. 

And with that said, we're celebrating my dad's birthday today, and my brother's truck isn't working so I need to pick him up so we can use this birthday coupon at Grimaldi's. I'm excited. Best pizza I've ever tasted, so glad my family agrees. 

Au revoir, j'usqua demain. Well, minus my commenting here and on your blogs of course. 





12/22/2013 at 02:49 PM

I use Facebook for image hosting. It's incredibly reliable. I just set the pics I post for my blogs to "only me" in the settings so nobody else will see them. Not like anybody gives a crap about what I post on Facebook anyway. You can also use Photobucket. 

If you do decide to get Super Meat Boy, you should be aware that game is really hard. Ruthlessly, unapologetically hard lol. It's a great game though. Trefingers had wrote a review of it awhile back. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/23/2013 at 12:59 AM

I'll likely wind up using Facebook. That's typically the only way I can get my new avatars uploaded, even if they are the right dimensions, is by saving the images from Facebook. I think Pixlbit may just have decided it doesn't like stuff directly copy/pasted from Google Images for some reason. 

I'm pretty sure I will buy Super Meat Boy, but it's also good to have a second opinion, so thanks for the link! I have until Jan 2nd to decide and still get the discount, so I'm not in a huge rush.


12/22/2013 at 05:20 PM

I pretty much write blogs in Word first, then copy and past to personal blog, then final step is to post on Pixlbit. Just some advice.

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/23/2013 at 12:56 AM

I've done that before too, or copy/pasted into OpenOffice (I refuse to buy Word for my laptop until I absolutely have to) to have a back-up to post later. I think it's my image source, though. I've had good luck with Facebook, as Aaron has, so I'm thinking the fact I solely rely on Google Images may be the critical factor here. 

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

12/22/2013 at 10:27 PM

Man, I don't know what's going on with your blogs. Hopefully we'll get you fixed up soon.

I have Super Meat Boy and it is a ton of fun when you're in the right mood. Even though it is unforgiving, it is easy to let the hours melt away while you try the same level over and over again. 

Glad you got Arkham working! Finally some good news for you and your computer.

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/23/2013 at 12:53 AM

Could definitely be my fault for relying on copy/pasting from Google Images, given no one here whose blogs work suggested that option. 

I'm down for a good platformer challenge. It'll be a nice offset to the slower-paced Fez. Do you have any thoughts on Braid, by the way? Of the three games showcased in Indie Game: The Movie, that one least interests me from a distance, but I could be swayed by an informed opinion. 

And yes, thank you! My computer is actually pretty great, and was a steal on Chegg when I bought it at the end of this summer. It's the stupid crap I do like not uninstalling demos and using the same photo resource expecting different results that causes problems, I think. Luckily, contrary to Ron White's opinion, stupid can in fact be fixed. Laughing Speaking of which, my brother said White had to defend some public school administrator that used that clip in a meeting to emphasize that stupid CAN be fixed, and it was the staff's job to do so. Random fact of the day, I guess. 

Oh, and since you're from Fort Worth and I've seen you discuss beer on here before, do you have any opinion on Rahr's Brewery Co. or their Ugly Pug black lager? Odd question, I know, but my parents got some at a White Elephant gift exchange recently, and I'm curious about beer enthusiasts' thoughts. 

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

12/23/2013 at 10:06 AM

Oh, I've never posted from google images. I always use the tree icon and then if I am going to hotlink, enter the URL in there. Let us know if using that method works. Sounds like the google method used to work for you, though, so it's weird that it wouldn't any more.

I've yet to play Braid. I've had it on my desktop for years and never get around to it. Maybe over the holidays? I'm trying to get through some backlogged games that are short -- just played through Proteus last night. 

I like Ugly Pug quite a bit, but I like dark beers in general. It's been a while since I've had it, so I don't know how to describe it to you or give any real description other than it was good. Doesn't stick out to me as being as strong as a stout or anything. Give it a shot, I think it was one of their better beers (for me anyway). Let me know if you try it and like it.

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/23/2013 at 06:45 PM

Yeah, that's why I'm confused. It did work before. I'll try the other method, though. 

Never heard of Proteus, how was it? 

And I tried Ugly Pug well before I asked you, actually. I didn't like it and thought it just tasted like regular beer, to be honest, but I'll try it again. I only drank about a third of a bottle. I think I'm just not a beer fan, but I have responded really well to dark lagers before, so I wanted a second opinion from someone a bit more in the know. Specifically, whatever is recommended along with the blue cheese burger at the East Dallas Beer Garden was really good, I forget the name of it, though. 

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

12/24/2013 at 09:48 AM

I wouldn't really say I'm someone in the know about beers, but I knows whats I likes. If you like dark lagers but sometimes find them a bit rough, I like Honey Brown Lager; dark, but not too dark. 

Proteus was really neat. It's a short game where you explore an island and the environment creates a soundscape. It's really interesting. It only takes maybe 30 minutes to play until it ends, but you could definitely play it multiple times just to relax. It's pretty soothing. It's on sale for $3.39 right now in the Steam Sale. For a nice one-evening game, that's probably a fair price, but like I said, it will be nice to go back to when I'm in the mood. 


12/22/2013 at 11:17 PM

I think I just responded to your responce on "Of Steam and Catching Fire", but now I don't see it anywhere. Weird.

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/23/2013 at 12:44 AM

I just responded to your response to my response. We'll see what happens, comrade. 


12/23/2013 at 12:45 AM

Hope you solve your blogging problem. As for the images, I always search them on the internet and use the tree icon for Insert/Edit Image and paste there the URL of the image. If you need an image hosting site, you can use some sites like Photobucket, ImageShack or TinyUrl (I recommend more Photobucket), which once you post an image there, it gets an URL which you can copy and paste here.

Now that you mention The Hunger Games, I just came from watching Catching Fire. Loved it man, it's so far tied with Gravity for my film of 2013.

Glad you now have Steam and Arkham Asylum working. Makes me glad that Batman might work on this laptop. If you want me to recommend Steam games for you, get Limbo, Braid and Psychonauts (which you always said you wanted to play).

Super Step Contributing Writer

12/23/2013 at 01:06 AM

I will try your suggestions, thank you. I had a Photobucket account back in the age of Myspace relevance, but I'm not sure I could log in now. I forget what e-mail account I even connected it to. Also problematic is the fact I know that my Myspace still exists, yet can not delete it due to the same not knowing my log-in info problem. 

And I liked Catching Fire, but I don't know that it will be my favorite of the year. I'm glad you enjoyed it, though! I really need to see Gravity. I am still upset I missed it in theaters. 

And Psychonauts is on Steam?! Hot damn, I forgot about that one! Thank you! Or screw you, becuase my recently acquired Steam addiction is not being helped by your comment right now. I think that $50 gift card my parents gave me last year may see some use. lol 

I forgot about Limbo. Definitely has the Fez/Braid indie puzzle/platformer feel to it. Not sure how I feel about the graphics and art style, though. I'll consider it and Braid, but those are on the backlist for now. 


12/31/2013 at 01:40 PM

Yikes! an end of the year blog. I could never pull one of those off. I keep forgetting what's happened during the year to help write about it. And the wait begins...

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