2013 was fucking awesome. Here's why
Honorable Mentions:
Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Fire Emblem: Awakening
13. Bioshock Infinite

When I first beat this game I thought it would be in my top three this year for sure. Now it's not even in my top 10. Part of this is because of how incredible of a year 2013 was and partly because, well, Infinite is the kind of game that gets worse with time. It's still 100% worth playing, as the shooting is fun (but not as good as Halo or Far Cry 3), the world is incredible, and you won't be able to think about anything other than that twist for a week. But once I got over the twist I remembered a lot of stuff that either was tedious or good, but not quite great. I'd still say Infinite is a great game, just not one of the best games ever made like it was hyped up to be.
12. Tearaway

I'm still getting through this one, but Tearaway is an absolute delight to play. Featuring a charmingly fun, but simple story in a delightful world, Tearaway oozes with charm. The gameplay is simple, but so unique and indescribably that it deserves a play from any Vita owner. This is the best Vita exclusive yet. Which unfortunately probably means the best Vita exclusive ever.
11. DOTA 2

Easily my favorite multiplayer game this year. DOTA 2 initially did not seem like something I would enjoy, but in the end it completely won me over. A large variety of different heroes kept things interesting while there were a lot of fun strategies we would come up with on the fly when trying out new heroes. Those few times I got in a five player party with my friends were some of the best highlights of 2013.
10. Grand Theft Auto 5

This game was pretty much what I wanted out of Grand Theft Auto 4. The controls finally reached a point where running, shooting, and driving in GTA never felt like a chore inside the best GTA map to date. I'm still playing through this, but think this is as high as the game will get. Because while GTA V exceeded all of my expectations…
9. Saints Row 4

….it just cannot compare to Saints Row 4. When I reviewed it I gave it a 4 (out of five for those unfamiliar with Rotorob's scoring) and still stand by that score for the amount of bugs, glitches, and freezes I encountered, there’s no denying just how much fun I had running up walls and leaping over buildings in virtual Steelport. GTA has the polish, story and budget, but Saints Row 4 wins in the fun department. I’m still humming half this game’s soundtrack months after playing it.
8. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies

I am a huge fan of the Phoenix Wright series, so I enjoyed the lawyer’s triumphant return to court. Dual Destinies streamlined many of the annoying parts which plagued previous AA games and delivered many more thrilling and bizarre courtroom sequences (including defending and questioning an orca) with great new characters like Prosecutor Blackquill and Detective Fulbright.
7. Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time

That this game is only number seven just proves to me how good 2013 was. Any other year it would probably be in my top 3 and top 5 for sure. I loved being back with the gang, playing as Sly’s ancestors, and the series’ excellent mix of platforming and stealth.
6. Metal Gear Rising: Revengence

Bringing Platinum Games and Metal Gear together may seem like a weird combination, but the developer captured the series’ absurd nature pretty well. The action, meanwhile, was as good as action games get with some fun new ideas sprinkled in. It makes me wish more action games had a parry system similar to it.
5. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

After Skyward Sword disappointed me, my faith in the Zelda series was shaken. Fortunately, A Link Between Worlds offered just enough new elements to stand out from other Zelda games while still offering fun puzzles, complex dungeons, and epic boss battles.
4. Super Mario 3D World

3D World takes the formula established in 3D Land, then improves on it in nearly every way. 4 player co-op and multiple characters were both welcome changes, but what really put it a step up was the brilliant level design and wealth of fun power ups. 3D World is as fun as games get.
3. Pokemon X and Y

As a huge Pokemon fan, the introduction of 3D graphics was enough to get me excited. The new Pokemon introduced were the best since the original 150 while delivering a bunch of little touches making the game more fun to play than ever. Also it let me put a Bulbasaur on my team again. Awesome.
2. Rayman Legends

Old Rayman was good. Rayman Origins was great. Rayman Legends was perfect. I’m still coming back to this game all the time and even when I get around to unlocking everything, I’ll still look for an excuse to keep playing. The music levels alone warrant a spot on this list.
And my number 1....well that deserves its own blog.