I just finished my first playthrough of P4G a couple of months back and thoroughly enjoyed it. The mix of everyday occurences and the supernatural really does it for me. I would certainly recommend it if you get a Vita at some stage
Odds And Ends
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![]() On 01/06/2014 at 10:27 AM by C.S.3590SquadLeader ![]() See More From This User » |
Good mornooning everyone! I might not have done much this past week, but at least it was kind of relaxing. Here's the lowdown!
It seems my exercise routine is paying off, I had to do some snow shoveling the other day and I didn't feel nearly as tired as I normally do afterwards. So that's something.
Didn't so much as touch my 3DS for almost the entire week, though yesterday I remembered to download the Bravely Default demo. I just have to remember to actually play it when I have time.
I've also been trying to catch up on a Let's Play of Persona 4 Golden that caught my interest recently. It looks like an interesting game, if only my PS2 wasn't so busted up at the moment I could at least snag a copy of the vanilla game until I could afford both a Vita and some additional games for it.
My attempts at writing have gone about as well as they usually do, which isn't saying much. I've always had a problem getting the ideas in my head to translate onto paper, and it's still the case now. I'll keep trying though, who knows maybe one day I'll get it all to work out the way I want.
As far as my laptop goes, I think I've tracked down what exactly has been the problem I've been having. I'm still not 100% certain yet, but it seems that for the time being I won't be viewing much of anything above standard def. Though if that is the solution, I'm more than content to deal with it.
Ok, bye.