Heheh..See ya when you get back..~
A little update
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![]() On 01/10/2014 at 03:57 AM by Kayshire Cat ![]() See More From This User » |
I got a Wii U over Christmas my ID is GoddessOfTheSeal if you want to add me.
but uh anyways that not really what I wanted to say. If any of you followed me back in 2012 you'll know that I had a relationship with someone I met through 1up. These things they don't always work out. Seeing her here I feel uncomfortable I feel like I don't belong here right now. I know most of the people who would reading this do want me here, but I just don't know. I don't want to see her right now. I don't want to be reminded of these things while I'm fighting to get past them I might still read articles here, maybe check back on this blog, but i just I have other things to focus on other people. I don't need to be reminded of my past.
All my contact info is here. Don't take this as a goodbye. Take as I need to get my shit together before i start blogging here again. Which should have been pretty evident anyways considering how sporadic my posts here have been.
One last thing I don't want anyone to blame her, to blame me. We both fucked up pretty badly, and it really didn't have to end the way it did, but you can't change what happened.
Anyways i will be taking a hiatus from here, only here just the blogging community. I'll still be everywhere else I usually am. Maybe I'll be back after this job search i've been on actually turns out and have something else to focus on who knows.
Take care, please and don't worry I will be fine. I just need a break though it's funny considering i haven't blogged here since October lol, but i think you get what i mean.
I'll see you all around