Hooray for DuckTales! One of my favorite games from 2013!
January 2014: Lost in a Sea of Games
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![]() On 01/12/2014 at 02:49 PM by Sonicbug ![]() See More From This User » |
OK, so my grand plans to write up a Year in Review column have fizzled. The main reason, besides a lack of time do to my review writing .. and totally not to my playing GW2.... was that I simply failed to finish most of them. Be it either lack of time, or lack of interest, I’m not able to make a sound judgement beyond mere impressions anyway. The other is that I bought or downloaded a ton of games this year, maybe played about five seconds of some of them, and I can't remember all that I've played.
So, I’m going to skip ahead and write up a 2014 hopes and expectations list, but not right now. First, what I’ve been up to.
Guild Wars 2. That doesn’t require much explanation. I’ve been bumming around on the Stormbluff server and mostly soloing, except for the occasional guild run on Saturday nights and the typical ‘jump into this zerg!’ boss fight things. Late last night I was chasing this one stupid skill point which I didn’t realize till I was halfway there was in the middle of a jumping puzzle. Nothing like trying to do a jumping puzzle while half asleep.
Rogue Legacy, off and on, when listening to internet videos. I like things with low commitment levels.
Dust, and Elysian Tale came out for Mac at some point, so I played through about 1/3 for that so far, according to percent completion.
Rayman Legends was a X-mas gift. It’s more modern Rayman, and they’ve made fantastic improvements over Origins. I’ve been having fun.
Paired off with One Piece Pirate Warriors 2, which I fire up whenever I don’t want to have to think.
Ducktails was on sale for PS+ members not long ago so I finally grabbed it. You know what? It’s not bad. I was expecting worse from peoples impressions, but I find myself remembering where all sorts of stuff is and realizing that it’s fucking hard to pogo with an analog stick. I also hate the same places I did when I was a kid, and I actually like the voice acting is in there. Except Magicka’s voice actress sounds her age.
Back at X-mas I played a bunch with my eight year old nephew and I took note of what was easy for him to play and what wasn’t. Puppeteer? Not so good. Then again, I have a hard time with it. Rayman? Fine, especially since you can rescue each other pretty easily. We didn’t try the really hard levels. He’d played Origins with me before so I didn’t have to explain anything to him. One Piece also worked well, surprisingly so considering the borked camera. He even didn’t have problems with the battle prep stuff. (He played as Brook and Smoker, in case anyone is curious. I was still in early levels.)
On a bind buy I’d downloaded Proteus without really understanding what it was. I started wandering while my nephew told me where to go. Eventually I just handed the controller off to him. I’m still not sure what that thing is.
So that’s what I’ve been gaming. I’m reviewing three anime series this season, continuing with Nagi no Asukara, and adding Hozuki no Reitetsu and Inari, Konkon to that list. Plus all my manga reviews. That’s a lot of random Japanese words. All my reviews are over here. (I also review more mainstream stuff like the Attack on Titan manga.)
Next post will be what I’m looking to buy and play this year.