Don't feel bad, Joe. Goaztecs basically has cheerleaders built into his name. He was bound to win.
Goaztecs wins
On 01/13/2014 at 09:31 PM by Super Step See More From This User » |
Well, when goaztecs said he might take a bit to start writing 2014 instead of 2013 in one of his blogs, I said I would not make that mistake for possibly the first time in years, simply because I had such a bad 2013, and was so glad to see 2014 ...
... and yet, all the DJs/students for this semester received a syllabus from me that read "KSAU - Spring 2013." In my defense, there was a Spring 2013 folder from last year on my office computer. Still, I admit defeat.
Well, back to killing trees for the FCC. I wonder how much of the environment could be saved if it was decided publicly licensed radio stations kept all of their files digitally. Oh well.