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Quick Hits: I Hit A CD Gold Mine!

On 01/17/2014 at 03:29 PM by goaztecs

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Hey Pixlbit! It is a nice Friday morning here in sunny Southern California, and I decided to scrap my first version of this week’s Quick Hits for this version. See I had this whole Uber Pickups blog, but I wasn’t happy with it, so instead I am going to just focus on the one big find this week. No worries though, you’ll see the games I bought since the last Quick Hits later on when I do mini reviews on them. For this week’s Quick Hits I’ve decided to focus on my crazy music pickups I’ve had which I like to call Chris Hits The CD Gold Mine. Kind of like the time when I bought a bunch of records at Goodwill, I think I had one hell of a find when I went to visit the local mom & pop music store. Sound good? Well heck, let’s get this party started!

I had a free day and I decided to hit the local mall. I haven’t been there in a couple of months and I thought it was time to check out my favorite music store, and check out a handful of other stores (a couple of sneaker shops and the GameStop). I found stuff at GameStop, not so much at the sneaker shops but my main focus was looking for new music and I wanted to try the pedometer on the Big Gameboy and see if I can add people to that Mii Plaza thing.


This is how many steps I took during my mini journey. I am way past 1337 status.


My overly attached Mii met some folks, one person was from New Jersey which is cool, and now I want random headgear like some of the other users have.

So I finally made my way to the music store, and since I was there early all the hipsters were not there, and it was me, the owner, and a couple of guys, which meant I could stroll through the $1.99 wall and not be bothered because I’m standing in front the used CDs that start with the letter “B” (on weekends the younger folks buy up all the used Beatles albums and bootlegs). I spent an hour looking through the Buy 5 Get 5 section and left with this


Overall I spent $32 bucks on 30 CDs, or a buck an album. Not a bad deal considering I filled some holes in the library

I added a day’s worth of music, which is always good. I think I spent a good couple of hours just ripping the CDs but it was fun. Anyways I thought I’d share my new pickups with you good people


I am a fan of Sarah McLachlan’s voice. I started listening to Surfacing in college and became a fan. I think I am close to completing her discography. I finally complete my Tommy album (I bought Disc 2 a couple of months ago at the same store). Now I don’t have to rip my vinyl copy.


More Fleetwood Mac! There are a couple of songs on Escape Club’s Wild Wild West that remind me of going to my friend’s house as a kid. Mickey & Syliva for this alone


the rest of the album isn’t bad

Let’s look past the fact that I now own a Hilary Duff CD


I started to listening to Van Halen and I like some of it, so I added a couple of albums to library. Adam Carolla always talks about Joe Jackson, and I bought one album and I thought he was just ok. Maybe my thoughts will change with this album.


I already own a copy of this Gin Blossoms album (I really enjoy their music but haven’t bought their new album yet) but this one has a different cover than my copy. It might be a different run, released in another country, or just a variant. Drag-On was a big CD among my friends during my first summer as a happy Disney Cast Member. I had a burned copy that never left my Discman (portable CD player)


Shai and Chicago on the top row were still sealed. Shai had a couple of songs that were big when I was in high school. Love Leona Lewis and I’m happy to have her debut album in the library.


I’ve been debating on buying the Elvis Costello and The Roots album because I don’t know if I’ll like his music as a whole. I like a couple of singles, but I can’t say I’m a fan of his overall body of work. This is my first album of his and I do like Burt Bacharach so it’s a good album for me to give a listen.


It’s hard to find Public Enemy CDs here. I have no idea why, but I jumped on this one. I have the CD single from the song Give It Up that came from this album.


My final CDs from my pickups at the music store. I’ve always wanted to listen to Ice T’s band, Body Count, and after one listen I’m neutral on if I like them or don’t care for them. I do like a couple of songs, but other songs just don’t interest me.


I also picked up this 12” that the owner threw in for free because I bought so much music. The big thing in high school was playing the sax sample on this album on our saxophones. It wasn't that hard but it was cool to know we could do it.


Earlier in the week I hit a thrift store while getting some lunch and I left with these albums


Technotronic reminds me of lunch time, and going to road games in high school. My band followed the football team, and I think  we were the only band in the area that did this.

Remember what I said about Hilary Duff earlier? Add Limp Bizkit to that.


And the final music purchase of the week comes from Target when I went in for mouth wash, left an album, and a couple of games...and forgot the mouth wash.


I finally own a copy of Metallica’s sell-titled album. I had a taped copy of this album in high school, and nothing gets you going for school like the beginning of Enter Sandman


Nobody does it better than Virginia Tech!

Well there you have it good people of Pixlbit. Sorry this is shorter than normal but I’m supposed to be picking up lunch for family members visiting today, which means there’s going to be a stop at Toys R Us first. Let’s see if I find anything cool. Have a good weekend!


That’s all for now, more later!





01/17/2014 at 03:47 PM

Wow, and I thought I had a music addiction!

Ha Ha, you've got a Hillary Duff CD! (Don't worry, I actually own one too. Pretty sure it's the same one you have pictured, now that I think about it.)


01/19/2014 at 11:53 PM

Yep, I tend to go a bit overboard with the music shopping but it's a good hobby.

Yeah, another person that we can skip past the Hilary Duff CD in their library! Tongue Out

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/17/2014 at 04:11 PM

No judgment on the Duff, man. Wink

Looks like you got a great haul. I actually own all Metallica's albums. Black album is definitely responsible for most of their break-out success after the tape trades and bus tours of the 80s.


01/19/2014 at 11:55 PM


Nice, at some point I'd like to complete their discography too. I remember seeing Enter Sandman on MTV in the mornings before going to school. I didn't know who they were (I was strictly pop music up until that point) but thanks to MTV I started finding out about other bands.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/20/2014 at 12:17 AM

"thanks to MTV, I started finding out about other bands." That's a statement that hasn't made sense in a while. 

I actually didn't know who they were either, really, but I noticed in high school I liked a lot of their songs. I dabbled in heavier stuff, but was mostly pop-rock before that metal high school phase they got me going on.


01/20/2014 at 12:24 AM

Haha Right?! My friend and I had those "old guy" moments where we'd say things like we watched and recorded our favorite videos and taped music off of the radio. 

I can't get into heavier stuff, because it gives me headaches, but I try a song here and there. Some I like but again, headaches "Old Guy" moment right there!

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/20/2014 at 11:21 AM

Yeah, it probably doesn't help that due to the low tunings (Metallica's not bad, they stayed in E Minor most of the time I believe, could be wrong), you almost have to have headphones or have the music louder to fully experience the dynamics of the songs. I have old guy moments now where I sound like the owl from The Sword in the Stone (who who, what what?!) because I listened to too much of the stuff. 

I loved taping stuff off the radio. I would have probably taped videos too, if we had MTV/cable when I was growing up.


01/17/2014 at 04:36 PM

That Mickey and Silvia album looks interesting. Sometimes old albums like that have interesting songs on them. I used to pick stuff like that at flea markets on vinyl and sometimes find some real gems.


01/19/2014 at 11:58 PM

Yeah I like picking up random albums and finding "hidden gems". I didn't know much abut Mickey & Sylvia other than the song from Dirty Dancing, so it's nice to listen to some of their other songs. 


01/17/2014 at 04:55 PM

I'm going to pretend you didn't buy that Duff record. :)

Joe Jackson's Look Sharp is a great album. It's very hard to pidgeonhole Jackson since he's done everything from pop punk/new wave (Look Sharp) to Jazz (Joe Jackson's Jumpin Jive) both are great but completely different.

I actually had Look Sharp on dual 10 inch vinyl records (Brit import) and it came with a Look Sharp! button which I wore on my jacket religiously during the late 70's/ early 80's.

Then again I used to have a big vinyl collection until I sold most of it last year. *sigh*

I'm off to cry in my beer now.


01/20/2014 at 12:02 AM

Good to know about Joe Jackson's work. I like it when artists venture out to different genre's. I might have to check out his other albums.

Sorry about bringing up Joe. The dual 10" vinyls had to have been nice.


01/17/2014 at 05:16 PM

Some real gems there,  I only have the First D'Angelo album but I downloaded How does it feel years ago, that song is Sick!

Glad to see KRS-1 up in that pile too, I don't have enough Usher songs (at least the early stuff).

Seriously though, Hilary Duff?


01/20/2014 at 12:05 AM

Funny thing about that D'Angelo album is I don't remember much from it other than his big single. Can't have too much R&B, and I'm starting to build a little Usher library.

I rarely see any KRS-One albums in the wild. It's odd.

Yep I own the HIlary CD...damn that catchy single Tongue Out. It's another song that gets added to the Favorite Shame Song list.


01/18/2014 at 02:50 PM

You sure found a treasure trove of music, I buy most of mine digital now since I normally listen to it on my phone. I need to buy a MP3 player again so my phone battery isnt being used for that,lol. I wouldnt mind a CD collection though.


01/20/2014 at 12:09 AM

I like digital because some stuff is hard to find in physical format, but when I can I go physical copies. My main reason for going physical is that I can rip the albums to any format.

There are some cool mp3 players out there. My one non iPod/iPhone mp3 player is a little SanDisk. Awesome little player, with expandable memory, for a heck of a price. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/20/2014 at 02:55 AM



01/27/2014 at 01:57 PM

All I wanna do is a zoom zoom ZOOM and a boom BOOM!


01/25/2014 at 09:05 PM

Great music.  I remember Shai.  I was in jr. high when their songs came out.  One of my wife's professors in college was the mother of someone in the group.  


01/27/2014 at 01:58 PM

Thanks! Shai had that period of time where they were always on the radio. Small world your wife's prof is a parent of a member of Shai. 

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