"Stangers in the Night"? sounds like an unpleasant drinking game.
i'm sorry u lost your music library. I'm building a physical one lately with CD's and vinyl instead of digital. I just like the sound better.
hope u are well!
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![]() On 01/20/2014 at 12:55 PM by C.S.3590SquadLeader ![]() See More From This User » |
In about two months it'll be a year since I had to rebuild my music library after my laptop was hit with a rather unfortunate virus. I managed to get almost everything back within three months or so, but maybe I should have taken a slower approach because I'm still noticing little spelling errors even after all these months. In my defense I didn't have my glasses with me at the time (which is a long story) and without them my sight is terribly blurry. At least that's what I'm telling myself after noticing little goofs like 'Hyptonize' and 'Stangers in the Night'.
After doing just about everything there was to offer in the Bravely Default demo, I'm thinking of what I should do pass the time until the full game comes out. After narrowing down my choices, I made a decision and jumped back into SMT IV. I've still got two endings to look at, as well as a handful of demons to add to the compendium, so maybe this'll provide a good enough distraction until Bravely Default drops on February7th.
Or I could get back to the huge stack of books I still have to read, maybe I'll find the time to do both.
Ok, bye.
It wasn't that bad. Well it kind of was, but at least I was able to recover almost everything without much of a hassle. The only worry I had was that towards the end the CD drive of my laptop started acting up, which was understandable seeing as how just about half of my library is made up of CDs.
I have the Space trilogy by C.S. Lewis that I am working on at the moment, two of the Dresden Files, Foundation, Rendevous with Rama, The Girl who Kicked the Hornets Nest, The Ocean at the end of the Lane, Dhalgren, The Fabulous Riverboat, Consider Phlebas, Martian Time-Slip, Dune, Shada, The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, Ubik, Do Android's Dream of Electric Sheep, The Wise Man's Fear.... the list goes on and on and on. I really should stop going to the local used book shop.
Not that I'm aware. Hypnotize is from Audioslave's first album and Strangers is from a B-sides album that Cake made that stinks. Not that it's a bad album, by any means. It's just that it has a scratch and sniff gimmick and my copy smells awful. Absolutely nothing like bananas at all.