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I don't know how I feel about the League of Angels ad.

On 01/21/2014 at 02:58 PM by transmet2033

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I will say this, I hate having quite a few topics that I would like to write about, but never actually get around to writing about.  Back when Microsoft had the whole Xbox One announcement debacle I was curious as to the number of other "third" consoles.  I wanted to compare a bunch of numbers like the lifetime sales, the size of their software library and the time on the market.  I wanted to then compare these numbers for consoles like the N64 and PS3 with that of their immediate predecessor and see if there was some sort of a pattern to look forward at the Xbox One.  In the end, nothing really came of it.  I did a bit of research, but never actually sat down a wrote about what I found.

What am I getting at?  Well I have been thinking about a number of things that I would like to write about.  The problem is that I do not know if I will ever get around to actually writing.  Why am I not writing about these things right now?  My thoughts are far too jumbled at the moment to write anything worth reading.  

I know that I can talk about what I would really like to talk about.  I did just finish Killzone Mercenary.  I loved it, but there is more that I should be able to say about the game.

I am working my way through AC IV.  I think that I have put enough time into it to realize that the AC name and trappings are what ruined a potential amazing pirate game. 

I finally finished up the first episode of Backlogger's run on Asura's Wrath.  I know that I am never going to get around to playing the game, but I still enjoy listening to what other people have to say.  Anyways, they discussed a lot of anime and that got me thinking about the anime that I like and how I got into anime.

There was an amazing speedrun of Super Metroid that had four people playing the game simultaneously.  It got me into the mood to run through that game again.

On an unrelated note.  I don't think that summer blockbusters are doing it for me anymore.  I fell asleep watching Man of Steel, right when they started to blow stuff up.  I did the same exact thing with The Avengers.




01/21/2014 at 03:36 PM

My thoughts are pretty much one huge jumble most of the time. The trick I use is to parse through them and pull out anything that makes sense to me. There are times where I don't think what I end up is worth reading, but I try anyway because at least I'm getting some experience in the attempt.

I'm not sure how I feel about those ads either. The ones I see are blatantly using artwork and assets from other games so it just screams 'scam' to me.


01/22/2014 at 11:17 AM

I completely understand.  Most of the time I am apprehensive to actually post a blog because I don't think that what I write is worth reading.  I tend to just sit down and write and rarely ever come back to proofread or edit.  Maybe I should just sit down and write everything that I am in the mood to now, then edit and have a handful of blogs ready for BaD.


01/21/2014 at 04:44 PM

I've been pretty bored by the superhero movies of late unless it's all about Wolverine. I like those movies.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/21/2014 at 05:31 PM

I thought the shots of Japan were beautiful, but The Wolverine was a bit slow-paced for me. Overall, I liked that one too, though. I've voiced my opinion on Man of Steel before. I wasn't a huge fan of it; thought it was ok. I think it may be the darker tones permeating these things after Nolan's Batmans, but without Nolan at the helm (and I liked Rises, but it had problems) that may be the problem for me. 

That would explain why I like the more colorful and "superhero"-feeling Avengers more than the others mentioned, though I got sick of its permeation of pop culture for a bit.

Anyway, I'm with you on the whole having ideas I never write part. I've decided to write down at least basic concepts/ideas and maybe re-downloading Soundcloud to my phone as a tape recorder of sorts. 


01/22/2014 at 11:20 AM

There is one problem that I have encountered when trying to write notes for myself on topics that I would like to spend more time with.  It seems that once I write thoughts down they leave my mind and I rarely return to them.  Once they are out of my mind I have cleared space for something new to dwell upon.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/22/2014 at 12:51 PM

Yeah, I'll have stopped thinking what exactly I wanted to say about a topic after a while, too. That, or I feel averse to writing unless "inspiration lightning" hits me. Inspiration lightning likes to hit when I need to sleep. Irritating. 


01/22/2014 at 10:58 AM

I have never been the biggest fan of Wolverine.  I think that my problem is that after the first X-men his popularity exploded.  Then they made two sequels to X-men that seemed to be focused mostly on Wolverine.(I do like those movies though)

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/22/2014 at 12:52 PM

Because of my older brother and his friends maybe, I was always under the impression Wolvie was most popular, though I think I identified more with Cyclops as a kid. 


01/23/2014 at 03:47 AM

I always liked Beast best, but I think after playing the X-Men Origins: Wolverine game and reading Wolverine: The Best There Is comic series, I started liking Wolverine. I think he's interesting in the movies. I identify with his situation more than the other X-Men characters.


01/21/2014 at 06:32 PM

I dunno, I used to get super excited for superhero movies but this past year I've found that I'm not really interested in seeing that many big summer action blockbusters or rather anything in a series. I feel like lots of things in movies nowadays are lacking creativity. I could go into a whole blog about what I don't like about them. I guess I'll just add that to the list of things that I could blog about but don't really have the energy to lol. My mind seems to be in a constant state of jumble whenever I find something that I want to write about.


01/22/2014 at 10:56 AM

A guy I work with complains about the lack of creativity in films nowadays, but he is super excited for the Robocop reboot.


01/21/2014 at 08:30 PM

I downloaded Killzone: Mercenary but haven't started it yet. I also haven't seen a lot of the summer blockbusters from recent years. Still haven't seen Man of Steel, for instance.  The Avengers, though, that's good stuff. Surprised you didn't make it through that one.


01/22/2014 at 10:55 AM

I am a big Whedon fan, so I am not quites sure how I managed to pull of falling asleep during that.  I think that my wife might be part of the reason that I seem to be drifting away from the summer blockbusters.  I don't think that I really mind all that much, I just find it interesting that they don't seem to do it for me anymore.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/22/2014 at 02:09 AM

yeah if I could write everything I wanted to write, I would be as productive as hell.  It sucks.  But I make do.  Laughing


01/22/2014 at 11:00 AM

because being productive as hell is the worst thing in the world...


01/22/2014 at 07:49 AM

I've been concentrating so hard on photography lately that I just haven't bothered trying to write anything.


01/22/2014 at 10:53 AM

A noble pursuit.  Especially when there is such beautiful snow all around.


01/22/2014 at 10:49 AM

Sorry man, but I had liked a lot of Superhero movies latety and I feel like we are in a golden age of those.


01/22/2014 at 10:52 AM

I know that we are in the golden age of comic book movies, I just find it funny how I seem to fall asleep just as the action is picking up.


01/22/2014 at 10:58 AM

Well, you can always watch the movies like this:

You'll never fall asleep :P


01/22/2014 at 10:59 AM

No thank you.  I haven't watched A Clockwork Orange in years.  I picked it up on DVD a while back, but never watched it again.

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/22/2014 at 12:54 PM

I read on Cracked recently that because Kubrick really is that big of an asshole, McDowell in that scene really does have his eyes pried open and the eye drops are coming from an actual doctor who had to be there. McDowell also had his ribs cracked during the shoot in a scene where his chest is stomped on. 


01/22/2014 at 01:01 PM

Yeah, I know Kubrick was a jackass. A genious filmaking jackass, but still one :P


01/25/2014 at 06:40 PM

that idea still sounds interesting. comparisons are always good when it comes to piror generaions. I myself would like to find the numbers for sales on ONline Pass and non-online pass titles to show that online pass truely hurt those games in the long run.

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