I will say this, I hate having quite a few topics that I would like to write about, but never actually get around to writing about. Back when Microsoft had the whole Xbox One announcement debacle I was curious as to the number of other "third" consoles. I wanted to compare a bunch of numbers like the lifetime sales, the size of their software library and the time on the market. I wanted to then compare these numbers for consoles like the N64 and PS3 with that of their immediate predecessor and see if there was some sort of a pattern to look forward at the Xbox One. In the end, nothing really came of it. I did a bit of research, but never actually sat down a wrote about what I found.
What am I getting at? Well I have been thinking about a number of things that I would like to write about. The problem is that I do not know if I will ever get around to actually writing. Why am I not writing about these things right now? My thoughts are far too jumbled at the moment to write anything worth reading.
I know that I can talk about what I would really like to talk about. I did just finish Killzone Mercenary. I loved it, but there is more that I should be able to say about the game.
I am working my way through AC IV. I think that I have put enough time into it to realize that the AC name and trappings are what ruined a potential amazing pirate game.
I finally finished up the first episode of Backlogger's run on Asura's Wrath. I know that I am never going to get around to playing the game, but I still enjoy listening to what other people have to say. Anyways, they discussed a lot of anime and that got me thinking about the anime that I like and how I got into anime.
There was an amazing speedrun of Super Metroid that had four people playing the game simultaneously. It got me into the mood to run through that game again.
On an unrelated note. I don't think that summer blockbusters are doing it for me anymore. I fell asleep watching Man of Steel, right when they started to blow stuff up. I did the same exact thing with The Avengers.