gaming PC's are good. I want one.
Next-Gen Tomb Raider, 60FPS, And The "PC Master Race" Cult
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![]() On 01/23/2014 at 10:49 AM by gigantor21 ![]() See More From This User » |
So we saw some interesting developments surrounding the next-gen port of Tomb Raider yesterday.
The Definitive Edition has been rightfully criticized from the beginning for a lack of value. The version coming to PS4 and 360 will come with some extra content--multiplayer DLC, costumes, a digital art book and comic--but no changes or additions to the single player (the core of the experience) or any extra tombs to explore. What's more, the game is largely being sold on it's cosmetics, with things like Lara's face and hair getting top billing in SE's promotional efforts. All of this makes the $60 price tag rather ridiculous, IMO.
However, despite agreeing with the general skepticism over Crystal Dynamic's first next-gen entry, there's one pervasive line of attack that has gotten on my nerves.
See, I played the game on PC, which was the first to get the new TressFX tech that made Lara's hair more realistic. That effect is a massive drain on my system, keeping it from running at a consistent frame rate. Hell, people with PCs FAR more powerful than mine have the same issue. Yet I still thoroughly enjoyed the game, frame drops and all. In fact, it's one of my favorite games of the entire generation.
So if people with $1000 PCs can't get a smooth 60fps, surely it wouldn't be an issue if the console versions didn't either right? Wrong. When it was initially announced that both versions of the Definitive Edition would run at 30fps, people dogpiled on that talking point as yet more proof that the game wasn't worth buying. This despite several people stating that 60fps can't even be acheived consistently on high end gaming rigs.
Then, yesterday, the executive producer of the game mentioned during a stream on GamesRadar that the Definitive Edition would run at 60fps on PS4, saying that he was misquoted on the 30fps issue. This was coupled with an off-the-record quote reported on various websites corroborating his latest statement. Thus the people who had kept up their idiotic "30fps" attack line were caught flatfooted, with those still willing to even talk about it being reduced to making excuses (30fps isn't a big deal anyway, I want official confirmation, etc.).
This speaks to a much more pervasive issue surrounding the issue of PC vs. console--the whole "PC master race" concept, where PC owners are constantly seen throwing their weight around to make themselves look important. I've always hated the notion that allegiance to products from faceless corporations somehow gives people a sense of pride and arrogance. It doesn't matter to me whether it's the big 3 console makers or PC part manufacturers. And I say that as someone pushed to PC because I got sick of the technical issues on last gen consoles.
People enjoying games on the PS3 or 360 doesn't bother me. My decision to move to PC was a personal choice; I see no reason to evangelize the movement and try to win converts, or to preen and gloat because the games look better. Plus there are still several legitimate issues with PC that shut people out; the cost of upgrading (assuming you even have a PC you can upgrade to begin with), being shut out of console exclusive titles, lack of used games, resales and borrowing, and the fact that working on PCs is far more complicated than simply buying a console.
Even with a gaming PC, I still want to get a PS4 somewhere down the line. I'm excited about stuff like The Order and Infamous Second Son. And having a PC and console together would allow the two to compliment each other with their own unique libraries.
This notion that anyone deserve a medal for having a gaming rig is nonsense.