It's not snowing here, but there is supposed to be ice on the roads and what not. I can't remember the last time I saw snow. The weather here has been crazy though. One minute it's scorching flames while the next it's freezing outside.
My Day Today
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![]() On 01/23/2014 at 11:53 PM by Super Step ![]() See More From This User » |
could inspire deep philosophical exposition from me, but I'm tired, and you have other things you want to do/read, so I'll leave things on the short side.
First of all, I'm excited about recent music developments: this will be the first Supwerbowl Halftime Show in years I'm really excited for, as The Red Hot Chili Peppers will open for Bruno Mars. I'm a lot more excited for RHCP being there than Bruno Mars, and wish RHCP was the headliner, but I do love the song "Locked Out of Heaven" by Bruno Mars, and I admit that I think he has talent. Plus, the mayor of Aberdeen, Washington is going to declare February 20th Kurt Cobain Day in the city. I dig it. I also got free music going to Google Play, who decided to provide free classic hit songs and alternative music in their giveaway, which, coincidentally, are the two formats the radio station I manage plays.
The radio station (*cough* twitter handle: @ksauradio, website/streaming: *cough*) has had more problems, but that also means I've learned more and fixed more. I'm glad my mentality has changed from "what now?" to "I wonder if I'll learn anything new today." Not that I want to continue having tech issues, cause I'll have enough to keep track of without them, but solving them does make me feel either smart, or like I've learned something. Sometimes, I'll learn solutions to certain problems by attempting to address different ones. In fact, the IT guy came to gather intel and because he wasn't used to seeing the radio tower that houses its computer, I had to fill him in on a couple things. I think he decided they're just going to back up the hard drive, so nothing too wild. Luckily, I think most of the kinks have been worked out since everyone has come back and started loading the computers in the station (there are also Production rooms, a newsroom, and my office, linked to our central server, along with the radio tower PC itself) down with new data.
Also, it started snowing outside a couple hours ago. It looks pretty, but I hate that my electricity bill will increase due to heating. I doubt it'll be insane, though. Can't imagine what would happen to my heating rates if I weren't in Texas.
Oh, and before that happened, I found out I was supposed to read three chapters for my Research class, not just one. Luckily, it looks like if I understand the general concepts, I should be ok, and a lot of it is a Science 101 refresher course for right now, though I did have a question about alphas, which are similar to, but not exactly the same as margins of error.
Speaking of Research, I've had good ideas recently for research projects. I'm too tired to say what they are, though, because to avoid arguments in the comments section, I'd have to be specific, which my brain is not about to do.
Anyway, The Cinema Snob/Brad Jones, my favorite TGWTG producer, just uploaded his favorite 2013 films, #1 of which is Netflix original Lovelace, so I'll probab watch that here in a bit, if I feel like hooking my laptop to the TV by HDMI. Otherwise, I can actually watch more than two channels now that I've moved my antenna near my window. I rearranged my entire room around where the TV got the best reception. It's the most American thing I've done in years.
Well, good night for now, I think.