Love them drawings. Keep it up.
January Quick Update:...Nearing The End Of The Month.
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![]() On 01/24/2014 at 03:02 AM by AzureAlchemist ![]() See More From This User » |
Hmm..Was kinda gonna make this more but stuff has gotten a bit busy-er for me..Namely accepting a reques off DeviantArt that has kinda become it's own little Project of sorts(Gonna post about that soon-ish..)..On top of the other little ideas I might like to get to now that it seems I do better while using my tablet than I used to.(Normally I only did really well with traditional media..) Anyway..I guess I also had some news of a relative being submitted to the hospital for a small fracture of thier hip but thier okay now and the hospital just wants to keep them a bit longer for Physical Therapy,I went with my brothers today to visit them and we are also gonna try and go again this weekend..(I also kind of hope to do a little shopping for materials..Related to possible ideas and practice..)Which was partly why I ended up finally getting to uploading some recent sketches tonight and still haven't finished some others..
Well I guess that's it for now...Hope everyone has a good weekend..~
[Edit:] They've let them go home from the Hospital where it seems someone will be coming by to help her with therapy so it's likely we'll be trying to hel out more around my Grandmothers house as we go there to visit.