I got serious motion sickness playing LocoRoco on PSP. It was hilarious. The shifting horizon lines in the game must've done it. Funny though, I don't get sea sick and apparently you get that from the same thing, shifting horizon lines.
Ridge Racer Trifecta & Chris Plays Pokemon
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![]() On 01/27/2014 at 01:19 PM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
Happy Monday Pixlbit! As we stare at the final week of the month, and get ready for some BaD posts (I know you’re stockpiling topic ideas) which starts on Saturday, let us enjoy these January days before the madness starts. So what have you been up to? Any new games? I’ve been kind of browsing Pixbit over the weekend (I’ll reply to any comments, and comment on folk’s blogs after I finish this) and found some interesting things. So like many I watched the Grammy’s and I have a bunch of thoughts about it, but I’ll leave it for Quick Hits. Instead of random Grammy thoughts, I wanted to give an update on what I have been doing. Which games I have been playing, some new, some old, and I noticed a random theme happening which was kind of funny. So let’s get this party started, shall we?
The Ridge Racer Trifecta
I love the Ridge Racer franchise, and I give Namco nothing but props because they keep releasing a game with the same tracks and folks like me eat it up. A tweak here and there and it’s a “new” game, and once again I’m playing it. Over the past week I’ve played three different versions and I thought I’d give my thoughts on them
This is the prettiest of the bunch graphically. In terms of speed it seems to be the slowest. I don’t know what it is, but the cars don’t seem to go as fast as the handhelds. I do like the presentation of the race tree within the game because it looks different and I can choose multiple paths. One of my favorite options is to complete different sections within the race tree to unlock cars. Of course I’ve been sticking to one car so far and I’ve had no problems
I’ve played this version the most of the three, because it has the feeling of speed, and the controls are easy. I wish the controls of the car are as tight as the 360 because when I use the Dynamic Drift cars, I’m sliding around like I’m on ice. The graphics look like later Playstation/early PS2, which isn’t bad. The races are split into three series: Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced (I think that’s what it’s called, I haven’t unlocked it yet). Within each series, is 18 pods of four races each where you earn credit to buy cars, and various upgrades. I’ve only purchased the auto refilling boost.
This is probably my least favorite of the three because I don’t like the controls. This game seems very fast, which is nice, but you have to steer the car with a steering wheel on the touch screen, which seems kind of odd to me. I do wish they would have let me use the directional pad (if they do I probably missed that option and would enjoy this game 1000% more). Graphics wise, it looks like early Playstation games, which again isn’t a problem because gameplay comes first, and I do love me some Playstation.
With all this Ridge Racer talk I really need to jump back into Ridge Racer on the Vita.
In non Ridge Racer news…
After a year of non use, I charged this bad boy and realized that it can’t connect to my new router. Blah. The PSP feels so small compared to the Vita, but it was like playing with a new handheld. The only downfall is that damn nub that seems to lean to the right, which made NBA 2K12 unplayable because my player constantly went out of bounds. The one game I did play and really missed is this one
I do have the DS version but it just didn’t feel right. The funny thing is that some of the DLC songs were included on the DS version…for FREE. BLAH! I played a couple of songs, and it turns out I unlocked the endless setlist which I think is the last level. I still need to play through a handful of different setlists in a couple of concert venues, and then I will tackle the endless setlist, and cross Rockband Unplugged off of Mount Backlog.
While looking though my games case (I have a case of 12 games that were in the rotation, the rest of my library are in the closet) I completely forgot I own this game
I think I bought it when GameStop started phasing out their PSP section. I would have stocked up on PSP games but I wanted the games that were complete. I think now I would have picked up the disc only copies as well. Oh well...
So last tournament I came in second because one of the players I compete against did one hell of a rally to take the crown. Well played! Anyways while playing in this week’s tournament, I went on one hell of a run and ended up with
This is my highest score in the game. Last night when I checked to see if a new tournament started it looked like the servers for the game didn’t update it because I had the same score while everyone else had zero. Odd. This morning when I went to sync this pic with my laptop, I checked to see if the game was still in WTF mode, but it updated, and I got the Gold Medal, along with the extra lives, bonus jewels, and a new tournament has begun.
I thought I’d have a quick mention of this game
Still having fun, and I was stuck in one part of town for a good 20 minutes until I figured out what exactly I was supposed to do. Kind of funny to feel frustrated and then when you figure out the solution, and realize how simple it was, you feel relieved yet a bit angry that you couldn’t figure it out. I play this game here and there, collecting stuff, and I don’t think I ever bought anything with the in game currency…if only Disney Dollars were still around.
I bought this game when I bought Epic Mickey, and I installed it on one of the 4GB cards I bought a while back because my 8GB card doesn’t have enough space. This is a game that I seem to not get motion sickness from which is nice, because this game is really fun. The last Killzone I played was the one on the PSP so I was a bit behind on the story, but as the game started I think I got up to speed (you are the good guy, the people shooting at you are bad. Take them down).
I played through the first mission, and I thought the end of it was crazy, but not extremely difficult. This is a game I’m going to play a mission a day or whenever I feel the need to run around and take out the bad guy. One thing I did like that didn’t feel shoehorned was the melee controls where you swipe. I think I have become used to the see an arrow, swipe gameplay.
The majority of my time has been spent playing this game
I’ve been enjoying this game way more than I thought I was going to, which is nice.
I think I am at a good pace in the game. I’ve been leveling up my “animals” so I can just take down the randoms that show up in game.
These are my go-to six. I like to have each one of the lower ranked “animals” fight in the same battle so they can all level up at the same pace. I’ve taken down one gym, and I am in my third town but I can’t get passed these random blocks in these tunnels. The internets have told me I need to talk to some random in town, so I’ll probably go looking for him while I’ll take down more randoms I meet.
And with that, my blog has come to an end.
That’s all for now, more later!