I remember enjoying the old Rugrats games (granted, I was damn little), so I could see myself liking a new one.
5 Series I'd Rather See Telltale Tackle Than Borderlands
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![]() On 01/27/2014 at 10:55 PM by Casey Curran ![]() See More From This User » |
So, Telltale's currently working on four different games at once, and I think spreading themselves too thin. Out of them, the only one I know for certain I'll play is Walking Dead Season 2 with Wolf Among Us as a maybe. Game of Thrones and Borderlands though? Hell no! I realize I'm in the minority for GoT, but Borderlands? Who thought its world was so interesting or there were stories to tell. Borderlands is a 3rd rate Fallout in terms of world, it's successful because of how amazing an idea Diablo meets FPS was. So here's some series, both in and out of gaming, I think would work much better than Borderlands.
5. Rugrats
Before Telltale was popular with The Walking Dead, they tackled stuff we loved a long time ago and no one really pays attention to now such as Monkey Island, Jurassic Park, and Back to the Future. Rugrats would be a perfect addition to this type, as would the kind of adventures these babies went on.
4. Bioshock
Seriously, when 2K came to Telltale with this or the other way around (I don't know what happened), how did it result in them picking Borderlands over Bioshock? Whether the original or Infinite the series lends itself to the genre much better than Borderlands. Hell, the genre would probably be a better fit for Columbia than an FPS was.
3. Beavis and Butthead
Critical thinking and Beavis and Butthead normally don't go together, but this could give an adventure game that we've never seen before: One where you spend the whole time vandalizing shit. Terrorize, Stewart, Mr. Anderson, the school, and others in ways only Beavis and Butthead can. Not to mention there would be a puzzle on getting Beavis enough sugar to turn into Great Cornholio.
2. Archer
Personally, I would pick the Deus Ex guys to tackle Archer more than any other developer, but a point and click adventure would have its own unique opportunities. Telltale doesn't use every button, for instance, by pressing L2/LT Archer will yell "LANA," R2/RT can exist to threaten Woodhouse, and of course, pressing O/B would have Archer reference Top Gun, with a "DANGER ZONE" bonus in the right sections. It helps that Archer would lend itself well to Telltale's artstyle.
1. Mass Effect
Without a doubt the best video game universe in my opinion. Mass Effect has so much endless potential for telling stories and experimenting with different types of games there's really no better choice in my opinion.