Super Mario 3D is definitely amazing!
Blog A Day- Day 1...The Insanity Begins
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![]() On 02/01/2014 at 06:43 AM by NintendoFanJon ![]() See More From This User » |
Well it's about 6 am right now and I decided why the heck not post in the waking hours of the morning when it's still dark out. Anyways what do I blog about? I guess anything is up in the air. Well lets discuss a little about me. My name is if you couldn't guess. I also like Nintendo. (Well duh get on with it you say!) Alright alright...well since the Wii U has been out for a year I figured I'd post my thoughts about it since I managed to buy it and some games. All in all everything cost me $500 plus tax. You might be wondering just what I got well I figured as much so I will tell you.
My Wii U 32GB deluxe bundle with New Super Mario Bros. U & Luigi U- $300 (New)
Wii U pro controller- $50 (New)
ZombiU-$15 (New)
Nintendo Land-$25 (New)
Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed Bonus Edition- $20 (New)
Scribblenauts Unlimited -$20 (New)
The Wonderful 101 -$25 (New)
Duck Tales Remastered- $20) New
Okay so obviously thats a lot. Now I managed to take into consideration the fact that I am glad I waited a year. Sure I'll get games like, Pikmin 3, Wind Waker HD, etc. down the road. It's not an issue of money. It's an issue of having time to play them. You see having to work 48-60 hour weeks does that to you. And days I have off all I want to do is sleep, but my perserverance will pay off I assure you. Because who knows I might just spend another $125 on another 6 games. I'm torn though cuz I'm very the games I am eyeing on are as follows:
Game & Wario ($25) I hear it was pretty mediocre, but I'm not sure...Honestly I'm on the fence with this one...I might wait until it drops below 20. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate ($30) Since Monster Hunter Tri for Wii has been rendered completely useless after getting it's servers pulled way back I've been itching to get back into monster hunting action, but whereas I used to have a 100+ hours to sink online I don't now. Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge (Between $15-25 depending) I've heard mixed things, but with all that extra character dlc and what not honestly I'll take a difficult game. I need something to frustrate me besides The Wonderful 101 platinum achievements and Luigi U challenge levels.Resident Evil Revelations ($25-35 depending) I heard is the last good RE game that has come out in a while. I have RE 0, 1, 4, Umbrella/Darkside Chronicles for Wii and was wondering if it's worth picking up this one.
These are just some that I'm looking at. I know I've left out games like Assassin's Creed 3/4 or other sequels to games I haven't played the original/ prequels to. I was wondering if that mattered? I hear it does and doesn't so I don't want to just jump in. It's like Bayonetta 2 for me. I never played Bayonetta so I might not purchase it because I didn't get to play the first. That's a problem the Wii U has is getting or not getting games. Anyways that's just my musings Perhaps you can help me out! One thing I know for sure is that I want Super Mario 3D World...because I read it's not only the cat's's got cat's pajamas! And that's just awesome.