So yesterday, I bought a wireless Yobo controller for my Gamecube, since my Nintendo one will only recognize diagonal forward commands, but not straight up, and my mad Catz one decides when it wants to work on its own. I didn't look up reviews or anything, it was just all Game X Change had and it was 20 bucks, which is about what I expected to pay.
I decided to restart Metroid Prime to beat it on hard mode, since the only portion of the gallery I have left to get is the one attained by beating it on hard mode. Also gonna try to get 100% on the same run (I'll have to to beat that damn spider on hard).
I also saw Dawn of Sorrow for DS and grabbed it, so now I have all three DS Castlevanias. Still haven't finished Order of Ecclessia.
I saw Ghost trick for 15 or 16 (w tax) at Gamestop, and wanted to get it, but my cellphone wasn't able to get online and check Amazon to compare price. My friend found out it was a good price for me while I visited Wal Mart next door, but by the time he did, Gamestop was closed. Also gonna try to find Super Mario Sunshine and Resident Evil 4 when I go back today.
Other than that, just have to write an easy paper tonight and continue trying to do things with the station. I've made a list of song I want to remove or replace and the DJs had good suggestions of things to get with my leftover 2009 iTunes gift card money. Apparently, DRM will make it a pain in the ass to get my songs off Apple's software, but there is software (TuneClone) that makes this less of an issue. By the way, fuck them for locking songs I paid for, requiring me to get software or CD-Rs, at least on older versions, to really own what I bought. I still need to figure out how to get all my songs in the same playlist, too.
I also think I need a phone upgrade, might buy a Galaxy phone and use for the plan if they have good deals on the phone itself. S3's are "old" now, right? Might go with that if they're around or below $200, but I might be stuck with my LG Optimus V that can't charge unless the cord is in the exact position needed and has trouble downloading incoming texts or sending SMS.
Other than that, I'm excited for the Red Hot Chili Peppers at the Super Bowl, and will be rooting for Seattle, simply cause I love rain, remember playing games with Ken Griffy Jr. on the cover, and the city produces a lot of good musical talent (RHCP and Bruno Mars not included, but still, RHCP!!!).
I'm off to do my cardio. See ya'll later!