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No Footbal for me please (Bonus BaD)

On 02/02/2014 at 11:23 PM by NSonic79

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Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2014

Bonus BaD #02

This might sound odd coming from me but I’m not a big fan when it comes to football in general. By odd I mean that I do enjoy COLLEGE football by means of the Nebraska Cornhuskers along with the NFL2K series before EA killed that off with Madden. But when it comes to actual NFL games or the Superbowl for that matter, I’m not much a fan.

My interest in football is indeed complicated given that enough though I do watch the Cornhuskers play from time to time, you won’t see me sporting any Husker Red or ever going to one of their games in person. The same can be said for the NFL 2K series. It was one of the few games I bought for my Sega Dreamcast, if only to try out the online play, and for the most part I had fun with it. But if you asked me if I had a favorite team or if I had a fantasy league, I’d be drawing a blank.

So unlike others I didn’t tune it to watch the game. If anything I used that time to enjoy some game time of my own in the way of FPS’s, along with some new buys I made over the weekend. I’ll speak of them later but for now just know that I’m not watching which team wins this year.

Plus I’m kind of boycotting the Superbowl given that the teams playing come from states where marijuana is legal. Despite the social shift of the substance I still consider myself a “Red Forman” when it comes to my mindset toward the stuff. Don’t want it, don’t need it, and if my son tried the stuff my foot would be in his ass. I’m sure there is no grand conspiracy about the team choosing despite what some conspiracy theorists think either with the NFL itself or the agenda of the New World Order.


Not sure if you can see my 5 o’clock shadow with the pic I took. I’ll try for better lighting next time.

Wise BaD message of the day: (It’s more of a video clip, if only to help confuse you people more. Aren’t I a stinker.)






Cary Woodham

02/02/2014 at 11:28 PM

I'm about to post a Super Bowl blog after I finish typing this comment.


02/04/2014 at 02:35 PM

Read it on! ANOTHER Transformers movie?!?!??!


02/02/2014 at 11:41 PM

I didn't watch the game either. I did, however, finish Quake 4 again. It had been a long time since I played that. It's not my favorite in the series, but definitely better than Doom 3. Which is funny since it runs off the same engine.


02/04/2014 at 02:35 PM

I really need to get that game. I had the demo and deleted it in plans to buy Quake 4. The only launch title game I should've bought but instead I got Perfect Dark Zero instead!

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/02/2014 at 11:57 PM

You didn't miss much. I thought the Half Time Show was great, but the game itself was a snoozefest of Seahawks domination. I think the Broncos gave up early. I was rooting Seahawks, just cause I like Seattle, but I wish there was more of a fight.

My aunt is from Nebraska, so I like 'em and have a hoodie of theirs. Don't pay attention much, though, to be honest. I just watch the Super Bowl cause it's practically a national holiday event for the U.S. 


02/04/2014 at 02:37 PM

That's funny for I usually tune out when the half time show begins.

I'm kinda the same way with the games themsleves when it comes to the huskers. Don't really watch but will keep my eyes open on occasion. Though I do look good in red, I don't own any husker anything really.


02/03/2014 at 12:20 AM

I was working during it and a coworker came up to me and said, "Is there a football game going on today?" He's a guy I get along with. We talk about books and writing all the time. I laughed and said, "That's exactly what I wanted to say." I did check the score with the waiters at my local Diner after work though. Don't tell anyone. Shhh.


02/04/2014 at 02:38 PM

I kinda did that with a co=worker once when it came to the women's soccer finals. Though we actually wanted to know how that turned out. (Japan won, it was right after the tsunami over there).

I won't tell the score but WOW that had to hurt for the broncos...

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/03/2014 at 03:22 AM

the superbowl pretty much sucked this year. And love football. 

I think pot should be legal.  I haven't smoked it for a couple years now, but I believe the criminalization of it is a travesty and an American tragedy. 


02/04/2014 at 02:41 PM

That's too bad. Well there is always next year.

Sorry mate but I was raised too much by cartoon PSA's and 90's arcade coin-ops that read "Winners don't use drugs." =P

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/04/2014 at 02:44 PM

so u never take aspirin or drink coffee or soda?  they contain drugs. caffeine is a drug (one that I abuse like hell)

The key i think is realizing that what is good for you isn't necessarily true for others, and vice versa.  Freedom is the ability to choose those things ourselves. 


02/04/2014 at 02:50 PM

I do but that's where my freedom of choice comes in and determines that they are "legal" forms of drugs that I'm willing to use given the circumstances of either in pain, needing to stay awake etc. I'm sure in all moderation is good but for the unknown I try to trust my gut and play it safe.

I liked how in the past we weren't so literal when we read things and just took them at face value. That's how we end up with warning signs like this.

Silly yes but I also shake my head in shame.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/04/2014 at 02:57 PM

I'm just saying the labels we put on these things are pretty arbitrary, and what is a controlled substance and what isn't is sometimes for stupid reasons.  I think it's interesting to note that this country's preferred drug of choice is caffeinne, which makes you productive and awake, while we criminalize pot, which makes you thoughtful and sleepy. Meanwhile, alcohol, which will actually kill you if you ingest too much of it (unlike pot or caffeine).  The same is true with nicotine, which is a very popular drug (i smoke) which will also cause an overdose if you take in too much. 

What I'm just saying is that our current system is unjust and nonsensical, and I while I do believe drugs such as crack-cocaine, heroine, and LSD need to be regulated, something as mild as pot doesn't need to be.  And in another decade or so, it won't as people come to their senses. 


02/05/2014 at 02:38 AM

The Dude says: They just approve of the drugs that keep you tied to the system man. It's all a conspiracy to keep you running in that Hampster wheel man.


02/06/2014 at 04:10 PM

If I'm thinking of the same Dude you speak of, I really need to re-watch taht movie again. I'm forgotten half the stuff in that movie!


02/07/2014 at 03:13 AM

So do I. I can't believe The Big Lebowski has become such a cult hit.


02/07/2014 at 03:05 PM

perhaps this explains why...


02/08/2014 at 04:13 AM

Ah man, that was awesome! Thanks. The Dude abides. LOL


02/06/2014 at 04:08 PM

Given the lack of time I have and comment these days I'll just have to revert to my stand all statement when it comes to these kind of matters:

Though I disagree, I respect your opinion. =D

On ward with blog/BaD comments!


02/03/2014 at 07:19 AM

Is the final blog going to be a bunch of pictures showing you get progressively more scruffy/bearded?


02/04/2014 at 02:42 PM

I thought trying to collect all of the photos by the end of the month and try to have some kind of montage. Or even try to gif them or create a photobucket slide show.We'll have to see how much time I have on my hands by the end of the month, that is if i make it that far that is *sinister laugh*


02/03/2014 at 09:16 AM

I didn't watch the Superbowl.  I'm not into football and I had to work last night anyway.  I did beat Luigi's Mansion (3DS) last night.  


02/04/2014 at 02:43 PM

Given those choice between watching the game or beating a game, I'll chose the game beating too. Congrats on Luigi's Mansion!


02/03/2014 at 12:15 PM

I didn't watch the Superbowl, was busy playing a few rounds of Project M with my brother before watching Sherlock. I regret missing the half-time show, though because I wanted to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers perform.


02/04/2014 at 02:44 PM

Right! Sherlock! I need to see season three, or should I do a recap of seasons one and two instead....


02/03/2014 at 12:40 PM

Haven't watched Football in many years. Back in the 70's I mainly watched because my best friend who I was sharing a house with at that time is football crazy and a diehard Pats fan.

While we rarely watched TV back then, Sundays were football all day accompanied by many beers. Once they kicked in I was yelling at the television with the rest of them.


02/06/2014 at 04:09 PM

Never had taht kind of diehard fan in my life myself. Though my dad did watch it on occasion, it was mostly for the Huskers or if he had...never mind =P

I usually yell "AIM FOR THE KNEES". I know bad form but still...

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