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BaD 01: Lego Week! My Top 5 Lego Franchise Games

On 02/03/2014 at 12:51 PM by goaztecs

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Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2014

Well Hello Pixlbit! Today is the official start to Blog A Day, which should be interesting to see what everyone here is going to write about during the next month. Last year I went with a “Let’s see what I find interesting” blog, which at the start was alluring, but in the middle of the month, it became a mad scramble to find a topic.

This year I vowed to be different, to give Pixlbit something new. After all this time last year, I was at 1Up and heard that the site was going to call a quits. Right in the middle of my BaD I came over, found a new home, connected with some familiar faces, and met some new ones. Pixlbit deserved something fresh, something new, and something that wasn’t a “Wake up and Write” type of BaD, so because of this, I now present my BaD…Themes. Yes, each week we shall have a different theme for my BaD content. I had many different concepts on what I should be writing/taking picture of, but instead I shall loosely follow these guidelines


Day 1: Top 5/10 games associated with that theme

Day 2: Top 5/10 songs associated with that theme

Day 3: (This day will be a spill over from Day 2 if there is a lot of content)

Day 4: Any other interesting items associated with today’s theme

Day 5: The Wildcard/Pickups

Days 2,3 and 4 can be changed depending on the theme. Day 4 could also be used to write about something I played that I feel is really interesting that I want to talk about. (Oh you know you want to read about my latest adventures with The Simpsons Tapped Out). I'm going to try and keep these blogs short because we all have a lot of reading during this month.

To start off this week, in keeping with a certain movie being released, Week 1 of Blog A Day is Lego Week! To start off Lego Week, I present to you good people Chris’ Favorite Lego Franchised Games. These games are the Lego versions of some of our favorite films. I picked my Top 5 after spending weeks with them (original play through) and give some thoughts about the games. Sound fun? Ok then, let’s get started!

In true Top X lists, we have to start in descending order, because that is what television and weekly top 40 radio shows on the weekend have taught me.


5. Lego Indiana Jones 2 – PS3


LIJ2 improved on a disappointing original with decent gameplay and a new semi open world loading level, where you can interact with some buildings to get Lego studs and if I remember correctly unlock some new characters. This loading world if I remember correctly was based in the college town where Dr. Jones taught. Even though I never saw the most recent Indiana Jones (I call it the Godfather III of the series), I enjoyed playing through this game because it revisited the three previous movies with new layouts along with Crystal Skulls.


4. Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7 – PS3


LHPY5-7 was released after Indiana Jones 2, and improved upon many of it’s features. The reason why I added this game to the list and not the original series is because I felt the final three or four books in the series took a darker tone, which made the actual games more intriguing. As the user, finally reaching the crescendo between Harry and He Who Shall Not Be Named was an event. I did find that some levels seemed to drag on a bit more than normal but that was probably Lego game fatigue.


3. Lego Marvel – PS3


Despite it’s many flaws, I added this game to my Top 5 purely based on the characters and the Lego sets I own that are featured in the game. What Lego tried in Batman 2 including characters from the DC Universe, they excelled at in Lego Marvel. I do hope some of the characters featured in Lego Marvel. If this game didn’t over do some of the background scenes, which got confusing at times, and didn’t make the flying completely frustrating, this would be #1 on my Top 5


2. Lego Pirates of the Caribbean – PS3


Pirates is easily one of my favorite Lego games because it once again improved on the basic formula of the Lego Franchise. I really enjoyed the semi open world option when picking which of the trilogy to play. The Port City theme was a nice touch along with the new minikit sets being pirate ships. What I enjoyed was the different unlockable characters, because of the variety. There wasn’t a Jack with Black Hat, Jack with Blue Hat characters, but actual different characters.


And for my Number 1 Lego game franchise…the winner is…




1. Lego Batman 2 – PS3 & Lego Star Wars II – PS2



Ok I know you’re thinking why did I pick two? Kind of a weak decision? You could think this, but hear me out. I have an obvious bias towards the new prequel storyline (I’m not too found of Jar Jar Binks) and when Lego just repackaged the first two Star Wars games together, I wasn’t too happy…but bought it anyways. The one flaw I found with Lego Batman 2 other than the one item stopping me from a Platinum (I can’t find the last minikit in the Joker Robot level) is the voices. The game was enjoyable to me before they added voice acting, and I really didn’t need the super serious Batman, with a carefree Superman.

With LSWII I played it multiple times on multiple consoles, and really enjoyed it each time. Having the connection between my enjoyment with the films and the game reproducing the Lego version almost perfectly, it was hard to not like the game.

Batman holds a special place for me because I really liked the Adam West Batman, and watching the shows after school was a fond memory (we didn’t have cable and the local channel would play the ultra campy Adam West Batman at 4pm) I like Batman because he doesn’t have any powers, just a rich guy with a chip on his shoulder, and LBM2 makes good use of all his gadgets.


Well there you have it, my Top 5 for Lego Franchise games, and I feel a fun start to BaD.


That’s all for now, more later!




Super Step Contributing Writer

02/03/2014 at 02:54 PM

I only played the SW one on GCN, but I dug it. Batman would be my next choice to play. 

They should put Biff! Pow! Zam! bubbles in the latter, while having it be dark like Nolan's interpretations to add the funny effect. Laughing


02/03/2014 at 03:17 PM

Batman is a good choice after the SW games. Lego Star Wars III was also amusing because of the new vehicles.

I would play that version of Batman, because the bubbles would be so odd yet hilarious.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/03/2014 at 10:51 PM

Come to think of it, I'd like TDKR and MoS if they were done that way. Moreso MoS, cause I still really like TDKR, despite its flaws. No offense if you liked MoS. I do not want to have that argument on the Internet again, so please don't start a thread with me about that movie, even though I realize it's my fault for bringing it up. lol


02/04/2014 at 11:19 AM

You know I've never seen Man of Steel, so I really can't comment on it...but what the hey I'll start an internet argument: You're crazy, it was SOOO much better Tongue Out. I liked the Dark Night Returns. The only problems I had with that trilogy was Bane's voice, and Batman's voice in the 2nd film. 

I haven't been big on the Superman films. I grew up watching the Christopher Reeve films which were campy but to a kid were freaking awesome! The last Superman film I saw was Superman Returns which soured me on watching any other Superman flicks. For me Superman is becoming like Spider-man, where these constant reboots are just watering down the product. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/04/2014 at 09:50 PM

Oh good, we can start actual arguments. 

I liked Bane's voice (Batman's not so much) and liked the Spider-Man reboot, despite not liking it as much as I did the Raimi original. 

Never mind, not much of an argument. 


02/05/2014 at 12:25 PM

Maybe I should check out the new reboot, especially since there is a SM2.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/05/2014 at 01:07 PM

You mean the Spider-Man reboot? I liked some changes, others not, but I'd say it's shaping up to be a good series. 


02/05/2014 at 01:20 PM

Yup. When that movie was announced, my first reaction was "Another one" and then I avoided it.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/05/2014 at 11:24 PM

Lots of peoples' reactions; I was one who frankly didn't think it was all that soon, and despite perhaps some of the reasons Sony made it (keep the license), I thought they made a good movie. 


02/03/2014 at 03:25 PM

I haven't played that many Lego games, just bits of the Indiana Jones one on DS, and the demo of Lego Batman on 3DS.


02/04/2014 at 11:21 AM

You know I've only played bits of Lego Pirates on the DS. I thought about picking those games up because they play differently than the console or PSP games, at least from the couple of minutes I got to spend with those games.

Cary Woodham

02/03/2014 at 07:38 PM

The only LEGO games I haven't played are the 2nd Harry Potter one, Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars 3.  I enjoyed all the other ones I played.  Can't wait for the movie.


02/04/2014 at 11:23 AM

I wasn't a fan of LotR mainly because of the story it was based on, but the other two are really good. SWIII mixes things up a bit. I'm going to see the movie on Friday, and then picking up the game. I reserved it at GameStop which is a quick stop from the theater.

Cary Woodham

02/04/2014 at 07:20 PM

I'm hoping I get to review the LEGO Movie game, like I did with the Marvel one!


02/05/2014 at 11:57 AM

Nice, can't go wrong with a review copy!


02/03/2014 at 10:33 PM

I've gotten behind on the Lego games over the years.  I only own 2 games on your list.


02/04/2014 at 11:24 AM

It's a fun series, you should give the other games a try. 


02/04/2014 at 01:28 AM

Did an complete achievement run on Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga last year. Absolutely loved it. It took 60 fun hours. Before that I'd played demos of all the others and maybe five hours worth of Lego Indy, which was quickly becoming an adictive collectathon. I so want to do a huge Lego game run and play them all sometime. That'll be a huge project.


02/04/2014 at 11:26 AM

Props to you if you do the Lego run, and congrats on the complete achievement on Saga. I've only Platinumed two of the Lego games (SW III and Pirates), but Lego Batman, and the two Star Wars games I played to 100% on the PS2. I've gone crazy and started to play some of the Lego games on the 360 even after playing them on the PS3


02/04/2014 at 04:36 PM

Why not. They're still fun the second or fifth time around.


02/05/2014 at 11:52 AM

Heck yeah, and this is coming from the guy who buys the same game on multiple consoles.


02/06/2014 at 12:38 PM

I love the Lego franchise! My top five is different than yours, though. The first Lego Indy is my favorite, hands down. I'd have to think about the others before I ranked them, though.


02/06/2014 at 01:14 PM

That's the awesome part about games like these: we can enjoy them but different favorites. You really enjoyed Lego Indy, and for me it was ok (I can't remember what about it I didn't care for)


02/06/2014 at 01:20 PM

I thnk it may be less about the game and more about the fact that the Indiana Jones movies have been personal favorites ever since I saw Raiders in the movie theater. Yes, I'm that old, lol.

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