SHIELD has been getting better, and I think they're bringing in two new characters which should be interesting. I always tell people if you like the concept of SHIELD minus the Marvel backing with better storylines, check out Warehouse 13 on SyFy.
BaD #3: BaD TV
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![]() On 02/03/2014 at 03:09 PM by C.S.3590SquadLeader ![]() See More From This User » |
What do I watch, anyway?
I tend to gravitate towards a lot of different genres, but I'm partial to Sci-Fi, Horror, and Comedy. I've also got a soft spot for Crime dramas and Mysteries, which probably comes from all the Murder, She Wrote, Colombo, Perry Mason, and Masterpiece Mystery my mother watched when I was younger.
Finished up Season (Series?) 3 of Sherlock yesterday, which I thought was as good as the show usually is. I read that some people disliked the way a particular character was handled, and while I understand their reasoning, I disagree with their opinion.
I've also been watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., which I don't find all that interesting, except for any scene involving Agent Coulson. His character's pretty much the only reason I watch that show.
I pretty much bailed on Supernatural after a couple episodes of it's latest season. Maybe I'll reconsider after the season's finished and reruns start up, but from what I've read I don't think I'll be regretting my decision any time soon.
While the latest season of American Horror Story (Coven) was a little more disjointed than I would have liked, I still enjoyed it for the most part. I really disliked one part in particular, but I want to avoid spoiling it for anyone who hasn't watched it yet.
As far as animated stuff goes, Rick and Morty is quickly becoming one of my new favorite shows. It's just so funny and weird, it feels like it was made for me. I'm also watching as much of the Toonami block as I can, which was something I didn't get the chance to do during it's original run due to not having cable.
It's still open season on questions, so please fire away. I'll try my best to not avoid answering them.
Ok, bye.