My brain can't think too far ahead but I'm looking forward to the LEGO movie and the new Muppet movie right now.
BaD: Day One: Movies to Look Forward To
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![]() On 02/03/2014 at 05:54 PM by avidacridjam ![]() See More From This User » |
I'm posting this under the assumption that the BaD-themed blogs were to start on the 3rd. If not, fuck it. It's the best I can do. I figure I start this off with 2014 movies that I'm anticipating. Tomorrow I'll focus on music, the next day games. Maybe I'll deal with books or television but I'm all over the place on those categories (old and new) so that'll be trickier. I'll think of something. Currently I'm stuck home due to snow, missing another day of work so I'll have plenty of time to brainstorm.
The Raid 2: Berandal
Anyone here who hasn't seen The Raid: Redemption* needs to remedy that whenever they get the chance. If you want an action film done right (with brains, soul as well as bullets, kicks and punches), this lean and mean 2012 film from Indonesia was a personal favorite from that year. The director, Gareth Evans, is the next big thing as far as action film directors go and he's found his Tony Jaa in Iko Uwais (who starred in Evan's first film, Merantau*, which you should also check out). The sequel to The Raid, Berandal, will be in U.S. theaters March 28. It premiered in the Sundance Film Festival last week and word of mouth on it is that its an action film epic (2 1/2 hours in length) that expands the world of the first film, raises the stakes even higher and features set pieces that can shame the first film (no easy feat).
The Lego Movie
Do I really need to explain why?
How To Train Your Dragon 2
The first one was a great surprise. Usually I shit on anything Dreamworks churns out but the first film had an equal balance of humor, warmth, unique world-building and pop culture references (but not too much). Also, characters weren't screaming or punching each other for no reason or being catapulted into the sky for an extreme closeup that no one wanted. The teaser trailer that came out last year shows off some nice jumps in animation so I'm hoping the story is up to snuff.
Veronica Mars
My brother and I were huge fans of this show during its initial run. If you haven't seen the three seasons, do so. It's a clever modern take on Nancy Drew that's anchored by Kristen Bell's wonderful performance. I'm so glad the movie is coming out. Revisiting this cast will be great and hopefully the plot is up to snuff with the best of the tv series.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
After that Super Bowl trailer, how can you not want to see this? This is probably the last film I bet Robert Redford would ever find himself in but I also bet that he knocks his role out of the park. And the Winter Soldier looks menancing.
I'm always up for the next Ridley Scott joint (where's Prometheus 2, buddy?) so I wonder how his take on Moses (Christian Bale) leading Jews out of Egypt will turn out. I love his period epics (1492: Conquest of Paradise notwithstanding) so, fingers crossed.
Speaking of biblical epics, this looks fascinating. The trailers have piled on the eye candy but I've read reports that the script digs deeper into character interaction, especially in later scenes involving Noah and his family/friends on the Arc. I'm not sure we ever needed a movie for this subject but Darren Arononfsky is one of the great directors working right now (Requiem For A Dream, The Fountain, The Wrestler, Black Swan) so I hope this isn't hokey or overwrought.
Yeah, I'm a Lars Von Trier fan. I'm not up for everything he's made (and most of his films I can't watch more than once) but few people shake things up cinematically like he does. Making a 2-part film about a woman's sexual adventures throughout her life probably won't be as arousing or fun as I'd like it to be but it'll be unlike anything else (which is par the course for Von Trier films). Kinda wish Shia LeBeouf wasn't involved but I'll get over that.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
It's the next Wes Anderson movie. There's a running theme on my picks (if you haven't noticed) that I'm up for titles simply because of who is in the directing chair. That's mostly because I have faith in these filmmakers and for the most part, they haven't let me down (although, Wes, what was going on in The Darjeeling Limited?). This looks zany a la The Life Aquatic and any film that puts Ralph Finnes in a comedic role is enough to get my ass in a theater.
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1
I wasn't a huge fan of the first film but Catching Fire caught me completely by surprise. Beautifully shot, scripted and acted it ceased to be just another YA book adaptation and emerged as a serious, honest-to-goodness quality sci-fi film. I haven't read any of the books and I'm aware of the so-so reputation of the third book so I hope whatever choices they make will come out as a stronger film. Plus, Jennifer Lawrence hopefully shoots more people with arrows. Done and done.
Jupiter Ascending
Fuck anyone who disapproves: I LOVE the Wachowski siblings and every film they've made. Here, they return to sci-fi (first since the Matrix series) and this one looks crazy and inventive and I'm dying to know what the setup is because we've only got bits and pieces. They raised the bar with Cloud Atlas and I want them to keep pushing higher.
That teaser gave me goosebumps. If they can evoke the nihilism and awesome sights of the original film, this will be one of the best films of the year. Please be great.
Gone Girl
Anytime David Fincher comes up with a new film, I'm there. I'm currently reading the novel by Gillian Flynn and it's a fascinating take on not only the missing-person mystery but of marriages and the emotional rollercoster that both bring out but also the sad, stinging question of "Do we ever really REALLY know the person that we love?" Flynn also wrote the script (and redid the ending) so I'm truly curious as to how this will come out. Plus, I've got a crush on Rosamund Pike and if she plays her part right....oh's gonna be a doozy.
Inherent Vice
It's the next Paul Thomas Anderson film (Boogie Nights, Magnolia, There Will Be Blood, The Master) which adapts a Thomas Pynchon novel. It has a great cast (Joaquin Phoenix, Jena Malone, Josh Brolin, Owen Wilson, Benecio Del Toro, Martin Short, Maya Rudolph) and PTA approaches films with the weirdest sense of plot progression these days. I love everything he's done so I can't wait.
Read more at PTA doesn't bother with standard narratives anymore; he has the clout and power to do what he wants the way he wants it and it will be special. I know it.
X-Men: Days of Future Past
Every year, there's a film that for me, has to get it right. Along with any expectations, the baggage that comes along with it just upps the stakes. Last year, it was Man of Steel and I know not everyone where like it but I loved it. It needed to work for me, if no one else; it needed to be different and focused and powerful in a way that the previous films were not (or couldn't be). With Days of Future Past, we have Bryan Singer coming back to direct. He's the man that got this franchise started with the first 2 films; the 2nd one is still the best of the franchise (with The Wolverine close behind with its claws). The plot just looks fucking bonkers. With two time periods to contend with and an even more expanded cast, I hope it doesn't prove to overstuffed. I hope everyone gets a chance to shine. And those Sentinels look bad ass.
It's the next Christopher Nolan film. Damned if I know what it's about and if I don't know anything right up to the moment I see it, I'd be okay with that.
The Hobbit: There And Back Again
After the crazy cliffhanger that Desolation of Smaug ended with, I need to see this. I NEED TO.
That's it for now. These are what immediately come to mind or are the most important. I'll welcome any sleepers or any titles that I'm not interested in to intrigue me the further in the year that we get.