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Electronic Gaming BaDly (BaD 1)

On 02/03/2014 at 09:11 PM by Vice's Assistant

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Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2014


Hi everyone. Welcome to the first day of BaD. So..what to write about today? Hey, how about something that will make everyone feel old! Electronic Gaming Monthly released its 25th anniversary issue. Yes, EGM is 25 years old. I'm almost old as EGM....I'll just pause for a second to let that soak in....


Yes EGM, the fomer home pretty much everyone from the 1UP editor staple, is still going and now is 25 years old. EGM is one of my favortie print magazines ever , coming in at a close second to its high concept cousin, GMR. I can't think of a point in my gaming life where I haven't picked up a copy and enjoyed reading it and many points in my life where I've had multiple subscriptions to it. My favorite issue of it is the December 1997 issue, featuring Diddy Kong Racing. Why? Oh it featured EGM/1UP alums Dan “Shoe” Hsu and Shane Bettehhausen in goofy elf costumes for the Christmas Gift Guide. It was always my dream to have them both sign my copy of the magazine but I've lost my copy.


If your curious about how the anniversary issue is...its OK. I mean the new EGM is not terrible, in comparison to the scare competition of print gaming magazines left. But with a much smaller crew, its lost its feeling that it had before. The new EGM feels more like a tribute or cover band. Certainly not a terrible band, but one where I doesn't take long to figure out that its lost its spark. Reading its rather small anniversary section makes me miss a lot of things the magazine had. The cheat sections, the Dan and Hsu comics, event the review archive. I mean a lot of the things eventually lived on through 1UP, but its all so different not in print form. I remember buying the last two issues of EGM when it was still owned buy the Ziff Davis Media. Ironically, the day it was announced that EGM was being shut down, I had bought the January issue (which to add more personal irony for me was about Street Fighter 4). The actual last issue of the Ziff Davis era EGM I bought and have never opened, even to after EGM came back. To me that was significant end to an era of gaming for me. Most of writing style, knowledge, and general opinions of gaming came from EGM during that era. It just felt kind of appropriate to just of memorialize that.


Its sad then that the new EGM doesn't really do much to remember the old EGM on its 25th anniversary. As previously stated, the magazine itself its not bad. Its a small crew but they do bring their own style which is necessary if you want to stand out in the print gaming magazine world. But I do give them one point of nostalgia worthy credit for ending the magazine with a column by Sean Baby's best worst video games he's played. I love that guy and Broken Pixels.


What's your favorite Moment from EGM or your favorite video game magazine? Feel free to leave it down bellow and I'll see you tomorrow!




02/03/2014 at 10:25 PM

I like EGM but I really enjoyed the original Official Playstation Magazine. I also liked, I think it was called PSM..Playstation Monthly. It was really independent and off the wall humor.

Vice's Assistant

02/03/2014 at 10:35 PM

I do remember the Old OPM and PSM. Both of those were really good. However, I think I only had one issue of PSM... and it was the swimsuit one for Soul Calibur II...but I did really did have great articles in it. Honestly, I swear I did read it! lol

Captain N

02/04/2014 at 12:49 AM

You mean you looked at the pretty pictures Wink

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/04/2014 at 12:26 AM

I loved going to the grocery store and picking up EGM every month and looking at a bunch of games I wanted to play, but weren't in my future, simply because I so loved the personality of the mag's writing style. 

I will most remember the mags that came out during the Gamecube era. I loved when Shoe was Editor, had a lot of gaming tastes in common with Milky, and it was funny how they'd rag on Shane Bettenhausen for being a Sony fanboy. I really liked how reviews of the same game would contain joking references to each other, like you were reading an actual conversation, but with more with than can often be mustered in a live-on-tape setting like multiple reviewers have online now. I also really liked Seanbaby and some of the cartoons in the back I can't remember the names of. I really liked some of the sarcastic responses to reader mail, though I felt once Milky was Editor, some got a bit too mean-spirited. 

I just wish that terrible Wolverine cover wasn't the last one I got in the mail, aside from the Call of Juarez cover when they decided to reboot. Is there a way to order that SFIV cover online, the one after the awful Wolvie one? I always wished their prime era could have ended there instead, and if I get a copy, I can pretend it did.

Vice's Assistant

02/04/2014 at 08:42 PM

Milky definately was harsh at times but I really did like him. Milky was part of the reason why I loved GMR mag so much. It was like a grown up verison of EGM squared that was super artsy.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/04/2014 at 11:04 PM

Wish I could have read GMR, but never heard of it before. Which is probably related to its short run ...

Captain N

02/04/2014 at 12:54 AM

EGM, tbh I only have 2 issues, one on Soul Calibur 2, I think they had 3 versions, representing each version of the game. I had the Spawn one since I could never find the one with Link in it. Still a great magazine, I can see the legacy behind it. I also have another issue, I think it came out early 2010 or so and was about Super Street Fighter 4.

My favorite magazine will always be Nintendo Power, that magazine was an important part of my childhood and my life. So I shed a tear the day it finally died, I even sent a thank you letter in email form, don't know if they ever read it though. I have alot of NP Mags, mostly 2010 ones, I had a few older ones but they got lost in 2010, the yeqar we moved to a new house. I'm sure they are in a box somewhere.

Vice's Assistant

02/04/2014 at 08:48 PM

I'm sure the read the letter, NP was special to a lot of people. I doubt that everything about it was shut off instantly. I remeber hearing about a succesor magazine, Nintendo Force, announced almost a year ago. I wonder what happened to it. I hope its OK.


02/04/2014 at 02:09 AM

I remember starting a subscription a month before they closed down. If I see any old EGMs at a flea market or thift shop, I'm buying them. 

I used to get The Official Xbox Magazine, Nintendo Power, and The Official Playstation Magazine. I loved it when both OXM and OPM had demo discs. I kept a lot of them and did an epically long blog series about them on 1UP a few years ago.

Vice's Assistant

02/04/2014 at 08:51 PM

Yeah I still have many of my Old OPM and OXM demo disks too. My favorite demo disk came from a special OXM mag that was first demoing Xbox Arcade. It came with a bunch a demos but also the full verison of Ms. Pac-Man. It was nice!


02/06/2014 at 03:52 AM

I have that one. I was so excited by XBLA when it first started.

Cary Woodham

02/04/2014 at 05:58 AM

My favorite video game magazine was Nintendo Power.  Sure it was company propoganda a lot of the time, especially in the early days.  But the magazine had a lot of 'firsts' for video game magazines.

Other ones I liked were EGM, Next Generation, and Diehard GameFan.

Vice's Assistant

02/04/2014 at 08:52 PM

Oh boy, I do remeber the bad days of NP when they were just another marking wing of Nintendo. Its a shame when they finally shaped up and became really ligitmate with its writing, it was right at the end of their tenure.

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

02/04/2014 at 09:30 AM

I agree that the new EGM doesn't have that spark. I'm going to let my subscription lapse, which is a little sad. I don't have a ton of nostalgia for the really old days since I normally only read it standing in stores or at friends' houses. I started subscribing in the early 2000s and really enjoyed that era. Oh well, I have no lack of things to read...

Vice's Assistant

02/04/2014 at 08:55 PM

Most of my copies that I had of EGM were also given to me from friends. Some of them might have been a few years old to but were really great reads.


02/04/2014 at 10:49 AM

I only have one issue of EGM (I think its from December 0f 2006), but I always liked to see it, even if I didn't understand english at that time. I still have it.

My favorite videogame magazine is not from the US, but from Mexico and was called Club Nintendo, and from the name you knew what it was about. Loved it. Haven't read recent issues though.

Vice's Assistant

02/04/2014 at 08:58 PM

I've heard of Club Nintendo before when I was looking at a Nintendo Wiki. Its really interesting to see how Nintendo translated their brand in other countries. I remeber reading a bit about the German Club Nintendo magazine and how it had Mario comics. One that stood out in my mind was one about Mario taking on the cast of Street Fighter 2... and hitting on Chun-Li. I'm not making that up. I can't for the love me find it again though.


02/06/2014 at 03:54 AM

The only magazine I'm interested in right now is Retro Gamer. I keep hearing good things about it.

Vice's Assistant

02/06/2014 at 07:57 AM

I haven't heard that mag before myself. Do you know what's it about?


02/07/2014 at 01:26 AM

Here's their web site

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