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BaD: Top 10 RPGs of All Time: Part 2

On 02/03/2014 at 11:04 PM by Blake Turner

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 So... I just finished Demon's Souls. GO ME! In celebration, two more RPGS!

8. Path of Exile

 Better than Diablo 2, and it's free. Better than Torchlight 2, and it's free. It's the best Diablo styled game EVER and it's free. This is the first of this style of game that held my attention to the very end. I've never finished Torchlight 2. I've never finished Diablo 2. I have finished Path of Exile. I plan on finishing it again too if any of you wish to join me.

 You see, the thing that makes Path of Exile so special is that it actually dares to change things. Firstly, the skill tree is FUCKING HUGE. It's actually overwhelmig at first. But these are only passives, and these passives honestly don't do a lot on their own. It's all about combinations experimentation. This means you can build pretty much any character you want. 

 The skills you used are governed by gems that you slot into weapons and amour, so you have to make tough choices with new loot. Do you want to deal more physical damage but risk not having a space for your favourite skill? The game is rife with these choices.

 The reason this game is so high is because of how moreish it is. I've sunk more hours into this game than I have in Dark Souls according to steam (which is a lie, because I own that game on Xbox and PS3 as well. What? I wanted all of the art books and posters!) Seriously, this game is a lot of fun, and it's addictive as all buggery.

7. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

 It is shamefully rare that we see an RPG set in modern times. It is even rarer to see vampires done right in this day and age. VTM does both of these things, and does them well. The game is quite dark, and sometimes tries a bit too hard to be edgy, but the characters you meet, and the conversations you have are so goddamn interesting!

 These situations you get yourself in are great. You meet a woman with split personalities and has a side that represents repressed sexuality and a side that represents sexual chaos. One side uses her intelligence to bypass situation, and the other side simply fucks to get what she wants. There's a scene similar to fight club, but you get to choose which side stays behind. It's quite interesting. Other situations include going to a haunted house, going to a blood bank that sells blood to players and ties people up and drains them of their blood to meet demand, and turning your first victim into a vampire. That's all in the first area!

 It plays a lot like Deus Ex, except you're a Vampire. You have to suck blood every so often, or you'll die. You can talk, sneak, or fight your way through the situations here, and a great deal of choice is afforded depending on how you built your character.

 The opening is similar to Anachronox in that there's very little combat, and it's actually mostly detective work, which is good, because the combat isn't overly satisfying. It's functional, but it's only a means to an end really.

 Unfortunately the game is marred by bugs because activision forced it to release on the same day as Half Life 2, which meant a lot of things were rushed. it kind of sucks, since if they were given the time to polish this up and fix a few narrative archs and gameplay issues, this could have been the best rpg ever made. Or close to, anyway. Either way, if you plan on playing, google a patch first, or you'll have a bad time.





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