BaD #2: A Day with Ms. Pac-Man
So here we are, BaD 2014. I never participated in Blog a Day on 1UP because I didn’t have the time, and busyness has reared its ugly head again. Blogs can take so long to write and put together. What could I possibly say each day? Then it hit me: I have a boatload of iOS games sitting on my iPhone (and more on my App Store account) that I’ve never touched. Most of them are paid games that I got during free promotions but I certainly don’t know if I’ll like all of them. So to fill out my BaD roster, I’ll spend 20 to 30 minutes with one and write up what I think. This way I can be a BaD blogger and clear up some room on my over-stuffed phone. Let's start with Ms. Pac-Man.

That’s right, folks. There is an iOS port of Ms. Pac-Man and it fares about as well as you’d expect. The classic graphics and sound effects and whatnot are present and accounted for but the controls leave a little to desired, though I think they are about as good as touch could be for this game. You simply swipe in the direction you want to go; if you’re going along a wall and swipe early, you’ll turn once you reach an opening that way, similar to Pac-Man: Championship Edition. The problem is when trying to maneuver a series of tight turns with ghosts on your heels (or whatever the equivalent is to heels for the Pac people), the touch inputs can’t quite keep up. Still, if you love Pac-Man or can nab this during a free promotion, like I did, then there is good fun to be had reliving a few of these classic levels on the go.