can't remember heroes of the lance. I was really into dragonlance as a kid though. Wish someone would do something with that property.
I beat Bubble Bobble with a friend one late night. Took forever. I still have the music stuck in my head.
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![]() On 02/04/2014 at 07:53 AM by Coolsetzer ![]() See More From This User » |
Happy GLaD, everybody! Today I want to talk about the rest of my favorite games on the NES. As I said yesterday, Super Mario Bros. was probably one of the most influential games of all time. After all, it did single-handedly resurrect the industry after Atari crashed it. Anyway, onto the best of the rest!
Blaster Master! I still have good memories of this game. The first time your little dude jumps out of the cockpit, you knew that you were in for something different. Sadly, I never finished it. Nor did I own it. I think the farthest I ever got was to finish the fourth boss, thanks to the cheat where you can insta-kill bosses.
Bubble Bobble! Okay, I admit that I have a soft spot for those little dinos. It's probably because the original game was so much fun. I still remember writing down passwords. The farthest I ever got was to level 100. To this day, I still can't beat that huge badnik. He was ridiculously tough.
Crystalis! Great action RPG. The second one I ever beat. But be careful. Blink, and you'll miss the story. lol
Duck Tales! I was really big into the TV show back then. What can I say that hasn't been said before? Play it if you haven't already, you louts!
Heroes of the Lance! What the hell, Setz! Have you lost your mind!? No, but it's the only game based on Dragon Lance, so leave me alone. D= Even though it was pathetically easy and cumbersome, I still like it.
Link's Adventure! I know that the second game was the black sheep of the franchise, but it was my favorite. It was the first ARPG I ever finished, and it took me FOREVER. I look at it this way - OoT has more in common with this game than the first or third.
Little Nemo! Another game gotten for Christmas so very long ago. I still remember that my mom hid it in the tree so I would open it last. lol Anyway, it was a fantastic game. It took me a long time to beat, too.
Mega Man 3! My favorite MM game. While the others are great as well, this game took it to the next level. I really loved the Doc Robot stages, which had you fight the MM2 bosses again.
Ninja Gaiden 2! This is my favorite one because it was the only one that I beat as a kid. lol The story was great, too. My favorite part was getting the two ghosts and tearing stuff up.
So that's pretty much "it" for Best Of list for the NES. But wait, there's more! The best NES game of all time actually deserves its own blog. Plus, it ties into my next topic tomorrow. See ya then!