DragonsDogma is an outstanding game with great stroy and game play, and u can play it hours and hours and the game won't freez, u won't see flying giants or backward flying dragon
Focusing on Dragons Dogma
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![]() On 03/03/2013 at 10:17 AM by leeradical42 ![]() See More From This User » |
I have been playing Dragons Dogma off and on for a little over a month and Im a little past the Abyss quest wher you fight the tenacles in the bottom of the well, which was anoying due to the fact I sat there fighting the dumb things when the whole time i was supposed run. I find the game facinating and find that I spend a whole lot of time looking at the different pawns and who I want and dont want, actually I spent an hour and a half yesterday pawn shopping, when I realised I had spent that much time just looking at all the creative ways different people decked out there characters it made care more about how my character looked then I found myself looking and shopping for gear for my character.
which just add to the game time but its so funny how little subtile things in a game can make such a difference dragons dogma is full of small details that improve the game and makes it stick out from the rest in the genere, the wind in the game facsinates me as well cause you will be walking at a normal pace then all the sudden the wind picks up and will blow you off a cliff if your not paying attention,its the little things that facinates me and you can see that the developes took time and great care to add little things that most games wouldnt look twice at, and thats the difference that teams like Bethsada,Bioware,Capcom,Atlus and a few more do.
They care about these little details that me and you take for granted, I mean do you really think and im not going to name any publishers etc,but do you really think most would care or think twice about the wind blowing, or sand blowing up off the ground of course not and thats the difference in games that appeal to me, A company that takes the time to make little things that most dont care about are the ones that make the game of the year games well in rpgs anyway,and we all know that its the Halos,Modern Warfare,Battlefeild, etc that the companys gear for and the lack of other generes, or the lack of companys trying to think outside the box is a rare thing these days, but anyway, I love the fact that these awesome companys do look at little things cause you know thats the kind of games I look for and thats another reason games like the Persona series is so successful is its an rpg/sim and the feeling of being in control of your character makes it a game thats personel that you really feel apart of.