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BaD: Top 10 RPGs of All Time: Part 4

On 02/05/2014 at 08:27 AM by Blake Turner

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4. Morrowind

 Morrowind is unique. Unlike Cyrodil or Skyrim, it isn't filled to the brim with fantasy tropes. It doesn't play like Tolkien fan fiction. The world feels bizarre and alien. It's inhabitants have a weird look to them, and nothing is quite as it seems. The atmosphere is thick, and it's a world you'll want to explore again and again.

 I feel I know Morrowind more than Skyrim. This is in part because there is no quest markers. You are giver a description of where to go that isn't too complicated, and you actually have to explore to find what you need or where to go next. Likewise, fast travel exists, but you have to pay for it. If you go to sleep, you could be attacked by assassins or bandits. Indeed, more so than any other game in the series, Morrowind feels alive. It feels vibrant. It feels unique. And it feels good.

3. Persona 4

Dear America: Fuck yourself and die. A) You ruined Earthbound, and B) You almost ruined Kanji Tatsumi. You see, Americans don't like homosexuality, so in order to appease the neanderthals we call THE world power, Kanji Tatsumi's sexuality had to be made more ambiguous. You could argue that his realisation after his segment was him conquering homosexuality and realising being straight is the only way to live, which was NOT the intention at all. Seriously, if you object to homosexuality, fucking kill yourself. You're actively holding society back you fucking bigot.

 Anyway, it's a lucky thing there are a lot of things the devs slipped in to prove Kanji wasn't straight. For instance, if you max out his social link, he says: That other me IS me. Or something like that. So yeah.

 Anyway, despite that, I think Persona 4 tackles homosexuality well. It uses it to flesh out a character. Kanji is a guy who relies on masculinity to free him from society. However, since homosexuality is preached as the opposite of masculine, he rejects this side of him - ironically caging himself and doing the opposite of what he set out to be. The self he conquered was actually his stereotypical views of homosexuality, allowing himself to him to be gay and yet retain his personality. The way everyone reacts to him is interesting, especially Yosuke, who is freaked out by him but also curious, and due to his lack of awareness, asks troubling questions and always thinks Kanji is interested in him just because he is gay.

 This kind of characterisation is exactly what makes Persona 4 so great. Every character has their motivations, fears, and desires explored. Every character shows growth. Persona 4 doesn't shy away from tragedy. It doesn't shy away from issues of race, sexuality, or gender. It shows the pressures of growing up, and it shows primal instinct and the worst behaviours of humanity conflicting with the best. Combine all of these things with a great story that is part psychological horror, part campy action/mystery, and part teenage mystery and you have a winning combination.

 Plus, making this half a dungeon crawling jrpg and half a social sim was a stroke of pure genious, and the way both systems interact with each other is simply in a league of it's own.

 Persona 4 is the rarest of beasts: A JRPG that tells its story through it's mechanics. More importantly, however, the combat is fun. It's not a "Press X 2 million times" affair. It requires strategy. The game is tragic, beautiful, funny, and creepy. Put simply, it is the best JRPG ever created.




02/05/2014 at 08:39 AM

You're preachin' to the choir when it comes to Persona 4. P5 has huge boots to fill and I'm not getting my hopes up. I shall plan for the worst and hope for the best. :)

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/05/2014 at 09:15 AM

It doesn't need to be as good. It's Persona, so it'll at least be unique enough to be enjoyable.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/05/2014 at 08:45 AM

I'm playing P4 on the Vita now.  Love it, man. 

I'm also a big fan of Morrowind.  I really like that game.  First one I ever played that I ever felt "free". 


02/05/2014 at 08:54 AM

I saw it on PSN for $19.99 and almost bought it even though I don't own a Vita. LOL

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/05/2014 at 09:16 AM

Yeah. The others kind of try and funnel you towards places. Morrowind says go wherever the fuck you want. You can even beat the main quest in 15 minutes if you want.


02/05/2014 at 09:10 AM

Tough I can't say much for Persona 4 I haven't played that, I can agree with those sentiments aplied to Persona 3, which I have. I really like that one.

From this blog, I think the first game of The Elder Scrolls saga I will play will be Morrowind.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/05/2014 at 09:14 AM

It is difficult to get into, and the graphics haven't aged well (unless you mod it). I'd recommend starting with Skyrim and then going back. You'll have an easier time.


02/05/2014 at 09:32 AM

Okay, it's just that I never knew where to start with the Elder Scrolls saga. Thanks for the clearup.


02/05/2014 at 09:32 AM

I love Persona 4 (and am currently in the middle of watching the animated series).  I still like Persona 3 better though (although that's not the common opinion), probably just because I played it first.

Did you actually read somewhere that Kanji's sexuality was dictated by how Americans would view him?  It is my understanding that homosexual opinions in Japan are kind of similar to those in America-a growing number of people are becoming accepting of it, while the public at large either frowns on it or at least doesn't want to talk about it, with the split being mostly young vs old people.

Regardless, I had a similar reaction as you did.  At first I was like what he hell, why are they acting like he's not gay now.  But then I started thinking it was a postive message anyways.  Although he's not gay, he enjoyed things that might be considered so but hated that part of himself, so he had to overcome his homophobia and just accept himself as he was.

Also, I'm curious about what you mean by Americans ruining Earthbound.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/05/2014 at 10:10 AM

 With Earthbound, it was heavily censored. Nintendo America didn't the subject of suicide or sex to be mentioned in the game. So we got a tonne of disturbing imagery without the actual explanations that apparently make it so emotionally resonant in Japan.

 With Persona 4, there was an episode about Kanji on Extra Credits. They mentioned Kanji had been altered, and I had to look it up. If you want to watch the episode, here it is: 


02/05/2014 at 10:34 AM

Cool.  Thanks for posting that.  I'll have to check it out tonight.  


02/06/2014 at 01:48 PM

That was a cool Extra Credits. Thanks.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

02/05/2014 at 10:01 AM

Great choices. There was a lot I didn't like about Persona 4, but at the end of the day it was still so good that it got me to watch the anime. I fucking hate anime.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/05/2014 at 10:11 AM

 Each to their own. Some anime is phenomenal. Some is pure shit.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/05/2014 at 10:49 AM

"Americans don't like homosexuality." Well several states (granted, not mine, but if the younger generation voted in larger numbers it might change), movies and TV shows here would challenge that claim, but since I'm in the Bible belt and know quite a few churchgoers that fit your description, I'll leave it alone. Just promise that we can send the following people back to your country/continent: Ken Ham, Rupert Murdoch (who I imagine are no fans of homosexuals). And I thank you. lol

Anyway, I may have to try once again to put aside my distaste for JRPG gameplay to get into Persona 4, which sounds interesting. 


02/05/2014 at 11:00 AM

I still need to play P4 I have it now but I also need to start Beyond Good and Evil, Bioshock Infinite and *Slppppppppppppp!* 

Too many games Tongue Out


02/06/2014 at 01:51 PM

I've played about five hours of each of these games. I got eaten by a fish and murdered by a bandit in Morrowind and gobbled up by a demon in Persona 4. I'll go back for seconds sometime. Failure in a game can be entertaining too.


02/06/2014 at 08:32 PM

I got Morrowind years ago and I still hadn't played it.

Persona 4 is a great game.

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