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Blog a Day-Day 5-3rd Party Problems & Solutions

On 02/05/2014 at 03:19 PM by NintendoFanJon

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Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2014

Having beeen a Nintendo supporter since I was 5 and playing an NES and Gameboy, I've always looked forward to how they would next innovate the video game market. Now fast forward 20 years later and all I want Nintendo to somehow, some way, do get 3rd party support...and I'm not talking lazy ports *Cough* Mass Effect 3 when other systems got the trilogy *cough* or even bad shovelware titles that always seem to plague Nintendo systems.

If we go back to the SNES day...Nintendo was a ruthless, go for broke, beat Sega at all costs, company. Many have heard about the old Nintendo ways. Strict, uncaring, forcing third parties to hate them type business practices. But there was really nowhere else to turn other than Sega who was trying to compete, but couldn't establish themselves into the behemoth that Nintendo became and ultimately bad decisions came to bite them in the behind and cause them to go 3rd party ironically. Though for those of you who remember...there still lies a beloved Dreamcast cult following. I should know...I was someone who supported the Dreamcast. I thought the system was miles beyond the game with online gaming, great graphics, etc.

But sometime when the Nintendo 64 came out...the Playstation moved in...and thus the wheels began to turn into motion. Nintendo stubbornly stuck to cartridges while Sony enjoyed the benefits of CD's. And not only were cartridges expensive (anyone remember how majora's mask could cost like $80?) but because they stuck with cartridges...third parties found it difficult to make games for...and a company like Square decided that instead of a staggering price for a 4 cartridge game of Final Fantasy 9....just release it on 4 CD's for cheaper instead.

The Gamecube tried to get back 3rd party support. They too got into Cd's (or rather mini discs) and some consider the GC to be the last shot of hope Nintendo had. However the appeal of the DVD compatible PS2 as well as the slick new throw money at developers Microsoft entering it began the beginning of the end.

Thus this is where the Wii ends up. What third parties did for in quality for the PS3 or 360...they moved the rest of the crap quantity for Nintendo Wii. Now I make no excuses for companies. Their bottom line is if somehow releasing an easy quickly done port or mini game compilation nets you money...go for it. But it also seems like Nintendo can't seem to grow up with a certain image.

Nintendo is akin to Disney. Both are seen as family friendly oriented. They both have marketable mascots and merchandise, etc. And while Nintendo of old used to get games like Doom or Mortal they can't even sell a FPS that appeals to the mature audiences like a Call of Duty. If you look at CoD numbers on PS3 compared to'll see a huge gap in numbers. Somewhere along the lines hardcore audiences or in my case shooter obsessed graphic obsessed gamers moved onto prettier pastures. I know plenty of my friends that haved moved on from Nintendo....but alas it seems Nintendo can't move along with them.,

Sony and Microsoft have learned to take. They also seem to know how to get gamers to play their games. Now we can dissect the business number and profit margins and go into how Microsofts gaming division has never made money on a system sold. Apparently 360's were sold at a loss, even PS3 for a while sold at a loss, as does the Wii U (though if you buy 2 games with it I guess it turns a profit). But I'm not trying to get into numbers and company mumbo jumbo here.

The problem lies with image. Nintendo has always been the king of quirky. They don't sell for the hardcore...they sell for what fans they have and family. However todays casual gamer is more interested in quick phone games, and ifv they are a dedicated gamer...they get a PS3 or Xbox One. And it's because of the features. So, for Nintendo they have to improve things...and this is what I can gather.

Step 1: Provide a better online Infrastructure/ Unified Account System- The 3DS/Wii U could have amazing potential. I know it's not  what matters, but if there could be some integration between the two it would be great. Nintendo has played around with certain features for sure such as GBA/GC connectivity or even Wii/DS. I fully expect that somehow and in someway we could see a unification. The Wii U has made a step toward it with it's tablet controller with off TV play...and I truly believe that if Nintendo can pull off the major feat of gaming on the go compatible with home gaming and both look just as good equally with similar features and a vast library....They could see a fantastic turnaround. And I know it doesn't matter, but people secretly like achievements. People want to brag that they got all 242 stars in Super Mario Galaxy 2...give them that satisfaction.

Step 2: Features, Features, Features- Netflix, Hulu, Dvd/Bluray, TV, An online store packed with demos/ digital games/classic titles. Sony and Playstation have gone toe to toe trying to match each other in terms of features. It almost seems like they want to out feature each other. And while most gamers game to game...they enjoy the draws of being able to have easy access to movies or television. The Wii U has made some terrific strides with it's features like TVii (which is really being underutilized) and Nintendo Network has improved....but it could be better. Gamers want more out of their systems...and they are willing to pay $500-600 for it.

Step 3: Appeal to masses, If You Build it They Will Come- Technology is becoming more and more advanced. Companies often go for broke making multi million dollar costing games. Nintendo could definately try to appeal more towards it's western audiences. Back in Japan Nintendo and Sony go head to head, however even in Japan Wii U is struggling. I know that Nintendo loves it's home audience, but western gamers will always want more, more, more,  So Nintendo could do one of two things...Pull a Microsoft and throw cash at everything...or just advertise more third parties than they do Mario.  Disney knows this...they've reduced Mickeys role. People know Mario just like they know Mickey Mouse...he's not going to become irrelevant or obsolete. Take some chances on other Ip's Nintendo. Mario is your work horse and you're beating him to death. Let someone else take on the load. Make a system up to par with what is considered next generation easy to develop for and developers will want to work with...hell EA may even come back. And yes I know Nintendo refuse to put games onto mobile phone deveices, but if they warmed up to the idea of let's just say porting the classic Super Mario Bros for $1.00 they could probably find a staggering number of people buying their product so they can save the princess on the go. At least try it can't hurt to at least dabble one time.

I know I have gone on a bit long here, but honestly these are legitimate ways to help Nintendo. I know I left out a few. For instance I could have talked about the lack of focus on Wii U while the 3DS sells like hot cakes. This has always been a odd thing. And I know that more people game on the go....I'm just say that instead of 75/25 focus of portable to home console maybe 55/45 or something. Anyways comments and feedback are always appreciated!



Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/05/2014 at 05:31 PM

good blog!  I most agree with the online infrastructure.  When I got my Wii U for Xmas, I couldn't download WWHD for days because their network was down.  It made me so frustrated, and the lame interface did NOT help. 

I still love Nintendo, despite their flaws, and I hope they succeed in the future and get back on their feet. 


02/05/2014 at 09:51 PM

Yeah when I still love Nintendo too. It's one reason I bought a Wi U...and I'll continue to buy their systems. It's just not in me to abandon them.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/05/2014 at 11:50 PM

I love Nintendo too, so it's sad Gamecube may be the last Big N console I buy if they can't do a few things like what you've mentioned. 


02/06/2014 at 02:07 PM

Yeah they seem like such simple solutions, but I mean I don't run Nintendo....all I can do is say hey I got a business degree look how simple things could be lol.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/06/2014 at 02:39 PM

Yeah, my only expertise when I used to want them to do things differently was as a middle schooler who really wished they could have been cool again. I'm gonna go cry now. I'll be on my bed. No calls.

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