damn dude that scythe is FUCKING AWESOME!
Glad to hear u are doing well, and you've got music for your game now.
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![]() On 02/05/2014 at 11:10 PM by BrokenH ![]() See More From This User » |
Art of Lucian because uh...yeah...stuff!
My blogging streak has been curb stomped lately. Part of this was because I redid the soundtrack for my game. It’s not mystery using “licensed music” is a big no-no. Youtube has started cracking down hard on it so it’s nice to know any future let’s players who cover Gutterdelve will not suddenly be inexplicably muted and left to wonder why!
Blake’s tracks of course remained untouched! Both because they’re good and he was gracious enough to give me permission to use them. Everything else is either VXACE music or from Kevin MacLeod. For those of you who don’t know, he goes by the tag “Incompetech” and he’s a truly brilliant composer. The fact he offers up royalty free music is a god-send for little guys like me whom cannot always afford to fork over greenbacks to talented musicians.
Other than that I decided on an offensive game month! I downloaded Agarest War from Steam and picked up Lollipop chainsaw on the cheap on amazon. Remember when every game journo was throwing around the word “misogyny” and bashing Japan? Yeah, these are two games that got grilled pretty hard by the gaming press. (But GTA 5 is a delightful tour de force worthy of a perfect score! Don’t you DARE say otherwise, cretins! See what happened to Carolyn Petit who had the audacity to call it out for tasteless humor while giving it a friggin “9”?! To the gladiatorial arena with that wench! Release the lions!”)
Agarest War
"Most controversial thing about Agarest War? Brace yourselves,you can become a DAD! Oh,and you marry the beau of your choice! Yes,this is far worse than Trevor pulling someone's teeth out with pliers whilst the gamer gets "rewarded" for torture. Damn you,Japan! Why the misogyny,WHY?!"
Like Mass Effect, this game was “hyped” for being a degrading interactive porno! “Unfortunately”, it’s nothing more than a decent tactical rpg with an equally decent story! Yeah, there are some hawt anime waifus but they don’t do anything beyond some “teasing” and giving oral satisfaction to various food groups!
Truth be told, this game appeals just as much to girls as it does to guys. It has a dating/marriage mechanic and plenty of romantic sub-plots to round out the battle entrenched backdrop.
The character sprites and art for the game are beautiful and it has one of the most refreshing soundtracks I’ve heard in awhile. To think people compared this to “Bible Black” or “Rapelay” makes me chuckle. On that note, if you go into Agarest war EXPECTING hardcore hentai action, prepare to be disappointed! The female characters are certainly attractive and scantily clad but intimate moments with them in the game seem more subdued and subtle as opposed to being totally balls-to-the-wall in your face!
My only gripe with the game is the dungeons. These are areas where you can walk & jump around to explore the immediate area yet for some reason the game slows to a crawl during these segments. (At least the steam version) Luckily “dungeons” are spaced apart with straight up combat scenarios which are much more rewarding and fun to play.
Overall this is one of those good games that got a bad rap. It’s translated well, plays well (except for the laggy dungeon areas), and even has endearing characters! Assuming you enjoy tactical J-rpgs you can do much worse than Agarest war. It’s dirt cheap on steam right now so why not give it a try?
Lollipop chainsaw
I jumped in to Lollipop Chainsaw just long enough to see if I would like it. It’s difficult to say “why”, but I really dig LC’s combat. It’s not as flashy or complex as Bayonetta or DMC but the chainsaw handles well and there’s just enough “resistance” to make you feel like you really are cutting through rotting flesh and bones. It’s also nice to play a zombie game where the zombies are varied. Slicing up undead home room teachers, undead police officers, and undead students is enjoyable by itself but the fact they say such side splittingly funny things really adds to the overall experience!
I can see how certain gamers could breeze through this game quickly. However, I want to save all the students and unlock all the collectibles, upgrades, and costumes so I’ll probably be at it awhile.
As a highlight I got to kill Johnny Urine’s punk-rocker zombie avatar! Ah, good times!
Firstly: If you need more tracks, let me know. I've got at least 2 that you can use. If not, it's cool. Just letting you know you've got options.
Secondly: If you want to be truly offended, look for the visual novel Song of Saya. A) It's amazing, feeling like Silent Hill but more disturbing, with rape, paedophelia (perceived anyway) filicide, and so much more in disturbing content. I was okay with most of the sex scenes because they were't for titilation, they were there to disturb and actually add to the plot, but one is a bit silly, with a rape scene that actually made me laugh with how stupid it is. Other than that, check it out, I think you'll like it. I loved it to be honest, but it is fucking heavy.
Doesn't Song Of Saya play out like an interactive novel murder mystery,Blake? I'm getting pangs of familiarity.
Funny you should mention "music" because Gutterdelve will be having a sequel. If you're willing to share a couple of tracks I'm all for it!
Lastly, "Deadly Premonition" has a good plot of sex,murder,and messed up paranormal strangeness too. The best version is the Director's cut on the PS3 but I think it's on Steam too. (Though is not as stable based on what I read) I have the first release for the 360 and it's sad the price for that version has kind of sky rocketed.
I don't understand the misogyny claims for the first one at all, and I still remember that FoxNews The Five panel discussing Mass Effect that you referenced. What upset me most is my dad took their side, despite my explanation of how unlikely it was you'd get to that PG-13 cutscene at all (I have never played it, but I know how vidja games work).
As for Lollipop Chainsaw, I can at least get where people are coming from, but its offensiveness is part of its charm for me, though I have not played it, either. Eh.
I couldn't belive Fox went after Mass Effect. Compared to many other games ME is so tame. That and the female characters in it are very positive. (Except that annoying reporter chick who doggedly pursues Shepherd across the universe!)
As for Agarest War it's pretty mild. There's fan service but no more than you'd get from a comic book in the 90's. You're also not much of a "man whore" considering you settle down with one woman before creating your offspring.
Then there's Lollipop Chainsaw which when you think about it is not nearly as offensive as the majority of the stuff you do in GTA 5 or Saints Row 4. I find it unfair how western game journalists do not criticize their own games that have raunchy offensive humor too harshly yet it's always open season on Suda 51,compile hearts, or Hideo Kojima. Why do such people can so much about pseudo moral superiority? It baffles me,Joe!
It's part of the American Puritan/Calvinist mentality. "Suggestions of sex - evil; gratuitous violence - good."
Lollipop Chainsaw is great. Probably my favorite Suda 51 game to date. It's not Bayonetta, but I like its style and it plays well enough.
Agarest War is from Red Entertainment, the folks who made the hugely popular Sakura Wars games on Saturn, Dreamcast, and PS2. The PS2 Sakura Wars is one of my favorite games of all time. These games aren't quite up to that standard, but they aren't bad, either. I will admit they have the obnoxiously bobbing breasts in the visual novel scenes, but other than that, I don't see why people would bitch about it.
After exposure to the breast physics brought to me by Team Ninja Agarest war doesn't phase me,Andrew. lol. Actually, the first game doesn't have any jiggle physics I've seen so far. (Though yeah, the artwork can be very suggestive at times)
As for Lollipop Chainsaw,it is really fun! Not saying it's "Game Of The Year" but it's a nice change of pace from the usual 3rd/1st person shooters. Most of the humor in it wouldn't even offend the majority of my female friends though I guess my female friends are not all the typical "Girly gurls" or "Social justice warrior" types. (A fact for which I'm grateful. lol.)
I know about the Puritanical U.S. response to sex in media, I've been saying since high school or earlier that it's a bit insane; I meant the way Ben described it, I wasn't really picking up on that much for Puritans to find offensive, but granted I did skim.
What I meant is that it's ingrained in US culture. Even those of us who are less uptight about sexual content are subject to it, to a certain degree. Gears of War had gratuitous blood and gore, nobody batted an eye. Mass Effect had a sex scene but little violence, Fox News had a cow. Even the ESRB ratings reflect this. A game with gratuitous blood and gore is on the top rack in Wal-Mart with a M rating and would be advertised heavily by Microsoft or Sony as the must-have game of the holiday season. A game with explicit sex scenes, even with zero violence, would be an automatic AO rating and would not even be approved for release by Sony, Nintendo, or Microsoft. It's a cultural thing in this country. We've always glorified war and fighting and been ashamed of sex.
Like I said, I know, I'm aware of everything you said, I've been aware of it for a long time now.
I just was not reading anything in Ben's description that would warrant backlash even from out culture, but now, reading "oral pleasure to certain food groups" after re-reading, I think I'm getting it.
It's also intensified,Joe. I remember when comic books wouldn't catch much flak for sexy poses and sexual content (within reasonable PG 13 standards) but now you have folks rallying against such content with the mockish Hawkeye initiative.
I'm not saying all content should be "kinky" and "pandering" but I do think it should be allowed to exist. I'm all for evolving gaming as art and entertainment but no genre should be sacrificed for that goal. (Afterall, even films have grindhouse midnight movies!)
1. Agarest: I've really been wanting to play this game. I've been on a strategy RPG kick ever since I reviewed Disgaea D2, so I think it's only a matter of time before I pick this up.
2. Lollipop Chainsaw: Great game! Still kind of short though. I managed to save all of the students and I believe I gathered all of the collectibles (they're not too tough to find) on my first playthrough, and I think it only took me about 10 hours total.? Either way though, I still had a lot of fun, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it as well!
1. Agarest war has a great battle system. However Disgaea's cheeky writing and sense of humor are hard to beat. In contrast,Agarest War takes itself more seriously. But I was surprised how good the narrative actually was. It's translated rather well!
2. I should have gotten LC sooner but I was afraid about the length. However, a friend assured me there's plenty to unlock. Embarassingly enough I let one student die in the beginning. The cowardly guy who locks you out then gets confronted by a bunch of explody zombies. Because of a weird camera angle I didn't get to him in time. Oops! (troll-face)
Nice to see ya Ben.
I did heard of Agarest War and I remember when I used to frequent GameSpot that the site gave it an actually positive score, though I did never heard of the controversies you said. Good thing it's all just exageration. Since it's on Steam, I wouldn't mind playing it.
Good to see you too,Alejandro!
Agarest war never came under attack for being a tactical rpg. It more came under attack for the female art designs and the dating/marriage mechanics. IGN gave it a pretty good score too. 7 out of 10 is not too shabby at all for a game like this to receive!
My only gripe is it lags a little bit during the "exploration dungeon" parts. However, it's not so terrible it made me hate the whole game.
Yeah,it perplexes me too,mate. Personally I'm not big on torture scenes and needless human sacrificing but ironically those types of themes do not get much critical back-lash. But if there's "implied sex" or the violence in question happens to a woman instead of a man the journo shitstorm will cometh!
I remember Argarest War. While it's no Final Fantasy Tactics, I thought it was a fun game. I made it to the second generation before something pulled me away. I picked up the second Argarest War on Amazon when they were having a sale, but I'm still waiting to finish the first one (Oh pile of shame, how you keep growing.)... The biggest piece of controversy surrounding that game was the mouse pad with the breast wrist rests that was included in the box (from what I can remember).
I really enjoyed Lollipop Chainsaw. It's one of the best playing Suda 51 games I've played. I hope you enjoy it too.