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Change is BaD

On 02/06/2014 at 04:39 PM by Ranger1

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Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2014

OK, so I wasn't going to resort to BaD puns, but I just couldn't help myself.

The recent (and not so recent) updates on PSN (and maybe Live, too, but I usually do my media viewing on PSN, my PS3 is quieter) for both Netflix and Hulu Plus annoy me beyond belief. I hated the design decision that was made to automatically start a new TV episode when they rolled it out, and it hasn't grown on me in any way, shape, or from since then. I think I can manage to press start myself if I want to watch another episode, thanks all the same. As if that wasn't bad enough, the new format for browsing is all chaotic, making finding something a real pain in the ass. And it seems like it changes every time you sign on, making it even more aggravating. Another thing that bugs me is the "new releases" secion. Half of them have been there for several months, making them no longer new. The HUGE ad for whatever they're trying to get you to watch is a pain, too. I miss seeing the info on the screen about who the actors are, what year the film was released, etc. And one of the biggest annoyances is not being able to restart something from the begiining. Sometimes I fall asleep five minutes in and it's just easier to restart the whole thing rather tan try to figure out where the hell I was when I nodded off.

Hulu Plus seems like it's headed in that direction, too. At least Netflix just starts a new episode of whatever TV series you happened to be watching. Hulu Plus is automatically starting completely random TV shows. Thanks, but no thanks, I really can pick out what I want to watch myself. Honest. Also, with the most recent update, I can no longer use my media remote, it has to be the PS3 controller. I bought the media remote so I wouldn't have to use the controller for watching TV and movies and run the battery down needlessly. It worked before and now it doesn't. My other complaint is how buggy Hulu Plus is in the first place, I mean, shouldn't they be fixing that first rather than shove updates that break things at us?

Well, I think I've groused enough. Thanks for listening. Feel free to add any complaints you want in the comments.



Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/06/2014 at 05:17 PM

I'm about to do some ranting myself for my daily BaD blog.  I'm having trouble with my music equipment and it's driving me bonkers!!!

BaD puns are just too fun, man!  The BaD kind of fun, that is.  Laughing


02/06/2014 at 05:26 PM

I hate when shit doesn't work the way you want it to. Electronics are especially aggravating, as I'm not all that tech savvy. Mechanical stuff I'm actually pretty good at.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/06/2014 at 05:29 PM

see, I'm terrible at mechanical stuff like cars and other engineering marvels but I'm usually okay with tech stuff.  I can usually figure out how to use it.  But today I struggled with some equipment until I finally went online and found out the two pieces I wanted to connect are strangely incompatible.  Ruins my whole week, to be honest, if not the month.  Yell  I'm going to have to go in a completely different direction now in what i need to do what i want to do musically.  Oh well, that's life!  Tongue Out


02/06/2014 at 05:33 PM

See, this is where I'd start throwing shit, lol. But mechanical stuff I can take apart and put back together. And I can usually trouble shoot the problem even if I can't fix it myself. I've replaced the drain in a sink before, spliced in a new piece of water line, I can change the oil in most things (I won't do my own car, though, too much of a hassle), and I can tear down, clean, and put back together a chainsaw.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/06/2014 at 09:06 PM

yes, but can you strip and clean a chainsaw while blindfolded and zombies are beating down the door??????


02/07/2014 at 08:16 AM

The chainsaw would just have to remain dirty until after the zombies were dealt with. Besides, I'd just have to clean it again anyway.


02/06/2014 at 05:26 PM

That sounds pretty BaD. I never used my PS3 for netflix. My TV is a smart TV so I can just use it on there. Although sometimes I can't help but question the term "smart". I get tired of all the updates though. Like the Playstation store. It used to be simply laid out. Ah well. My PS3 isn't even hooked up anymore lol.


02/06/2014 at 05:29 PM

My OCD gets drven bonkers by the new chaotic format for Netflix. It's neither fun nor easy to browse forthings any more, and I question some of their recommendations for me, lol.


02/06/2014 at 05:56 PM

This is why I tend not to browse Hulu anymore. I miss the set-up where you could search for shows alphabetically, the way they have it now is kind of annoying.


02/06/2014 at 07:10 PM

It's kind of like someone said "Oh, hey! I have an idea! Let's make it exceedingly difficult for people to find what they actually want! They'll love it and thank us for it!"


02/06/2014 at 07:56 PM

I actually the PS3 netflix auto episode skip thingy. It makes it easier if you are binge watching a lot of episodes! Other than that, I actually hate the new layout because whatever show or movie you are slecting, it takes up 80% of the screen! That's just annoying.


02/06/2014 at 08:06 PM

I frequently fall asleep watching stuff and I have a download cap, so this is not a good thing.


02/06/2014 at 08:08 PM

I'm a fan of the autoplay.  If I don't want to watch the next episode of something then I'm already either planning on turning it off or changing it to something else, so I already have the remote handy.  If I want to keep watching, it's nice that I don't have to go find the remote every time an episode is over (since I'm usually doing multiple other things when watching shows on netflix).


02/06/2014 at 08:22 PM

Maybe there needs to be an option for both, make everyone happy.


02/06/2014 at 09:02 PM

My wife & I like the start next episode thing.  We only wish it wouldn't stop at only 3.  I wish it played the whole damn season before stopping.  Sorry you don't like it.  Damn shame they didn't give us an option to disable it. 


02/06/2014 at 09:04 PM

The Netflix one is less annoying than the Hulu Plus one. At least with Netflix, it's the same show.


02/06/2014 at 09:06 PM

I prefer Netflix. Not saying it's "perfect" but between it and Hulu I always went with the former.


02/07/2014 at 08:19 AM

Netflix has more stuff and is commercial-free. I wouldn't bother with Hulu except that I don't have cable and it's how I watch the majority of the TV shows I like.

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

02/06/2014 at 10:59 PM

How recent was the Nextflix update?  It's been about 2 days since I last used it on my PS3, so maybe I'm in for a shock the next time I boot it up.


02/07/2014 at 08:18 AM

It came a whle back, I just finally got around to writing about it.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/07/2014 at 12:16 AM

I get annoyed by the next episode thing too, mostly cause I try to watch one episode of House of Cards or whatever per day, and keep it at that. 

The way Netflix figured out its category system is hilariously bad research. Why you'd think a bunch of genres spat out by Hollywood producers would be generalizable to the population at large, I don't know, but despite NPR's puff piece I and most people I know do not like their category system at all. Their recommendations are usually presumptious and bad because they focus on too-specific aspects of whatever you just watched or just don't make any sense at all. 

I'd also like to be able to see descriptions without clicking a link. Of course, I've had this problem since Fall 2013, so do these updates come  out in a staggered fashion like they do on Facebook?


02/07/2014 at 08:17 AM

No, I don't think they're staggered. It's just the first time I've written about it.


02/07/2014 at 03:23 AM

I'm annoyed at the way Netflix pops up suggested movies as the credits roll on the one you've just finished on PSN. I like watching the credits. It's the time I think about the movie, look up who played what and listen to the extra music tracks, as well as see who performed them. I finally figured out how to go back to the credits, but it's still annoying.


02/07/2014 at 08:21 AM

I really hate that, too. It's actually the most annoying thing about Netflix on PSN, I just forgot to mention it when I first posted the blog and I already had people commenting so it was too late to go back and change it.


02/07/2014 at 09:39 PM

I am not a fan of that automatic start of TV Shows on Hulu+. If I want to watch one episode or an entire season I should have the option, not Hulu+


02/07/2014 at 11:47 PM



02/28/2014 at 02:07 PM

that's odd. I really haven't notice the big differences with netflix on my PS3 or Xbox 360. Now on the Wii, it keeps freezing after a few episodes.

Can't mention much on Hulu Plus, Can't bring myself to pay for that service and still get commericals. I'd rather fire up "The Beast" desktop PC and watch regular hulu via HDMI.

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