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BaD Kitchens! Game controversy Zex!

On 02/06/2014 at 08:37 PM by BrokenH

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I might as well be accused of implying this!

So, a scene in my game has sparked the flames of debate recently. Surprisingly, it’s not what I would consider the most controversial scene in the story.(No,not Deidre's "revelations" found in the high school) Rather it’s a scene that takes place in the kitchen where three of the female protagonists drag off “the new girl” to get to know her.

To put the event in context, a more serious conversation happened moments before in which every character was discussing an upcoming battle with a parasitic supernatural entity as well as the possibility of getting their fallen comrade back from the clutches of death.

Two people had an issue with the kitchen scene. One implied just by the conversation “being in the kitchen” in relation to female characters it somehow is a subversive attempt at sexism. The other person was quick to remind me not all females talk about “girly things”. I think that is a valid criticism yet it’s been my experience when you gather four women in one room they “usually” do talk about more feminine topics. (Same logic applies when gathering four men into a room who talk about “guy stuff“. And yes, I acknowledge exceptions to this rule can and do exist!)

When I wrote the scene I knew it was in the backdrop of a tense situation. Personally when I’m in a uncomfortable predicament I talk about normal things and joke around to calm my nerves. As such, I conveyed that through Amy, Deidre, and Kara as they were introducing themselves to ANGI. Yes, I suppose they could have went into discussing “the art of war” but had they done so I feel as if the scene would have been forced and that my female cast would have seemed less natural and less human.

I like Anya but do not think every female character in video-games should be a cookie-cutter copy of her.

Beyond ANGI, no other female protagonist was a military brat or had a battle related purpose. Deidre is “tough” but is too much of a “lone survivor” to have joined a gang. Amy inflicts a strict aerobics and exercise regime upon herself to have an edge in fights but once again, she never joined the military. Kara was simply “the popular girl” in HS and while she is athletic and healthy she is not truly a “warrior”. (Though her innate Dandalion abilities certainly give her the upper hand!) My point is these are “normal females” despite their extraordinary origins. I cannot picture them bringing up tactical strategies when getting to know a new person.

When Deidre compliments ANGI’s vibrant red hair, Amy brings up ANGI’s flawless young features based upon her own insecurities, and Kara asks ANGI about her personal life with Tim I was NOT being sexist. I was simply trying to create a casual conversation based upon whom was having it. (And to set the record straight,Liam is the character who is implied to love cooking. Thought I'd throw that out there!)

Often in game design we are told to avoid “stereotypes” but everyone seems to have their own subjective opinion on what stereotyping is. I was told bluntly that women enjoy videogames and comic books too. Uh yeah, I know that already! Deidre is a big fan of the fantasy card game soulmorphisis which exists in the fictional universe Gutterdelve takes place in. Amy likes Harry Potter and Twilight. (Both things that would get her branded as a “nerd” by certain other girls) Kara is a “closet geek” and Ben brings this up while talking to her in one of his memories.

But I digress, I cannot expect people playing my game to soak in every detail and know the material as well as I do. That’s an unfair expectation. I just wish people were not so “hyper sensitive” and didn’t look for red herrings in places that have none! Put metaphorically, a windmill is not a dragon no matter how much we wish for it to be so!




02/06/2014 at 08:44 PM

Send me the link to your game again.


02/06/2014 at 08:51 PM

Thanks. I really hope you can Dev on the Ouya one day. Awesome little console.


02/06/2014 at 09:48 PM

I hope so too,Bro!


02/06/2014 at 08:54 PM

Pfft! So they go hang in the kitchen and talk about girl stuff. Big deal. Women do tend to do that. My friend Brittney and I talk about stripping down chainsaws and pulling engine blocks and then segue into kntting and needlework and cookie baking, usually over coffee. I would imagine if you had a group of men and women together in a tense situation, they would be even more likely to do that as a way to reduce the stress and attempt to normalize things a little.

I wouldn't worry about it, Ben. Some people just look for excuses to get their knickers in a twist and then blame others.


02/06/2014 at 08:58 PM

It's funny because there is NEVER any actual cooking going on in that kitchen,Tami. lol. It's the most useless kitchen ever. It's "implied" that is where a meal was cooked but noone ever sees anyone working on it before hand. (Ghost chefs!)


02/06/2014 at 09:00 PM

Like Brittney and I cook in the kitchen? LOL, we just drink coffee and talk. Kitchens tend to be comfortable places to hang.


02/06/2014 at 09:09 PM

They are comfortable places to hang! When I have guests over that's where we usually converse. I think it's because beverages and snacks are an arm reach away.


02/06/2014 at 09:10 PM

I really don't know how you put up with the assholes.  Man, you are blessed with more patience than me. Laughing


02/06/2014 at 09:20 PM

I do it mainly because these types want you to explode at them,James. If you act polite yet still present your side of the argument they have less ammo to work with. Sadly,some of them are doggedly stubborn. 

THe person responding on the link blog floored me when she flat out said "Well you're a man,maybe you just cannot write female characters". I concur what she says is partially true. In general it helps to empathize and be inside the head of the gender you write about. Then again, I've read some rather awful fiction by women who could not write about their own gender OR men worth a damn!  


02/06/2014 at 09:31 PM

I think many of them are just being trolls.  I tell my wife and her friends about some of your situations and none of them have sided yet with the lunatics you put up with. 


02/06/2014 at 09:37 PM

I rather believe they are trolls "in it for the lulz" or generally decent human-beings with personality disorders as opposed to being deluded zealous peons who actually believe the strawman vitriol they spew down in their comments! At least then I can have some hope for humanity.


02/06/2014 at 09:18 PM

That sounds pretty ridiculous. People are way too sensitive nowadays. Then again... maybe they just sucked at your game and were desperately looking for something to complain about  lol. Tongue Out


02/06/2014 at 09:25 PM

Next time an epic or pivotal conversation occurs in a future game I make I'm going to have it in a bath-house, stripper club,butcher cold room, or a sex shop "just because" I can. lol. Then when I get hundreds of complaints my troll smile will spread from ear to ear,Aaron. Tongue Out

People really are too sensitive. It's okay to care about fellow human-beings whilst having scruples but "faux sensitivity" is just another lie.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/07/2014 at 12:46 AM

I'm too tired for all this right now, but there is a typo in the text you linked to. One instance of accept should be except. I forget where, but it's in parentheses. Your broader point is what matters, so I wouldn't worry about it, but when I'm writing papers myself, I notice these things. Not that I apply the same scrutiny to my blogs or comments, cause I don't. Honestly, it just stuck out to me cause I've been editing my own work. 


02/07/2014 at 01:56 AM

Couldn't find what you're referencing but it could be I'm just too tired, Joe. lol. If you mean the "Zex" that's a round about reference to GuiltyGearX and the way the guy in one of the game trailers says it.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/07/2014 at 01:22 PM

No, it's the first word in parentheses under the Unagressive monsters section. I don't remember Zex. It's the second of three instances of "accept" when you hit ctrl+f as I type this. 


02/07/2014 at 01:38 PM

Thanks for being more specific. I'll get on it,Joe!

Cary Woodham

02/07/2014 at 05:52 AM

My two favorite original characters of yours are ANGI and Brandy.  And that's all I know!


02/07/2014 at 11:28 AM

Brandy and ANGI are both in the game,Cary! However, there are some dark disturbing parts too. (Well, as dark and disturbing as one can get with text and retro styled sprites!)


02/07/2014 at 11:18 AM

It's very difficult to gauge just what could potentially cause offense, one person's harmless little reference is another's blatant attack on <insert target here>.

I've been joking around with my brother about this idea for a game we've had for a while, specifically how no one would believe some of the situations the characters get into. Even though most of the situations would be stuff that actually happened to one or both of us, just with little exaggerations for comedic effect.


02/07/2014 at 11:26 AM

It's true. We're all different! 

But yeah,Gutterdelve deals with heady stuff. Yet I'm left to wonder why the people complaining did not heed the disclaimer! It's not as if I dumped them into the game without a warning first. 


02/07/2014 at 12:01 PM

People are in denial about their own nature.  They don't want truth in art, they want validation of self. They are children.


02/07/2014 at 12:21 PM

Pretty much. I've already come to that conclusion,Chris. I'm sorry, but there are worse things in life than being offended. And these "kids" were given a full disclaimer at the beginning of the game. I tried warning them but I suppose they thought they had thicker skins than they actually did!


03/04/2014 at 01:38 PM

You have got to be kidding me. People are criticising the kitchen scene?!?!

Are they atleast offering constructive or just basic bashing? It's one thing to create a character's backstory but to get upset over a scene that is suppose to objectify of past preconditions.

My faith in humanity dies a little more today.

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