Good to see you back, man.
Today I plan to pick up Bravely Default (3DS). I may pick up Lego Marvel Super Heroes (360) too. It's on sale at Toys R Us.
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![]() On 02/07/2014 at 07:50 AM by Phantasystar77 ![]() See More From This User » |
I know, I haven't been very active here. I originally wrote a blog last Nov but ended up losing it and it kind of turned me away. But yeah im back and hopefully I can get a little more active. Anyway, not too much new with me aside from the typical boatload of new games. Last Nov I ended up getting an XBox One day one. It was an interesting day to say the least. It was a last minute thing for me as my dad offered to lend me the cash to get one and a few games. So I frantically called around to various places who all told me the same thing. They sold all their per-orders and might be getting a few extra too sell. I decided Walmart was my best bet. So I got there around 5:45 pm or so and was second in line. After a few hours I found out they were getting something like 12 extras to sell. Needless to say, I was happy. At about 10pm they gave us all slips so we could get out of line until they could be sold at midnight. Yes im aware that the XBox One could still be found on most store shelves a few weeks after it hit, but I wasn't gonna chance it. It was a very long and mostly boring wait, but overall I have to say it was an interesting night and im glad I did it. Half way through the wait ar around 8:30 or so we even got some entertainment courtesy of some idiot standing in line thinking he was cool getting cocky with the manager. It didn't end well for him though. The cops came in and escorted him out.
So, what do I think of the system? Well on one hand I like it a lot and see a lot of potential, but on the other its clearly rushed. However I felt the PS4 was rushed too. No I don't own a PS4 yet. I know many of you might be wondering why I got an XBox One over PS4. The answer is simple. The XBox One had far more in the way of exclusives that I wanted. About the only thing exclusive on PS4 that interest me that is out now or coming soon is Killzone, and Drive Club. Resogun is fun too, but its not a system seller to me. I know, I can hear even more people crying how the PS4 is more powerful and the resolution is higher in some of the multiplatform games. Blah blah blah. I really don't care. I own both Battlefield 4, COD Ghost, and AC 4 on XBox One, but played all 3 at a friends on PS4. Using the same TV, same settings, and same HDMI we switched back and fourth between the two versions and I couldn't notice anything too big. In fact i'd say the difference was about on the same level as a multiplatform game on PS3, and 360. If you're not aware, the 360 versions of the game usually looked cleaner about 75% of the time. Its most evident in games like Modern Warfare 3, Rage, and Black Ops. In more extreme cases theres stuff like Red Dead Redemption, and Ghostbusters. Its certainly not the leap that many Sony fanboys claim it to be. Especially fanboys like the ultra biased William Usher of Gaming Blend. That guy give the site a bad name with his constant hit-pieces filled with exaggerations and lies.Yes I am aware PS4 is a bit more powerful then the XBox One, but its doesn't bother me. Did the fact that stuff like the COD games, Rage, or Ghostbusters looked inferior on PS3 stop anyone from enjoying them? Nope, not at all Heck, I own both versions of all the titles mentioned and it didn't stop me from having fun on PS3. On the flip side, a few games like Split Second, and Portal 2 looked a bit better on PS3. I still had lots of fun on 360 though. Fanboys are stupid and I refuse to call them real gamers.
I still plan on getting a PS4 this year, just not now. I actually could have gotten one yesterday with my tax return since my local Best Buy had it in stock. However I wouldn't be able to get any games along with it. My Plus also expired and wouldn't be able to afford to renew that for a few more weeks. I also wouldn't have been able to renew my XBox Live Gold which was set to expire on the 20th. So I opted to get some new games and put a little on a bill.
In other gaming new Steam is still getting a ton of attention from me. Yes im still addicted to the various bundle sites out there. They've really helped boost my collection quite a bit. The sales Steam has themselves are great too. My collection there is now up to 622 games. On the PS3 front I haven't been too active on that, but I just snagged Gran Turismo 6 yesterday so that may change. My early impressions of it are mostly positive. While it certainly looks better then the demo, its far from perfect. When I first booted it up the initial race it puts you in looks like crap. The colors seemed off, and things just looked blurry. Thankfully that was not the norm in the game. The real issue with the graphics in the game is that Sony is attempting to push the PS3 too hard. The result of this is a very inconsistent frame rate which tries very hard to stay at 60 but often drops far below. It also seemed like the graphics had a hard time keeping up at times when turning. Still the overall game does look very impressive. I just prefer the more solid graphics in 5.
Moving on I also pre-ordered Titanfall. Normally im not into online only multiplayer stuff, but after playing the alpha version I was very impressed. I simply couldn't stop playing. This game is definitely not COD with mechs as some have stated. The entire thing feels so much different and flows so much better.
Finally today im getting a few more goodies in. I snagged Aliens CM collectors edition new for $10, as well as a collectors version of Injustice with a cool tron-like joystick new for $60. Both were off Gamestop.
I highly recommend Lego Marvel. I got it on the XBox One about a month and a half back and love it. My only gripes about it are some of the controls on the vehicles, and flying. Damn is it fun picking a big character like Hulk, or Juggernaut and trampling through the city.
to make a movie quote "I heard that you were dead..."
Looks like the Xbox One/PS4 could be thought of as potental investments in what they can do later on. I think I'll wait myself given I don't quite have the room for two more HDMI systems. I'm still waiting on the price drop for the WiiU.