Did they change the name of Samoas to Caramel DeLites? My world has literally been flipped upside-down.
BaD 05: Quick Hits: Finished Another Game, The Olympics, And Pickups
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![]() On 02/07/2014 at 04:21 PM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
Happy Friday Pixlbit! Hope everyone is enjoying their first week of Blog A Day. I enjoyed writing everyday, and I enjoyed reading everyone else’s thoughts. Good stuff! Anyways for today I thought I would go back to my regular rotation of Blogs, which means today is Quick Hits with Chris! For today’s Quick Hits I thought I’d cover a couple of topics starting with another game has been taken down off Mount Backlog, my thoughts about the Olympics, and of course pickups. So sit back, relax, and let’s get this edition of Quick Hits started!
Another Game Off Mount Backlog
Early this morning, I finally beat Lego Harry Potter on the Vita. This game shares some similarities with the console version, but added a new game mode in dueling, and incorporated the duels within the game. At first I enjoyed this difference but towards the end it became a button mash to take down the other wizards. This button mashing started to hurt my hand and many times I let the opponent take down Harry so I could restart.
The rest of the game isn’t bad but I did find it more difficult to collect Lego studs because there isn’t as many floating around the HP universe. Lego games are made to be replayed multiple times to collect everything, and with the release of the new Lego Movie game, HP will be on the backburner for a little while before I go back and try to unlock everything.
Lego Harry Potter is a good game, but isn’t my favorite on the Vita.
Chris Loves The Olympics
I love the Olympics. Where else do you see countries get together, and compete in sport. The pageantry of the teams walking into the arena during Opening Ceremony, the storylines, the new heroes, and my favorite watching Team USA win. I tend to watch the majority of the events during the Olympics but I’d like to feature some of my favorites:
How do you not like 2 or 4 people pushing a cart down an ice track going 90mph? It’s a gravity rollercoaster and it is awesome. I know Team Jamaica is back which is nice, but I’d like to see US Hurdler and new Bobsledder Lolo Jones bring home some hardware.
*Remember during the London games when some folks were outraged that Ralph Lauren products were made in China, yet nobody gave a damn that our Swim team was outfitted by Li-Ning, a Chinese Shoe Company? I now wait for nobody to get angry at the fact that US Bobsleds have a BMW logo on them.
My favorite storyline from last Olympics was Lindsey Vonn (pre Tiger) vs. Julia Mancuso. Well this year Vonn is out with a knee injury, and it all comes down to Julia Manucso. I hope she wins just so she can wear a tiara on the podium…again.
Canada is loaded, and just like I told my friend, who is also a hockey fan that is an impressive Silver Medal Team. USA! USA! USA!
And my favorite sport of the games…
I don’t get what draws me to it, but it is freaking awesome. This was easily my favorite event in the last games, and I do hope Team USA comes home with some hardware
*Chris does some serious flag waving for USA Curling!
While watching the beginning of the games last night, I found a country I will bandwagon because of
Snowboarder Silje Norendal and
Norway’s Curling Team uniforms. It’s so out there that I like it…plus IT’S CURLING!
Earlier this morning I went to pick up my pre-order
This will probably be what I am doing all weekend, if I’m not watching the Olympics, or Aztecs Basketball.
My pre-order “bonus” and I bought a point card.
In other game pickups I added some inexpensive games to the library
I started a Dynasty with the St. Louis Rams in Madden. I simmed the first season, and fired everyone after finishing 5-11. Currently the Rams are 5-0 and only wear the throwbacks from the LA Rams days.
It was time to actually try Killzone 2. I’m starting to pick up some FPS games for the 360, and I’m going to try and force myself past the motion sickness of these games. I don’t have the motion sickness problem with Mirror’s Edge so I’m trying to see if I can get through it with other games (have I mentioned how much I am really enjoying Mirror’s Edge?)
A couple of other inexpensive games. The Club isn’t bad. I thought it would get boring considering you basically just run around and shoot the bad guy, but the different game modes within the Tournament keeps it fun. I think I’ll probably play one Tournament a sitting.
I’m going to start play Mass Effect. I own the second game, but I wanted to start at the beginning, and since everyone loves this series, I should be in for some fun.
This is another game I remember people talking about awhile ago, and for a couple of bucks, it was worth a shot.
I’m going to play this series again…but this time on the 360.
My thrift store games. There were other NES carts and they were marked at $4 each. When I went to pay for these and some CDs the nice lady charged me .50 cents for each. I didn’t want to press my luck so I paid for my stuff and left. Wii Sports is sealed, and if I ever buy a Wii, I’ll have a nice copy (the cover isn’t so nice however)
Toys R Us find
It was a dollar, and like I mentioned on Twitter, I feel dirty for saying this, but the Glee version of Landslide isn’t bad. It was a dollar CD so I can’t complain.
I got these CDs for a $1 each. I’m happy to have David Sanborn’s Greatest Hits and can’t go wrong with have some Patriotic Marches in the library.
At the thrift store where I got the Wii Sports and NES game, I bought these CDs. These were also .50 cents each. The Whitney Houston Star Spangled Banner was a rerelease to help out the victims of 9/11.
Some $2 CDs from another thrift store.
At the same Toys R Us I picked up the Glee CD, I found these items for a couple of bucks
I don’t buy movies as often anymore, but $3 bucks, it was worth a watch
I do like TV Shows however and picked this up for $2
I watched parts of the final season of The Big C, so it will be nice to fill in some missing portions and everything else I think is on the Showtime App.
My final pickups are my favorites
They were camped out in from my local grocery store. This group was hilarious because I walked up, and the three girls manning the booth were singing and waving at cars. Their mom said “what do you say to this gentleman” and they responded with “do you want to buy some cookies?” I said yeah, and they went back to their singing and waving at cars. I ended up buying five boxes total.
The next day (Super Bowl Sunday) a girl scout came to the house. It was a family affair where she would take the money, bring it to her dad who was pulling a wagon full of cookies, and her baby brother would deliver it to me. You can’t have too many Thin Mints right?
Well Pixlbit, it is lunch time here in SoCal, and my lunch is calling my name so we shall end our blog here.
That’s all for now, more later!