Anybody remember years ago in the '90s when Friday nights used to mean an awesome block of shows? Family Matters, Full House, Step By Step, Boy Meets World, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and some other wacky shows that came and went (anybody remember Dinosaurs?).

Ok, yeah, watching them these days, they're all really lame shows that only kids would like, but damn did I look forward to Friday night! Me, my brothers, and my Mom would go out for pizza with one of her friends and her kids before TGIF kicked off, which was always fun. After, we'd stop at the 7-11 next door and get a candy bar or one of those giant blow pops and head home.
If re-runs were on of any of the shows, the TV would be clicked off for a half an hour or more for some SNES action. I distinctly remember going through both DKC 1 and 2 during TGIF downtime on Friday nights. See, in my house, I couldn't play games on school nights, so Friday night was something truly magical. Nothing more exciting than that bus ride home, knowing what I was in for when I got home.
There's so much magic in childhood - it's sad that as you get older that magic truly disappears. You can see the spark in your kids' eyes though, so I hope that eventually their Friday nights will be as awesome as I remember mine to be as a kid. Not sure where this burst of nostalgia came from, but sometimes it's nice to reflect on the past.
Tonight is actually going to capture a bit of that magic. Chessa is going out for a night on the town with one of her friends, which means it's a boys night in the DiMola house. Going to bring the little guys to my parents' pizzeria for a pie and will probably swing home with them after and put on a movie and have some fun in their play area in our basement. Maybe I'll pick up some ice cream or something for a final treat before they head to bed. Guess we'll see.
Hope you guys are excited for your weekends!
Oh, before I forget here's today's thread:
What Do You Do For a Living?