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BaD Games: Top 10 Most Disappointing Games Part 1

On 02/09/2014 at 08:47 AM by Blake Turner

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  Ok guys, it's time for me to get my rant on. Most of these games aren't objectively bad, either they're overhyped, maybe they ruined a franchise. Either way, if they're on this list, I'm not a fan. Also, please bear in mind some games you like might be on here.

10. Borderlands 2

  This game was hyped to no end. “It's the second coming of Jesus!” “It's the funniest game you'll ever play.” “So much better than the first!”

 No. No. No. Borderlands barely improves over the first iteration. “Oh, it has more guns and jokes though!” Yeah, more useless crap I'll never use and more memes and references than I could poke a stick at. Except they're not funny. They're just stealing other peoples work and saying “Look, we've been on the internet! We've played Skyrim! We've seen the stuff you've seen! Please love us! Please!

 Also, the game is boring as shit in singleplayer. I know it's supposed to be a co-op experience and it's more fun with friends, but you know what else is more fun with friends? FUCKING EVERYTHING! That's not an excuse. If your game sucks without the people you like making It better, then your game sucks. End of Story.  

 I mean, I like shooters. I like action rpgs like Diablo. Yet for some reason, Borderlands 2 bores the ever loving shit out of me. It seems more grindy than most games of it's ilk, and it's attempts to be funny are often juvenile and fall flat. 

 Borderlands. More like BORE-Duh-Lames, amiright? Yeah, that's the kind of joke Borderlands would laugh at. Fuck Butt Stallion

9. Bioshock Infinite

 Firstly, it's not horror. I know, I know, that seems like a stupid reason to put it on this list, but the Bioshock games and the System Shock games were dripping with atmosphere. They were disturbing, creepy, and fucking awesome.

Now that we've gotten that out of the road, lets talk gameplay. More specifically, let's talk how bland, repetitive, and shit the shooting is. It's fucking terrible. For starters, it has a TWO WEAPON SYSTEM! Seriously, I think there should be a ban on two weapon systems. They are the fucking worst thing to ever happen to shooters. Can't use more that two weapons on a console? You know, there was this thing they invented called A FUCKING WEAPON WHEEL! All a two weapon system does is limit your options and make the gameplay shittier.

Secondly, can we fight more than 3 types of enemy? I kind of get sick of killing the same guy over and over and using the same tactics over and over and – gah. Fuck this game.


Let's move past the gameplay and on to a narrative point that really gets to me about this game. Why are the Vox evil? It seems to me to me like modern shooters have a certain amount of coloured people we have to kill before the game is allowed to ship. I mean, one second they're good, and the next second the game tries to tell you the people being oppressed probably deserve to be oppressed because they kill children. It just seems weird to me.


To be honest, I don't think I would have finished this piece of crap if Bilby wasn't watching me play it and wanting to know how it ends. Sure, the plot is alright and the world is pretty, but it's also hollow. It's empty. It doesn't feel alive for any more than the first 10 or 20 minutes.






02/09/2014 at 09:07 AM

My biggest disappointment with Bioshock Infinite was all of the stuff that was cut from the early 2012 videos that I had watched.  Nearly everything that they had shown was cut from the games.  I liked the gunplay better than the original Bioshock, but not quite as much as Bioshock 2.

I have no comment on Borderlands 2 because I have never played it, and probably won't...  unless that Vita port becomes tempting.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/09/2014 at 10:42 AM

I know right? Those trailers looked SO GOOD! Wtf happened?


02/09/2014 at 11:59 AM

With how many times they delayed the game I wonder how much of the original vision was left in the final product.


02/09/2014 at 10:19 AM

I haven't played Borderlands 2, but really don't care to since the first one bored me to death. I tried playing online with other people and everybody was off doing their own thing. It seemed totally pointless. I guess it would be better with friends and teamwork... but like you say, so would everything else lol.

I'm glad I got Infinite for free. If it sucks that bad then oh well.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/09/2014 at 10:42 AM

Infinite doesn't suck. It has one of the best narratives in gaming, and the way it touches on religion and American history really is superb. However, it's not as good as the original Bioshock, and as a shooter, it's just not very good.


02/09/2014 at 10:54 AM

I usually don't pay any attention to the plot in FPS games. I play them to shoot crap. I just mentioned Infinite because from your description it didn't sound like it was that great.  You did say "It's fucking terrible. " and "Fuck this game." after all lol.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/09/2014 at 11:16 AM

True haha. I have conflicting views on it. In many ways it's a step in the right direction for narrative in games, but a step in the wrong direction for gameplay.

 However, let's talk about a good shooter. I've been playing the beta for Wrack, and it's really cool. Reminds me a lot of quake II tbh. It's old school shooting through and through, and it plays really well for a beta. I'd definitely recommend it when it comes out.


02/09/2014 at 12:05 PM

I enjoyed playing Bioshock Infinite, but I'm not what you would call, "a seasoned fps player".  I don't notice the details in bad gameplay in those games.  I do agree with you about the Vox.  I hoped the game would make you just choose a side.  Instead, it makes you fight both sides.  I don't mind fighting the Vox, but the reason made up to fight the Vox is a bit stupid.  

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/09/2014 at 12:10 PM

 That's fair enough. I don't notice the faults of genres I don't play much either, so I get where you're coming from. 

 And yeah... the vox part was a Wtf were they thinking moment!


02/09/2014 at 12:05 PM

I could say something about Borderland and what I think of the first game so far, if it wasn't for the fact that there's a lost key that won't let me run the game and other Steam users are having the same problem.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/09/2014 at 12:10 PM

What do you mean? Did you buy a physical copy of the game?


02/09/2014 at 12:15 PM

No, it was the digital copy. Like I said, even other people in the forums are having the same problem.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/09/2014 at 12:23 PM

Wow... I assume you've hit up Valve about it? 


02/09/2014 at 01:40 PM

No, I haven't. How do you do that again?

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/09/2014 at 01:49 PM


02/09/2014 at 12:52 PM

Wow, I enjoyed both theses game alot, lol.

Borderlands 2 is one of my favorite games in the PS3/X360 gen. I bought it and all the DLC twice (console and PC). I love the feeling of looting better guns or eriduim, the characters, the story and writing, the multiplayer...everything. Just thought I would give another view of the game.

Bioshock Infinite people seem to either love or hate it seems.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/09/2014 at 01:34 PM

 You're absolutely entitled to your opinion, and neither of these games are awful, I just don't think they're great.


02/09/2014 at 03:05 PM

You as well. I realize just cause I like a game, not everyone should, lol. I just enjoyed BL2 alot.


02/09/2014 at 12:52 PM

Art direction in Bioshock looks tight as hell. Story seems ambitious, although they just had to throw in some multiverse/time travel bullshit to please geeks, instead of just straight up addressing the themes in a relevant context. Too bad about that combat play though. Not interested in a new arena shooter, no matter how good everything looks. Would rather play Brutal Doom.


02/09/2014 at 01:20 PM


Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/09/2014 at 01:31 PM

I second this. Brutal Doom absolutely blew me away, and I argued so hard for Plus10Damage to let me put it on my top 10 list lol.

 Agree with pretty much everything Macho said though.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

02/09/2014 at 01:09 PM

It's funny because I remember when Infinite first came out and I asked you about things like the two weapon system and you said it's not that bad. Guess things change. I agree with these anyways. They're both good games, but Borderlands really is boring as shit on your own without improving much for 2 and Infinite is all about the story over gameplay.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/09/2014 at 01:14 PM

Yeah, First 2-5 hours I was quite involved in the game. I really dug it. It has one of the best introduction in gaming. However, it just doesn't stick. A quarter of the game is brilliant. The rest is bland an monotonous. The two weapon system seems fine for a while, but after that it just starts to undercut the experience.


02/09/2014 at 01:20 PM

Bioshock infinite is a great game in my opinion but as part of the franchise it doesn't hold up. Bioshock 2 was alright. Infinite was just too bright and happy for me. The first Bioshock was soo amazing, I just felt the creepy dystopia and that it was a fight for survival. Infinite had an atmosphere of a shooter not survival. Which Bioshock is all about in my opinion and system shock for that matter. Bioshock makes me want to come back to the game and world. Infinite I was kinda like I beat it, wow amazing story, mind blown twist, and okay time to move on to the next game. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/09/2014 at 01:33 PM

I agree, it was held back by the fact that it was a Bioshock game. Even the end tie in was a bit too much. It was one of those endings that was like "fuck me, that was amazing" when you saw it, but after dwelling on it you're like "Seriously?" Not to mention they delivered it in a 20 minute exposition dump which is like a day one no no in storytelling 101,


02/09/2014 at 02:11 PM

I felt the end tie in was last minute and forced. Like I understand what they were doing but it could have been fleshed out more. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/09/2014 at 02:48 PM

I feel exactly the same!


02/09/2014 at 03:04 PM

I think Bioshock infinite had the potential to tell a good story. It addresses an era in history when a lot was wrong with America. (And those undercurrents can be felt even today) Yet it still limits itself to being a 1st person shooter. As you and your friends brought up earlier, the gameplay does not "fit" all the situations that are presented. I think I'd be more intrigued by the game if it had a Mass Effect-esque conversation wheel. That and if your choices would gradually change the world around you. Multiple endings (true multiple endings) could have added more re-play value too. I also prefer the darker and more tense atmosphere of the past Shock games so we're 100% in agreeance on that as well,Blake.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/09/2014 at 03:27 PM

I have never played either. I still want to play Infinite, but meh to Borderlands. 

Instead, I'll just critique your grammar. "Its" is possesive, "it's" is a contraction of it is. I've seen gigantor21 and a few others do the same thing, and it bothers me more than it probably should. 

That is all.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/09/2014 at 04:04 PM

You see I know that, but when I blog I tend not to edit. It's all just stream of consciousness baby! The only time I edit is for Plus 10 articles, as you can probably tell.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/09/2014 at 04:49 PM

Yeah, feel free to bust my balls about the multitude of run-ons I type in my blogs. lo;


02/09/2014 at 07:49 PM

I just started Playing Infinite and breezed through the First game (easy mode Wink) and yeah the two weapon system - not counting Melee of course - is bad it should at least be 3, actually they could have made up an excuse to create a vigor to hold 4 or several, somehow. I haven't gotten far into the game but I've only faced, Mechmen, vigor people and the standard men and women. Is that really all?

Anyway,  I don't think you can compare Either Bioshock because they are on different sides of the spectrum, Infinite is more social horror and during the fall of Utopia. the Bioshock/2 are game after the dust settles. 

Let me put it this way, as a black guy the society in Infinite scares me sh!tless Tongue Out

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/10/2014 at 02:34 AM

I think I can compare two games in the series, despite what they're trying to do. Infinite is trying to call out America, but as you'll see later, it fails. Also yeah, those are all the enemies you'll be facing with the exception of the worst boss fight in the history of gaming. Seriously, don't ever play the game on hard, because that boss fight is cheap as fuck.

 P.S. I had no idea you were black lol. Tbh I just picture whatever someone's avatar is as who they are. It's MUCH more fun that way :). When I see people with Kratos as their avatar, it seriously cracks me up, especially if they're nice, because I read it with the same hate filled tone as Kratos would. Well, as a black guy, infinite may deeply offend you towards the end as well... just a warning.


02/10/2014 at 08:28 AM

Well, from your old avatar you grin lie the Joker so I see what you mean Wink

Now I have to finish Infinite!Surprised


02/10/2014 at 01:50 AM

Yeah, I definitely enjoyed Infinite a lot, but after withstanding a years worth of delays I wouldn't have settled for anything less than Game of the Year.


02/11/2014 at 01:32 AM

I was a little disappointed in Bioshock Infinite. I wanted to interact with that world a lot more and the game didn't let you. It seemed frozen to me. And that horde battle DLC didn't interest me at all. That's not what I play Bioshock for.

Borderlands 2 is definitely better designed that the first game, but I'm having the same problems with playing a sniper class as in the first one. The enemy always surrounds you and rushes you making it really difficult to keep back and snipe. It's incredibly frustrating and.I restarted the first game like three times, and I almost restarted this one too. It is a barrel of fun in co-op though despite that.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/11/2014 at 10:40 AM

That's my experience with Borderlands 2 summed up entirely.

 Have you tried the Burial at Sea DLC? Apparently it's not half bad.


02/13/2014 at 03:00 AM

Not yet. Still making my way through the main quest line. I've heard one of the DLC was good. I guess the one you mentioned is it.

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