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Ben talks zombie vikings and ratings!

On 02/09/2014 at 04:27 PM by BrokenH

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Just got passed the "zombie viking" boss in Lollipop chainsaw. Pretty epic stuff! I love how you battle him on a flying boat and it's funny how both halves of him keep up the good fight even after he's cut in half. During the last segment he becomes a giant head that eats his own body and that blew my mind. Lollipop chainsaw may have flaws but the boss fights are over the top and memorable. This is no Bayonetta but in a way I'm glad it does its' own thing instead of trying too hard to be similar to other popular action games.

I've also got further in Agarest war. To get the allegiance of King Gunther I have to clear out a nasty monster in some misbegotten cave. Pretty typical rpg fare. Of the females my favorite so far is Fyuria. Ellis just seems too young and Vira Lorr has that coyly sly "I could betray you and not feel a splinter of remorse!" vibe coming from her. I actually care about Ellis but more in that "little sister" kind of way. Zerva (Fyuria's brother) is totally bad-ass! He's pretty much the love child of Magus and Sephiroth.

Now I guess it's time to address the elephant in the room. I know I've been bitching about the flak my game has received. Then after feeling crushed and defeated I had an epiphany. Even AAA games have trolls and countless down votes. Mass Effect 3's score on amazon is rather abysmal even though it's a good game. Yes,some people dwell only on the ending but as a whole ME 3 is a fun and engrossing sci-fi action rpg.

Granted,it's kind of a bummer there's so many negative people out there. There are also people who will probably avoid playing my game because of the unperfect score. But there will also be gamers who are curious and want to see for themselves what Gutterdelve is all about.

Truth be told, this is my first game. I shouldn't expect it to carry a "5 out of 5". Heck, it'll be nice if I can maintain a 3. I will go over what I personally think of the rating scale though!

Ratings through the eyes of Ben!

1 out of 5: 1 out of 5 is broken crap. It's a game where there was obviously little effort put in and there are so many glitches,bugs,and pitfalls it's near impossible to finish. Also apply this to "gag games" that can be beaten in a ridiculously short period of time (Within minutes) whilst including nonsensical narrative,deliberate game crashes,annoying sound effects,eye-sore inducing maps, and poor plot direction. 

2 out of 5: A 2 out of 5 is like a low budget Troma movie. If you squint and brace yourself there are parts about the overall experience that are bearable (even likable?) but there's still a lot of bugs in the code and aspects of the game play that are bland,frustrating,or annoying. Such a game may get the accolade "It's so bad it's good!" but there's a fine line between a guilty pleasure and a bothersome slog! The person (or people) who made this at least seemed to "try". With a little polish this one might shine someday!

3 out of 5: A 3 out of 5 is the equivalent of a summer sleeper hit movie. Overall it's smooth,generally glitch free,and well presented. There are parts that may even stand out as "memorable". However, there is at least a couple of nagging issues that weighs the experience down as a whole. It could be unbalanced battles,a few grammatical errors,an erratic difficulty curb, or even a story that leaves too many loose ends behind with no promise of a sequel on the horizon. A game like this is the "The Last Star-Fighter" when in comparison to "Star-Wars episode 1". It's impressionable and charming but not on a mass scale.

4 out of 5: "Something" about this game hits your nostalgic sweet spot. It could be the graphics,might be the art style,or even your connection to the characters or the game play. Regardless, this gem ever so slightly edges above its' competition. To harsher critics this maybe a "3 out of 5" but you are able to recognize the subtle nuances and extra care the developer put into creating it. Additionally every aspect presented rates as "average" to "slightly above average" with nothing dipping below the standard. Such a game may even try a few "new things" and succeed at them with marginal success.

5 out of 5: This game blew you away. It's one of those "indie darlings" destined to eventually have a price tag and probably get a re-release via Kick-Starter support with improved content. Whomever made this beautiful beast is truly a pro or a gifted prodigy. It could be such a game was also designed by a small but talented team of close friends. Any way you slice the cake, this game excels in all areas and adds a few new tricks to the trade! Most of us will NEVER make a game this awesome but hey,we can dream can't we?



Super Step Contributing Writer

02/09/2014 at 04:51 PM

I agree with ranking; I think "low budget Troma movie" may be redundant. lol


02/09/2014 at 04:54 PM

Yeah, "Troma" by itself implies low budget. lol. There was no need for me to be "long winded" with that one,Joe.

Cary Woodham

02/09/2014 at 04:59 PM

I'm glad I don't have to use scores for my game reviews.

Which character do you think I would like in that Argarest War game?

Go read my blog. :)


02/09/2014 at 05:05 PM

I've already been there,Cary. Ninja stealth! Tongue Out I think you'd like Fyuria too. She's the strong independent warrior type. She also seems to be an  adult despite her lithe physique. Ellis is sweet and really kindhearted but she seems "childish". I've grown to care about her but not in that "OMG hawtness,I wanna bang you!" kind of way. 


02/09/2014 at 05:23 PM

Well, understand that it takes 100 failures to reach one great work. These people can't expect you to nail your first major release. That's not how creation works, unless you're a prodigy or lucky.  And it only becomes more difficult the more options you have. Square was able to nail a game like Final Fantasy early because the tools were more limited, and the options and language for making a RPG on consoles were more limited.  The lower the bar, the easier to vault over it. But you have not only more complex tools, but 30 years of video game RPG mechanics and approaches to consider.

My un asked for counsel? Determine a deadline for Gutterdelve finality, then get working on the next game. Finishing is an under valued skill in art. Every finished work gets you closer to expertise/professionalism than fiddling with one piece to perfection. My 2 cents.


02/09/2014 at 05:34 PM

Well I know better than to bust my ass trying to make a AAA rpg,Chris. lol. Finacial limitations do effect game design,sadly. I can certainly add statistical tweaks to make certain battles more interesting and tell stories must big-house studios would not dare touch with a ten foot pole. Beyond that I'm kind of limited though.

 You're right too. It is a rather high wall to hurdle over. My problem is some of these "young critics" go into reviewing indie games as if they're "normal games". They never stop to consider if the game was made solely by a small team,single individual, or what budgetery constraints the game's makers were limited by. That and certain "reviewers" will score a game low just because they're "offended". Undecided

 I "have" already started on the sequel. Even if it gets piss scores at least I can proudly claim I followed through and wrapped up the story-arch with these characters.


02/09/2014 at 06:17 PM

Sounds good to me.

The funny thing about creation, even as a past time, is that you never know where it will take you. For now you are at the RPGMaker-ish level, maybe by next year you'll be making stuff like Project Zomboid, Binding of Isaac, or Terraria. Maybe even an Outlast (interesting horror game that I recommend everyone play) one day. You never know. Effort, persistence, and learning (and probably some contacts/networking) seem to work for many artists.


02/09/2014 at 06:36 PM

I'd like to learn the ins and out of other engines eventually,Chris. On Gamejolt someone is actually working on a game-maker for survival horror games and I'd love giving that a go in the future. Still baffles me how noone has made a beat em up maker. I'd be all over that. lol. I have Multimedia fusion as well but honestly it still somewhat confuses me. 


02/09/2014 at 06:51 PM

Well, at least you've learned from the experience, which will no doubt be of great importance in the next game you make.


02/09/2014 at 07:51 PM

I think the best part I've learned from this is to detach myself. The game is done and has been edited to perfection as close at it will get. I have no regrets and gave it my all with the limitations I had at the time.

Best thing I can say when dealing with even the worst abrasive critics is be cold,cordial,and polite. I think these kind of people "feed" on emotional responses so a simple "I'm sorry I failed to meet your expectations this time around. Hopefully I can make a better sequel." is the best way to retort. Of course I did not realize this until it was too late. lol. 

With my next game I'm actually going to be less "hands on" after it's done. I turned off my notifications for new scores and new replies and it's amazing how much less stress I feel. I'll heed "valid criticism" and fix bugs but beyond that I'm not going to get into it with these people anymore.


02/09/2014 at 09:44 PM

Mass Effect 3 was better than good, it was Great!!!  

I like your rating scale.


02/09/2014 at 11:26 PM

I actually don't like numbers,transmet. But I figure if I am forced to use them I'd go by the scale I presented here!


02/10/2014 at 01:35 AM

I think there's a point where any game maker has to put overly critical and negative opinions in one ear and out the other. Bioshock Infinite was one of the highest rated games of last year, but two months after the game released a lot people just decided it sucked.


02/10/2014 at 03:43 AM

It was kind of like that with my game too. When I first posted it on Game-jolt it got nothing but 5's but then a certain person tracked me down and seemed to bring a lot of negativity with him. It's odd how it works but once you have one overly harsh detractor it seems to bring other cynics out of the wood-work. 

Regardless I'm content,Kev. I kept refining Gutterdelve until there were hardly any bugs so beyond a few balancing issues where the game became too easy towards the end it was a decent first game. Besides,it was supposed to be more about the story anyway.


02/10/2014 at 10:19 AM

Yeah, even though I do like when it's played for comedy (like Zero Punctuation), I kinda want to stay away from negativity (videogame or otherwise) and try not other opinions dictate what I should buy or my opinion of the game, which in turn I also can't stand where angry gamers start ralling against games, like what they did with Mass Effect 3 and like Kevin mentioned, Bioshock Infinite. Just to be clear, i'm not against negativity and I can see where caustic critism is neccesary, but too much is too much.

Because I feel that a 1/5 score isn't enough for me, my preference for scores go for something like 10, 9.5, 9 and such.


02/10/2014 at 12:10 PM

I admit I didn't immediately buy Bioshock Infinite. Not because I thought it "sucked" but because at that point I was kind of tired of shooters. I needed to sort of take a break from that genre to rebuild my love for it again!

But yeah, negativity can be a drag and in the future I'm simply not going to feed this people. Bringing up legitimate bugs and balancing issues is fine but simply rattling off a list of things the person found "offensive" then giving my game a "1" is petty.


02/10/2014 at 10:44 AM

The outspoken few will always try to bring you down. I would listen to the positive criticizm and no more. It'll only impact your mood and no good comes from that.

On a side note, I agree with you RE: Lollipop Chainsaw. So many flaws but quite a lot of fun.


02/10/2014 at 12:11 PM

I agree with everything you say. It's a shame I had to learn it the hard way though. lol.

As for LPC, I'm really enjoying it overall! Only parts I sometimes have an issue with are when you stick Nick's head on a zombie corpse and have to do an extended QTE just to get him to move correctly. It's not "game breaking" but it can be a bit annoying. Beyond that I love the fact the bosses are so over the top and there's so many different zombie types!


03/14/2014 at 01:57 PM

That game is sounding more and more my type of game to have as a Octoberween title this year.

I'm sure the great game makers had their haters too in their time. Would the creator of final fantasy given up with games alteogether if his prior titles didn't do that well and just gave up?

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