So today I decided I'd go and talk about a little hobby of mine. Most people do different hobbies. Some people collect stamps or coins. Some people knit. Me...I like to buy and play bad Wii games. Now this is a very odd hobby. I mean there are tons of shovelware titles for Wii...and I do mean a ton. These games can vary from lazy mini game compilations such as Carnival Games or licensed scholck such as Barbie and the Three Musketeers. If you've ever wondered what type of reaction you get when you buy a Barbie game in a store as a grown man...well I wouldn't know....I bought mine online to hide away my shame in the privacy of my home.
Of course you may have wondered if there has been anything I uncovered. Perhaps I unearthed a gem in a steaming pile of crap. And I will admit. I have bought games that I thought would be bad. Take for instance Opoona. I had no idea what Opoona was. All I know is that the box art was odd.
I honestly had to do a double take. What was Opoona and how in the world did this game get localized? Well it's an rpg. Not the greatest rpg in the world, but in a wii starved rpg market...wii gamers took what they could. I gotta admit I was definately surprised. The real time battle mechanics, the art production from Arte Piazza, the music composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto of Final Fantasy Tactics and XII fame, was really a pleasant surprise.
But even some crap can genuinely surprise you. Take for instance Vertigo. Now you may think well is it based off the Hitchcock classic? Does it have anything to do with Vertigo? Absolutely not. No it's a little like Kororinpa Marble Mania, but a far cheaper and more arcadey experience. And again surprisingly it wasn't all too bad. At least I didn't think it was all too bad for what it was...Coulda been coulda been Hamster Heroes.
Now these are just a few examples of games I've bought. I could talk about Ufo who has brought many bad games like Heavenly Guardian, but had a decent, albeit flawed game in Real Heroes: Firefighter or Octomania.
However the king of crap wii games has to be Data Design Interactive. If you don't know them then perhaps you've heard of their crappy PS2 games ported to be crappy wii games. Or perhaps you've heard of The Myth Makers series, Ninja bread Man, Anubis II (not a sequel to anything), and more.
Now I have become almost numb to bad video games. When you play something like M & M's Adventure/kart racing/ kind of have to shut off that part of your brain that screams to you "What are you doing!? This game is horrible!" But I've come to appreciate good games like Mario...because they could be very bad.