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Bits and Pieces

On 02/10/2014 at 07:34 PM by Ranger1

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Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2014

Not to be confused with Random Stuff.

I've spent a good chunk of the last couple of days playing Tales of Xillia. I really like the game, heck, I've liked all the Tales games I've played. Jason watched me play for a bit when he was over the other night and he remarked that it looked like I was in my own anime movie. He hasn't seen Ni No Kuni yet, lol. I like the story, I like the characters, I like doing quests for people, I like the skits. The cut scenes are a little long (not Xenosaga long, but long enough), but it's the battle system I have the biggest issue with. The finer points are lost on me, and lets not even discuss strategy. I mash buttons and hope for the best, and I usually do ok. I dislike that play style in the extreme, though. I like knowing what I'm doing, and I always feel like I haven't a clue and that I'm not really in control. Kind of like the day in my wildlife biology class when we went out and played with the trank gun. I pointed in the general vicinity of the bale of hay we were using for a target, closed my eyes, pulled the trigger, and hoped for the best. I was one of the few that hit the target. Great, except that I knew it was just pure dumb luck. And this is why I don't shoot. You can all thank me now.

Anyway, I finished Chapter 1 in ToX over the weekend. No idea how many chapters are in the game, but for moment I don't care, I'm having fun. Last night I nodded off with the controller in my hand and discovered that it was 2:40 AM. No wonder I nodded off! I love that feeling of being so immersed in a game that you lose track of time.

As for today, my rehire papers went out in the mail. Only 48 more days to go until I'm back at the park. I also took the dog out for a romp in the woods, we have a three mile route that we do that is made up of two loops that I refer to as the Big Loop and the Pond Loop. I dropped the leash in the snow at the furthest point away on the Big Loop and didn't realize it until we'd finished the Pond Loop. It wouldn't have been a problem, except that it was the good leash, and it was getting toward the time when the other dog walkers show up. Bandit is a great dog, but he is unpredictable around strange dogs and I didn't feel comfortable heading onto the busiest part of the trail at the busiest time of day. We trudged back out, found the leash, and made it home without meeting anyone, but that three miles had then morphed into almost five, all spent trudging though a foot of unpacked snow. Think walking in sand, but you can't take your shoes off. We both got a good workout, and I don't think Bandit will complain that he's bored tonight.

Well, I'm off to figure out how I'm going to interpret today's photo prompt.




02/10/2014 at 08:13 PM

The only Tales game I've ever played is Symphonia. I liked the graphics and the music and (most of) the characters and the story but I never did fully grasp the battle system. Mashing buttons got me through most battles but bosses were a horrible slog that only a large stock of healing items could get me through.


02/11/2014 at 08:45 AM

And that would be my strategy, as well. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/11/2014 at 02:01 AM

I forgot all about those photo prompts until you sparked my memory just now ... hmmm ... need to go find that link again. In fact, my memory and cognitive function in general, along with my eyes, have suffered a great deal as of late due to lack of sleep and too much looking at computer screens.

Glad you and your dog had fun. I kinda want to buy myself a cat. 


02/11/2014 at 08:44 AM

That link is woefully out of date, but I have them all up on Facbook.

Cats are good companions, and pets help with depression and anxiety. Go for it. Just remember that vets are frigging expensive. The dog had an ear infection and it cost me $120 just for the initial visit and the ear meds.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/11/2014 at 10:40 AM

Oh yeah, we went through all that expense with Clinger; they only get more expensive when they get sick. Still, I wouldn't mid a furry companion with me in here.

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

02/11/2014 at 07:56 AM

Ihate to say this, but I've never played a Tales game at all.  I still remember looking at the jewel case for Tales of Destiny for $20 new back when Game Stop was Electronics Boutique and saying to myself "eh, I'll pick it up sometime down the road", not relealizing that there would be sooooo many sequels.  And now, I just feel like I'm too far behind on the series.

It's always fun hearing about your adventures in nature.  You truly are a ranger, girl.


02/11/2014 at 08:41 AM

Jamie, grab a Tales game, any Tales game. They are all stand alones, so no catching up required. I personally recommend Symphonia as my favorite.


02/11/2014 at 11:12 AM

Heck yeah going back to the park! Good stuff. As for the 3 mile walk, that has to be one happy and tired dog. Along with the gaming, sounds like you had a full plate of activities!


02/11/2014 at 11:36 AM

Chris three miles would have been great, that's our normal walk. It ended up being closer to five, due to the leash mishap. He was happy, I was tired, sweaty, and was having back spasms. Today's walk will be on snowshoes.


02/11/2014 at 11:56 AM

I've had a similar problems with most of the Tales games I've played, especially getting those elemental attack changes in Abyss. There were many times I thought I timed my attack right, only noticing I wasn't quite in the correct position, just missing out on dealing some serious damage.


02/11/2014 at 12:12 PM

Yeah, I gave up trying to figure it out. If I really wanted to, I could probably find something online about what moves to string together, but I'm not that OCD about it.


02/11/2014 at 02:55 PM

I'd love to jump into a Tales game but i'm concerned about the time sink. I really hope they release one stateside on the vita


02/11/2014 at 08:14 PM

They're definitely a time sink. But what a lovely time sik they are!


03/17/2014 at 02:31 PM

Soon is shall be time to return to the park. Good to hear!

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