I was also very dissapointed with Munch's Oddysee, and my dissapointment was even worse because I had been waiting to play it for years. The original Oddworld game was one of the two games that made me buy a playstation (the other being Tony Hawk). I never bought an X-Box, and besides KOTOR the only thing that ever made me regret that decision was that the Oddworld series continued on the X-Box instead of on the playstation.When it (and Stranger's Wrath) finally became available on the PSN last year I eagerly bought them, but was dissapointed with both. I still played through and finished Stranger's Wrath, but after several levels I just kind of stopped playing Munch's Oddysee and sort of forgot about it. Like you said, it wasn't that it was a bad game. It was just kind of boring.
BaD Games: Top 10 Most Disappointing Games Part 3
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![]() On 02/11/2014 at 10:37 AM by Blake Turner ![]() See More From This User » |
6. Final Fantasy XIII
The game is pretty, and has an AMAZING soundtrack. That's all I can say good about it. Oh, and the cutscenes are pretty neat, but it's a Final Fantasy game. You knew that going in.
The game is relentlessly linear, to the point where half the time you're simply walking up a corridor as wide as your body and waiting until the next cutscene. Seriously, Final Fantasy XIII is more entertaining to watch on youtube than it is to play. Well, it would be if the plot wasn't utter shit and there was a single likeable character in the entire game.
So yeah, not only is it the worst game in the series, it's one of the worst games Square Enix has ever published, and they publish some utter shit. Like Chrono Trigger, which is the worst game ever made by anyone ever.
P.S. The above statement is totally true and completely without jest. Fuck you and your childhood.
5. Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee
Speaking of vicious attacks on the childhood: Munch's Oddysee. Playing the Oddworld games are some of my fondest gaming memories as a child. I mean, YOU COULD POSSESS YOUR OWN FARTS! What kid wouldn't love that game? Of course, it was creepy as fuck, had an extremely dark sense of humour, was – and still is – an aesthetic masterpiece, and I've yet to play anything even remotely similar in terms of themes, humour, or gameplay. Again, YOU COULD POSSESS YOUR OWN FARTS! AND PEOPLE!
The problem with Munch's Oddysee isn't that it's a bad game, because it's not. If it had nothing to do with the Oddworld series, I'd probably say it was well written, gorgeous – well, for an Xbox game. I mean, just go back and play Halo and see how shit it is – I mean plays – LOOKS! Although fuck Halo, and again, your childhood.
The problem is that apart from the humour and world, it just isn't as unique as the other Oddworld games. It plays like a par the course Xbox era 3D platformer. The puzzles are easy. There is no threat. In the original game, a single enemy was terrifying. The music creeped you out, and if you fucked up once you were dead. One hit. Boom. Here, you have a health bar. Hear, enemies are wiped out extremely easy. There is no tension. There is no stealth. There is no quick thinking. No tense getaways. Worst of all, NO POSSESSION OF FARTS! Everything that made the series fresh and unique is absent in this game, and it's damn disappointing as a result.
Also, the biggest disappointment of them all though? They sold out to Microsoft. Abe was basically a PS1 mascot, and now he was only on the Xbox? It's bullshit.
The original games are still amazing though, and hold up as one of the few games on the PS1 that actually hold up, unlike Final Fantasy VII. That's not fair. Final Fantasy VII was always shit.
BOOM! Might want to call up The Allied Forces because yo' childhood just got holocausted BEEYATCH!