The only time I ever hit 99 with everybody was in Final Fantasy 6. I was obsessed with that game and wanted to do everything possible. I ain't got time for that sort of thing anymore. I'll grind if I need to, or am having fun with the battle system, but that's about it.
Blog a Day- Day 11- When Level 99 Isn't Enough
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![]() On 02/11/2014 at 02:17 PM by NintendoFanJon ![]() See More From This User » |
I seem to be in an rpg fix as of late. But while I sink in countless hours into games that I will never finish I want to talk about leveling or level grinding for this blog. Rpg's usually follow the staple of the highest level being 99. This is usually the case in games like Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest. It's the golden number. The one you hope to achieve. Often though you will get games that buck that trend.
If we go by a few examples, even in regards to loose definitions of rpg's Pokemon allows you to grind your way to level 100. This is a small difference so it's not a truly drastic significance, but it's enough of a change that I have to list it. But Pokemon isn't just one game that strays from the beaten path.
Take for instance Tales of Graces F...a game that allows you to level well up to 200. That is astounding to me. I mean I think that is a little overkill to be honest...and who has that sort of time on their hands? I mean yes I know that people have done it. I've watched playthroughs where I have seen the gentlemen battle...if you aren't at level 200 for it you're screwed.
Even Mario hasn't followed the staple level system. If you look at Super Mario RPG/ Paper Mario the max level you can reach is an astonishing 30. Yeah, you'd be suprised at just how leveling is taken. Because there are games where you get say 5000 experience and gain a level....Mario just made that two zeroes shorter whittling down to 50 for a level gain. So it's a very unique and different take.
Or let's say you buy a game like Disgaea or Phantom Brave. These games allow you to power level obscenely high. How high might you ask? Why over 9000!!!! But to allow for such a mechanic to be put in place to achieve a 999 level or even level astounding. I have seen strategies and walkthroughs when this has happened. I for one have a hard time achieving such a gargantuan feat myself. How someone can sink well over thousands of hours to dedicate themselves in such a way....I give kudos and props to.
Now I like to think I'm a pretty good gamer. I try to do as many sidequests as possible, try to unlock everything that I can, beat extra challenging post game/new game + dungeons, but I cannot for the life of me even attempt to do a level 999 or even a level 99 run these days. I'm just happy beating the main game now. There was a time when I did thos things long ago, but now not so much. But perhaps you have your own accomplishments. Has any of my fellow pixlbit readers achieved that 100% perfectionist feat? Comments are always greatly appreciated!