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It's so ... BaD! (Strong, Hate-Filled Language)

On 02/12/2014 at 12:55 AM by Super Step

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Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2014

Oh right, I was supposed to have a bunch of complaints in my blogs as per the theme I said I decided on before BaD started on February 3rd. Oops. 

Well, I guess I'll just give you a rundown of my day and see what I can complain about from there. *Ahem*

So I woke up pretty early, actually, but then I decided to go back to sleep because I was still tired and it was raining, thus the perfect combination for sleeping in. Hell, yesterday I was thinking the school would be shut down due to inclement weather, but nope, just raining and cold.

Complaint #1 I love rain, so no complaints about today. I'd love to live in Seattle. But it made me think of all the previous days when there was no precipitation of any kind, it was just cold, which is scientifically proven, by way of my own personal and empirical research, to be the most useless, bullshit kind of weather there is. Oh, so I have to put a jacket on, but I don't get a snow day? Mother Nature, you're a cunt. And fuck yourself harder when it's sunny and cold outside and I forget to check the weather, having to deal with shorts and flip flops as I rush to work with icicle balls. I hope the polar vortex gets polar vortex AIDs, just like rodeo cowboy Matthew McConaughey, now with cocaine accessories. Make rodeo cowboy Matthew McConaughey the life of your Barbie Funhouse ... you faggot.  

See that text the idiots at Perez Hilton put there, talking to McConaughey? Those are AIDs. Know how AIDs happen? When weather is cold, but it's sunny outside.

Complaint #2 Why in the fuck has science not made an alarm clock that is also a beer hat that serves caffeine instead of alcohol when it goes off and is able to be comfortably worn in bed? Fuck flying cars, I want my Wake Up Barbie Not-A-Beer-Hat you white-coated, tiny-dicked pricks! What is taking you so goddamned long?!

The fact this is on a fat white guy drinking beer instead of an Indian physicict drinking coffee is exactly why China should scare us. 

Complaint #3 All school districts, please decide whether or not you are going to shut down; and furthermore, if you say you're thinking about it, just go ahead and fucking shut down, this country ain't gonna get any better at science just because you're open, please accept our fuckedness and move on; the night before, and let us all move on with our lives and sleep in. The previous awkwardly worded run-on sentence, the terms "ain't" and "fuckedness," and the lack of any real citations or evidence to back up the claim that school closures will not impact scientific literacy were brought to you by whichever United States school district you want it to have been brought to you by.

Meanwhile, at Liberty University

Complaint #4 The fact rainy weather, the Superbowl and Halloween do not result in national holidays is also horseshit. Some of us are respectful enough to honor the wishes of the brave young men and women that fight for our right to sleep in, stuff our faces with candy, and watch television all day, you fucking government heathens. Do your jobs and give us holidays, none for you! You haven't earned it until you actually punish Goldman Sachs et al. like a good government. An Icelandic one. No soup for you. 

Look at what you did, Louie Gohmert! I blame you most of all, cause you misrepresent me so!

Anyway, upon waking up, I got a bunch of texts from DJs asking about CDs, because I guess they were working on the computer today. Since literally everything I'd be doing in my office would have involved that computer and answering questions, and obviously they all have my phone number, I decided to stay home and just make up the office hours at some later date. 

Complaint #5 Why do robots not already do every job? Where are all the fucking robots? Why can't I manipulate the time-space continuum with a PowerGlove and join Bill and Ted on their excellent adventure, which was depicted in a movie I'm aware of because of pop culture, but never actually saw? 

Oh right, cause Fred fucking Savage just had to go and stop the mating ritual that would have allowed that to happen. Thanks for not sharing the wonder years with the rest of us. Dick.

 So I hopped on Facebook and was greeted with posts of a PolicyMic article saying the Twitter hashtag #SochiProblems that consisted of journalists and others mocking the piss-poor conditions in the Olympic Village hotels in Sochi said more about privileged Westerners (specifically Americans in the title of the article) than about struggling Russians. Dissenting comments noted that a Canadian started the twitter feed, not Americans, and that no one said Russia should have been paradise, but the fun-poking was at the corrupt government that pocketed 51 billion dollars for the event and did little or nothing with it, as evidenced by the tweets. 

Complaint #6 I have sympathy for the people of Russia (especially the unpaid and exploited workers the government made work on setting up), but their homophobic government can drink some of the piss water they've claimed they can prove is being wasted by the cameras they put in everyones' showers and lick my balls. Except don't, that's nasty. On a happier note, female snowboarders can Russia my mother any time ... I think. Finally, The Daily Show's take on all this made me laugh more than PolicyMic's, and is therefore the correct take.

Oh but y'know, we should keep our tweets more sensitive, like they do.

Complaint #7 What city doesn't have NBC available on broadcast (only on cable)? What the fuck, Nacogdoches? I want to ogle some snowboarders. Stop being Communists. 

The real reason to watch the Olympics

 Then I saw a Buzzfeed article, which is good, because those are all complaints. 

A lot of these I understand from the customer's perspective, even having been a waiter, but one in particular will make me rip your eyes out if I ever see you do it when your service was fine:

Complaint #8 (18 0n the Buzzfeed List): Seriously, if you don't tip your servers (in the U.S., where they are paid $2.13/hr like I was "plus" tips; plus in quotes because taxes), you are a little shit of a boy (not a man, regardless of your age) and you deserve to be curb-stomped American History X style. I worked at Outback Steakhouse, where a table not tipping meant your tip share paid what was expected anyway. In other words, employees, some of whom had children and serious responsibilities, trying to do their best with the job they were able to get, could lose money going to work. It did happen, I saw the service, it was fine. Anything that happens to you as a result of not tipping a decent waitstaff employee is deserved. 


Then I vomited my cafeteria food, which literally made me sad while eating it. 

Complaint #9 Corned beef with coleslaw and chipotle mustard is not good when cold. Granted, the problem could be overeating or lactose intolerance, but those things didn't make me sad. 

Not remotely what I ate

Then I did my cardio in the gym. Before going, I sat for a while and made it to level 7 in Spanish and French in duolingo.

Then I hopped online back at the apartment and got on here where I read another Buzzfeed article a former co-worker mentioned.

Complaint #10 (12 and 15 in article) Oh God, the shame. I felt like a Nazi during their prominence, even if I never did anything wrong (not even underage drinking around or near campus; seriously) during my tenure as a CA (we were called Community Assistants at SFASU). But I totally did and would have done those things had I been in any other job.

"The key to success is not to smoke the mary jew wanna. Also, I totally smoked it my Freshman semester and got a 4.0, but none of you can. Meeting adjourned.

As for 15, drinking is not an excuse to make me your babysitter, asshole. And don't tell me your rich parents will pay for damages when I check you out. People who take this job often do it cause of financial struggles, and saying that after being a pain in the ass is not going to help you. Jackass. 

Finally, to make this game related 

Complaint #11 Writing this blog cut into my Ghost Trick playing time. Damn you all.

Before I cease to exist, I will ... zzzzzzzzzzz




02/12/2014 at 01:03 AM

Dat Obama picture.

And I was digging on some female speedskaters myself. Dat ass (and legs).

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/12/2014 at 01:23 AM

Haven't seen them yet. I may start streaming it from NBC's website, but I feel cheated, having just bought a TV.


02/12/2014 at 09:45 AM

Fuck it!

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/12/2014 at 10:42 AM

Come on, man. Snowboarding women aren't "it"s. lol


02/12/2014 at 11:36 AM



02/12/2014 at 10:31 AM

I'm totally with you on loving rain. Might be my background, but nothing relaxes me more than when it's absolutely pouring outside.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/12/2014 at 10:43 AM


Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/12/2014 at 11:52 AM

Firstly, on tips. Why the fuck is America so backwards? Going to work should be based on a salary, not a fucking tip system. Goddamn.

 Oh, and on the Homosexual thing in Russia - Fuck you guys. I was just starting to root for the Russian spies in The American's, and you pull this shit? It's now legal to assault gay people because they are apparently pedophiles? Do you know what the difference between a gay man and a Pedophile is? 

A gay man looks like this:

A pedophile looks like this:

Or this

And this:

 I don't remember where I was going but it's shocking how many celebrity pedophiles there are..

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/12/2014 at 12:08 PM

I thought Ian Watkins was Sid Vicious. As fake as Vicious's bass playing was, that would have made me sad. It already does make me sad that while nothing Chaplin did technically fits the legal definition of pedophilia, he was 54 when he married an 18 year old. 

Elvis is not my favorite entertainer to begin with, so meh. Ian Watkins is by far the worst offender in my opinion ... holy shit. 

I agree with you about our ridiculous tip system.


02/12/2014 at 03:24 PM

I still don't know much about the pedo claims on Elvis and I rather not go to that and the one of Chaplin seems recent to me (care to explain?). But yeah, I was shocked with the news on Ian Watkins, even if I haven't heard much of Lostprophets music. It doesn't ruin the music for me (after all, the rest of the band didn't do anything and Ian wasn't the sole force on the music), but it will definitly leave a mark for the story of an otherwise good band.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/12/2014 at 04:04 PM

For Chaplin: No idea how accurate that is or what sources it's based on, but it's what I read.


03/25/2014 at 05:35 PM

Technically if Chaplin married an 18/16 year old at 50 something it's still legal. Not the norm? I agree! Illegal? Nope. And the proper term for "lusting after teenagers" is ephebophilia not pedophilia. Frankly I think we might all be a little guilty of that within our more taboo fantasies. I'm not saying it's right to fuck teens that do not even know what they want out of life yet but to say adults do not find teens "physically attractive" to some degree is simply being in denial. Besides,18 is the age of sexual consent. (In some places it can even be 16 or 14 but eh,guess it depends on where you live!)

That and in Chaplin's time teens grew up faster because they had to. Today we have a culture that babies teens (Who are actually young adults) and refers to them as children. Treat someone like a child long enough and they act like one!

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/25/2014 at 06:16 PM

It really should be determined by mental, not physical age, but as of now that's subjective, so having a cut-off for what age you can sleep with based on general maturity makes sense. 

I don't know whether teens are or aren't more babied now, so no comment there. I know other countries have lower ages of consent I don't really disagree with. To me the gap is more troublesome. A 50 year old dating even a legal 18 year old is pushing it, but an 18 and 16 year old? Eh, I can barely tell the difference. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

03/25/2014 at 09:25 PM

Oh yeah. And there's the fact that people who are 16 can look and behave more adult than an 18 year old. Realistically, young women will always be attractive to males because that's when they start to become sexual beings. I mean in the middle east they get married and start having babies at 13-14. It'd suck ass to go from there to here when you're accustomed to dating much younger than you are. 


03/25/2014 at 09:36 PM

I agree with an age cut off point too when it comes to sex. Probably because it seems "culturally correct" for me. I cannot help but to take on the values of my society!

But I do think that a 14 year old from The Wild West or 1920's would not be the same as a 14 year old today. There would definitely be differences when factoring in self reliance and overall maturity when you compare teens from different historical eras. Heck,Charlie Chaplin lived a long time ago and young women marrying older men has not always been so taboo.

It's a tough topic to cover though. There are many cultural factors as well.

But regardless of a bit of immaturity, I still do not see teens as "children" so throwing out the word "pedophile" whenever teens are involved with someone older seems a bit misguided to me personally.


02/12/2014 at 01:19 PM

The stuff going on in Russia is just weird, so I'm not all that interested in watching the games.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/12/2014 at 01:27 PM

I still want to watch the actual games for the sexy ladies, but yeah, I wouldn't be mad at anyone boycotting them. 


02/12/2014 at 03:18 PM

You know, when you rage I sometimes feel like you would be even angrier than Blake.

And yeah, fuck Russias's current homophobia.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/12/2014 at 03:19 PM

That or maybe I am Blake and we're pulling the wool over everyone's eyes by occassionally switching places via e-mail swapping.


02/13/2014 at 12:50 PM

Wait a CA? Was that like an RA? When I was in school we had RA's and CA's who assisted the RA's and promoted programs, and lived in the dorms. I was a CA. 

My big complaint is that the Monday After Super Bowl Sunday should be a holiday because who wants to work after the Super Bowl? 

I don't get why people don't tip. Those folks bust their ass in remembering what you and a bunch of other tables drink, food, etc. Kick them a couple of bucks. 

Silje Norendal...enough said

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/13/2014 at 02:04 PM

We were CAs (Community Assistants) as opposed to RAs (resident Assistants) and did everything any RA would as well as promoted and oversaw programs in the dorms/residence halls/what-have-you. I promoted to AHD (Assistant Hall Director my senior year. 

As for tips, the people who don't tip despite good service are NEVER former servers. Every time I hear the argument "but all they do is ... " I want to force that person to work the job. The lack of empathy is a huge societal problem we have, beyond just tipping culture. 

And yes, norway is nice, ya. 


02/13/2014 at 08:59 PM

Hot damn I think we both had the same jobs, except at SDSU the Community Assistants worked at two dorms that geared everything towards helping Freshmen succeed in their first year of college. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/14/2014 at 01:43 AM

I was actually the first AHD of Lumberjack Landing, the new dorm they opened in Fall 2011 as part of the new Freshman program the department had just added ... have I ever told you the CA across from me was Tigger at Disneyland, and his room was decked out in Tigger decor?


03/25/2014 at 03:23 PM

...just wow..

I don't have anything witty to say. That's just funny.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/25/2014 at 05:27 PM

Thank you. lol


03/25/2014 at 05:42 PM

Russia is a good country with good people. I really would come down on them for homophobia but America is still struggling with it too. At least to me it seems as if gay marriage should be legal in every state but it is still not. That and a few years ago homosexuals were being beaten up or outright murdered here in Asheville for awhile. (And Asheville is known for its' gay tolerance despite being in the south) I cannot cast stones until my own house is in order!

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/25/2014 at 06:14 PM

The geographic location and people in Russia are fine, obviously I meant Putin and their government, who have always had WAY more problems than just the gay thing. 

Yeah, we have our own bullshit, but I don't believe we're as bad as Russia in many regards.


03/25/2014 at 09:54 PM

I cannot wrap my mind around justified homophobia,Joe. So is Putin promoting the homophobia or is that something seperate all together? Forgive my ignorance!

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/25/2014 at 11:16 PM

Look up Winter Olympics 2014, or Crimea, which is more recent, and I'm sure you'll find some reference to why Putin's an asshole. 


03/26/2014 at 01:32 AM

Yeah,I also read about how any gay-pride rally is now illegal over the fear it might turn heterosexual children into homosexual children.

It's pure bullocks but I guess people let science and logic fly out the window in the face of their idiotic bigotry!

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