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BaD Games: Top 10 Most Disappointing Games Part 4

On 02/12/2014 at 03:16 PM by Blake Turner

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4. The Uncharted Series

After creating Crash Bandicoot and Jak and Daxter, Naughty Dog went on to this? A game where the shooting is abysmal, the platforming is essentially a quicktime event and the only reason you play is for the set pieces. So essentially I'm playing through shitty gameplay to get to a plot you stole from Indiana Jones? No fucking thank you. I'd rather play a good game.

Let's not even mention that Nathan Drake is absolutely despicable. Yahtzee put it best when he described the motto of this series as: “Fuck you, got mine.” Seriously, Drake will kill anyone to be rich. He throws a fucking security guard to his death for no fucking reason in the second game. He is a monster. An evil monster who is only called a hero because he's handsome and rich.  

 And really, why are these games so popular? They may look amazing for a PS3 game, but they play like ass and have a generic as fuck story. It represents what's wrong with gaming: "Errr... this game is pretty and looks like movie. 10/10!" Get fucked.

3. Silent Hill – Everything after 4

I said this in my last list, but America can go fuck itself with 10 inch cactus. Sure their rise in power has brought about an amount of civility and prosperity the human race has never seen, reduced the amount of violence significantly, and made most of the world a safer place, but hey, games are more important than that shit. Post SH4 feels like season 4 of Community – You can tell they tried, but they missed the point completely.

The monsters in Silent Hill weren't just designed to look disgusting, they were also designed to be symbolic of the central character's psyche. So can somebody please tell me why the guy looking for his brother is seeing the sexually frustrated nurses that represented James' fucked up libido?

The games aren't scary anymore, and their plots are in steady decline. American horror and Japanese horror are completely different, and they scare us because Japanese culture and mythology is unknown to us, whereas typical American Horror tropes are played to death here.




02/12/2014 at 03:31 PM

I'm not sure I genuinely care enough to defend the series but I finshed the first two Uncharted games and enjoyed them. The overall sense of exploration was great and the story moved along at a fantastic pace even if extremely linear. Yes, there's parts that were lame (terrible jetski sections in UC1, final boss in UC2, etc., etc.) but overall I liked them. I'd have to have built them up quite a bit to call them a disapointment. And I am a HUGE Crash Bandicoot fan


02/12/2014 at 03:32 PM

If you would have cought me back in 2010 right after I finished Uncharted 2, I most definitely would have disagreed with you.  Nowadays I am inclined to agree.  I have little to no desire to replay any of the Uncharted games.  All I really want to do right now is replay the Jak and Daxter series because those games were fun.  Fun is good.  I want them to make Jak 4.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

02/12/2014 at 03:44 PM

As a reviewer who plays an ungodly amount of shitty games, abysmal does not even come close to describing Uncharted's combat. Mediocre I don't necessarily agree with, but can see where you're coming from. I still can go back and replay Uncharted 2 at least, but if you wanted to spend a lot of time bashing 1 and 3, well, I'd have no issue with that.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/12/2014 at 04:29 PM

i know it's not abysmal, but it isn't satisfying. It isn't fun to me at all. I tried replaying Uncharted 2 and it REALLY wasn't as good as I remembered. 


02/12/2014 at 04:02 PM

Your right about Silent Hill, Downpour had a great story but execution hurt it.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/12/2014 at 04:02 PM

I thought Silent Hill was a Japanese-developed series. Or did it switch from Japanese to American hands later on?

Blake Turner Staff Writer

02/12/2014 at 04:04 PM

Yeah they switched it after 4, which is roughly then the series became awful.


02/12/2014 at 05:55 PM

I think Uncharteds are well made, but they don't go beyond that. That is not enough. Well made doesn't equal interesting or enjoyable. The platforming and shooting are average at best, lacking the rigor of some of the Tomb Raider games, Prince of Persias, Gears, RE4, Vanquish. And I didn't experience any exploration in these games. Completely linear and nothing to interesting to find. And the enemy variety is lacking. Seems like it's just a matter of what people like in games. I never thought Uncharted was anything special from the time the first game was first announced *shrug*

I think the legacy of American horror is overall superior, but no one knows what to do with Silent Hill besides Team Silent. Maybe From Software or Fractional could do something with it. Outlast is a pretty good game in a similar vein, but SH is just a brand unto itself. 


02/12/2014 at 05:59 PM

I could only find a 9 inch cactus,Blake. My bad,bro! Tongue Out


02/12/2014 at 08:27 PM

I'm glad to see Uncharted on here. I certainly had my fill of that rubbish.


02/13/2014 at 08:06 PM

What got me with Uncharted where some of those sections where it felt almost like a movie. I never really cared about how much Drake was about himself or how him and his buddy (his name escapes me) were kind of discpicable but tried to turn things around towards the end. I really enjoyed 2, 3 was ok, and the Vita version had elements I really liked, but I can't get myself to finish the orignal. 

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